Anyone who doesn't mind or deals with my ranting/frustrations with this got damn game...I appreciate you and grateful to have met you. <3
There are two people that can go fuck themselves ha! They know who they are.
The MK community, although recently pisses me off, I find and acknowledge as the best group of folks one can encounter.
I suppose if I had to make a small list of people very close to me/respect exceptionally in this community it'd be:
catch22 - just like family
Tim Static - brought me to the mk community
AU_WANNA_DIE - my leader of clan and amazing friend
Jamesmk - father like figure in the community
@trepound380 - just like family
IKizzLE - <3 trolling this guy
FOREVER KING - sexiest man ever
S1LENT1 - helped me with streaming
Perfect Legend - gdlk friend for many years
Starcharger28 - talks hella shit lol
@krys9984 - way too nice
THTB - gdlk friend
Ashenar - talks a lot to haha
soonk - awesome rival
B W1zZ awesome as hell
Check - my inspiration to my favorite mk fighting games
colt - made the game i hate/love the most
GGA Jeremiah - fellow shokan
HAN - will sleep anywhere haha
MaceWind - the most down to earth guy ever
Riu48 - nicest guy
Tom Brady - the most entertaining
Pig Of The Hut - dedicated player
Maxter - pretty cool
Dizzy - it's dizzy, there is no other reason
@mo3 - hella chill
Osu 16 Bit - hypest guy, been a cool friend for years
McNasty - mentioned me
REYTHEGREAT - mentioned me
Blackula - well...someone has to play kenshi lol
Hitoshura - plays a character as dark as i am lol, and pretty chill
DanCock - not afraid to be himself, mad respect
Medina4life - awesome rival
REO - gdlk
MKK hanzo - gdlk
DetroitBalln313 - <3 me
ZAQ - haha it's Zaq, ZAQ is amazing
Dark_Rob - great person to talk to
9.95 - very humble and the most passionate for the MK community
STORMS - the boss
Shock - the legend, who i look up to from the old days
Krayzie - very relaxed and cool guy
Sabin - plays everything, the most informative, and pretty cool