extended USB hub?Its a pain in the ass to set up... trust me.
plus the last thing I need is some bastard ruining my usb ports on my 1000+ computer
extended USB hub?Its a pain in the ass to set up... trust me.
plus the last thing I need is some bastard ruining my usb ports on my 1000+ computer
Didn't you hear? Winning EVO doesn't matter if you don't win locals too!I won evo the following year. too
That is so true just watch a comparison of ME3 on both systems and you will trully see a huge difference that game's cinematics scenes have huge I mean huge frame drop issues.DOA and KI are similar in that they both heavily involve mind games, personally that's what I think is enjoyable and fun to watch. There are a lot more potential hype moments when players have multiple instances where they can break damage and come back.
PS3 is crap for injustice. Go to Fortress pick Zod and do his meter burn orb projectile, massive frame drops. Unfortunately the PS3 and 360 Era involved a lot of games that were developed on xbox and then ported to PS3 and as such they took performance hits on PS3. It's not necessarily the fault of the hardware or software the PS3 runs on it's more of an issue with developers being lazy. All the same Injustice and many of the other ports run worse on PS3.
Well you're obviously not going to tournaments so it shouldn't matter to you what system the game is being played on. 360 is best for tournaments.That is so true just watch a comparison of ME3 on both systems and you will trully see a huge difference that game's cinematics scenes have huge I mean huge frame drop issues.
As for IGAU on PS3 I never really noticed many issues except being online, which I rarely do anyway, even though the AI is terrible to practice against I would perfer that over dealing with online delay issues anyday.
Perfect Legend : I get what you mean in all, though 360 is standard, but unfortunately I have this thing called a family that demands I feed, clothe, and house them and that costs this wonderful thing called money, you know that greenish paper stuff that you use to exchange for goods and services. So just dropping some bucks for a 360 version of the game is just not realistic ( I do have a 360 though, whcih the wife keeps on lockdown). I'm just messing with ya man, I just don't have the cash to drop on a 3rd copy of IGAU and since I recently managed to get the PS4 version this past week (oddly enough an early X-Mas gift) I will say it runs very nice on the system with very lil frame issues, but I still think there are things with the mechanics that were either changed or not patched from the older version.
The issues I noticed is as many said D1 shackles doesn't work, well as far as I have seen HQs TS 1 only works if its hit confirmed and D1 Redemption from BG doesn't come out at all.
Well I frequent my local scene guy and am still getting ready for majors since I'm nearly done with school. I know what I said sounded like I was being an ass, but its a hard truth for many of us that play the games.Well you're obviously not going to tournaments so it shouldn't matter to you what system the game is being played on. 360 is best for tournaments.
Color me satisfied, four coinciding opinions from differing sources is enough evidence to elicit a change from me, one of which being a developer.
Granted I should have stated from an offline-play perspective. I could care less about how online functions. I go into that mode expecting for it to mess up in well... any online game from Marvel vs Capcom to League of Legends to Phantasy Star Online and everything in-between.
This comment above is another example of how you feel your opinion is gold and what you say everyone should simply abide by your word. Again feeling the need to show everyone you are still relevant and we should all continue to look up to you.Well you're obviously not going to tournaments so it shouldn't matter to you what system the game is being played on. 360 is best for tournaments.