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Community-Restricted Kabal and System Kabal (UPDATES TBA)

Matador Fiend

Dojo Trainee
I dont see why this isnt allowed. Anything that has not been patched should be tourny viable. This isnt MKII where they have to go around and fix every arcade machine in the country. This could be patched and fixed. But since it wont, it should be allowed!

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
1.) People already boo me when I play.
2.) I never get pats on the back when I win regardless.
3.) Honor is for the weak.
4.) All of the above mentioned is irrelevant to me.
5.) I play better when the crowd wants me to lose and isn't cheering for me.

The quote below refers to the actions in your post in which I already addressed:

But if you want to go another eight pages of arguing about in-game character tools vs outside non-related tactics, then let's do it so I can win the argument again.
REO with all due respect id be a lunatic only if i didnt do this in our matches since it isnt banned

Id expect someone of your understanding to support this

imagine the hype and as i stated above id ask the opponent first out of respect


Filthy Casual

Ive come to my sense and realize you're right and 100% completely right especially about the part where it says we need to be playing MK9 without any rules whatsoever. As long as they dont have it banned, restricted or anything formal in writing then its all systems go.

With that being said expect the following at mlg dallas till rules are changed:

Round 1: Fight
Pig grabs reo's pad/hitbox and throws it out into the crowd and watches it smash on cement, waits for time out.
1-0 pig

Bring lots of pads, controllers.

Ive check the rule book and see nothing preventing me of doing this.

Its time we take MK to the next level, whose with me?
You stole my joke, but it's ok because people actually read your posts.

btw pig I'm down for an anything goes MM...

You're going to need these...

oh and this...

and definitely one of these...
Dude, I love REO like a brother, but he can go fuck himself. Freddy was banned because of the projectile invulnerability projectile. No one is advocating for Kabal to banned. Just the glitch. Yet this fool is whining. If anything, Freddy has been subject to more prejudice than any other character in this community.
Good ol' Dave

I can always count on you to make everything about Freddy

This is one of those times I love you for it


REO wanted pre-patch banned Freddy because of the projectile invulnerability glitch.

That is all you fools need to know.
I was trolling about Freddy to you so you could purposely get mad, and it worked. I was the one who talked Tom Brady into allowing Freddy Krueger to be playable sooner than he liked, you moron. If anything, you should be thanking me for your early use of Freddy at majors like SB.

Shit, I even have the AIM logs of when I was telling Tom that Freddy's invulnerability glitch wouldn't be enough to make you a threat and he said I was crazy.


Zoning Master
I was trolling about Freddy to you so you could purposely get mad, and it worked. I was the one who talked Tom Brady into allowing Freddy Krueger to be playable sooner than he liked, you moron. If anything, you should be thanking me for your early use of Freddy at majors like SB.

Shit, I even have the AIM logs of when I was telling Tom that Freddy's invulnerability glitch wouldn't be enough to make you a threat and he said I was crazy.
What are you complaining about anyway? Your character has no bad match ups even without the glitch while I have to deal with scrubs trying to counter-pick me with Smoke at tournaments. Be happy that this community did not ban your character entirely just like it did to me.


What are you complaining about anyway? Your character has no bad match ups even without the glitch while I have to deal with scrubs trying to counter-pick me with Smoke at tournaments. Be happy that this community did not ban your character entirely just like it did to me.
I'm not allowed to play my character at the highest level. As a competitive player, this bothers me.