AK Stormthegates
Fish Nets or Mean Green Machine? Your choice mang.
yeah I can agree, honestly if his chain dash were just invincible on wake-up like most everyone else's junk is, he would be set. Add maybe a hitbox change since it doesn't AA as well as it should. To overbuff it, make it an overhead starter so he can 50/50 people from half-screen and I'll pick him up as a second xD
Its like f.throw -> jump-> mic grab xx thwack -> double jump -> mic grab xx thwack -> land then short hop -> mic grab xx thwack -> land -> mic grab into f.throw repeat.
Its all neutral commands, so it comes out f.throw -> X -> O/\ -> X -> O/\ -> x -> O/\ -> O f.throw
If you do it right, you'll avoid the AP burst entirely.
People are sheep and idiots. What can ya do, ya know?
Manhunter is "stronger" because he is easier and more straight forward to use. Success is not only about tools and potential. It is also about usability. Zatanna is exactly like Catwoman but with Magic. You have to work way, way harder to get your damage and your wins. Zatanna also has to rely on gimmicks in order to outplay the current high tier characters and I'm quite sure that she will eventually be exactly as popular as Catwoman/Harley are now maybe even less so.
Straw man argument. Nobody said or implied CatWoman is "super hard to play". I only implied, that she is more execution heavy than the current high tier characters. And I'm implying as well that one reason why the current high tier characters are just that is their ease of usage. And that's why I assume Zatanna will not be there at least not until some high execution player chooses her an spends a lot of time perfecting his game.Implying catwoman is super hard to play lol
Sorry couldn't resist xD
You have got to be shitting me. His is not user friendly at all! His projectiles and combo execution are extremely strict. You are correct in the fact he doesn't have to worry about zoning as much but his zoning is very advanced. Try learning the MU first.MMH is the best DLC by miles. It's no contest.
MMH can't be zoned and he can zone you all day. MMH also has a plethora of tools that rivals no other user in the cast.MMH has no losing matches and may end up being toned down in the future (if NRS is bright). And to ice everything on the cake... he is also very user friendly and easy to spam with.
Straw man argument. Nobody said or implied CatWoman is "super hard to play". I only implied, that she is more execution heavy than the current high tier characters. And I'm implying as well that one reason why the current high tier characters are just that is their ease of usage. And that's why I assume Zatanna will not be there at least not until some high execution player chooses her an spends a lot of time perfecting his game.
To be fair, a package of string cheese is more execution heavy than the current high tiers.Straw man argument. Nobody said or implied CatWoman is "super hard to play". I only implied, that she is more execution heavy than the current high tier characters. And I'm implying as well that one reason why the current high tier characters are just that is their ease of usage. And that's why I assume Zatanna will not be there at least not until some high execution player chooses her an spends a lot of time perfecting his game.
Convince you? How about I do the opposite by suggesting trading or selling your copy of Injustice.
good luck with current-shitty-scorpionYeah I was going to say except for him but I figured his fanboys would try and attack this thread.