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General/Other - Commando Commando Variation Discussion Thread

Mix-Up CJ

Just a thought... Could the pop-up be off of the 32 3+4 string? Say a meter burn after the 3+4 just as in cybernetic for the popup? Would be very interesting imo.


RIP Ex Smash
I think Commando will probably end up being just as good as Cutthroat, or even better if NRS decides to go ham.


Ive seen the leprechaun
I don't actually think he NEEDS a pop up string tbh buuut since we are getting one i just don't want it to cost meter let me do, 112, ex ball cancel, pop up string 112 command grab. And ill be fine

If i had to choose one actual buff itd be choke has better hit advantage


kick kick
I don't actually think he NEEDS a pop up string tbh buuut since we are getting one i just don't want it to cost meter let me do, 112, ex ball cancel, pop up string 112 command grab. And ill be fine

If i had to choose one actual buff itd be choke has better hit advantage
Yea because 20% max. midscreen meterless and 28% for 1 bar is very threatening.
This news got me pumped up, I can't wait till I start 35% meterlessing fools midscreen.

BDP Doback

Mileener for the weener
Thanks for this. Picked up Kano recently as a pocket character and Commando is so fun and rewarding to use, but i'm still learning.


One thing I don't think we'll get, but that he needs, is a slightly better downwards hit box on his NJP. We might not need it with the pop up string coming, but at the moment, if you want to hit 30% meterless mid screen you have to use it, and it's hardly a reliable starter, especially against females.
Reactions: SPY


Ive seen the leprechaun
Yea because 20% max. midscreen meterless and 28% for 1 bar is very threatening.
This news got me pumped up, I can't wait till I start 35% meterlessing fools midscreen.
Its 30% for a bar lol and hes not about damage hes about "when is he gonna tick throw" imo so you chip chip chip tick throw, up ball, small combo punish. Thats how i think hes supposed to be played


I only one who think that Commando Kano don't need a new launcher? I'm fine with him being grappler only and having minimalistic punish strings or very hard NJP ones and that his game plan revolve around reads and mind games.


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
Commando not too far off from being real good. Whatever they give him on monday will be enough, especially since we already know he's getting a popup extender somewhere. No matter where he gets it it'll be good. Plus them saying lots of "quality of life fixes" will hopefully cover his Command grab whiff issues and 112 as well. Everything else is really just gravy. (some advantage on choke on hit would be something else I'm not surprised to see, but seein how much I land it now that it's safe on block It could be a little too strong if it had TOO much advantage on hit, so we'll see.)


Kuff Bano
I only one who think that Commando Kano don't need a new launcher? I'm fine with him being grappler only and having minimalistic punish strings or very hard NJP ones and that his game plan revolve around reads and mind games.
He doesn't need it. He needs consistancy. But I'll take it. Especially since it will be easier to get the power bomb brutality now!!!


He doesn't need it. He needs consistancy. But I'll take it. Especially since it will be easier to get the power bomb brutality now!!!
I hadn't even thought of that! I don't get enough brutalities with Kano. Hopefully the Up Laser change will make that one easier too.


I'm further elaborate my point: I'm fear that C.Kano will get lazy treatment - they will give him a new (probably overhead) launcher for your standard 30-35% combo. While that would be great matchups wise, I think C.Kano will lose on uniqueness - I don't want him to be your average 50\50 character like the most of roster.
Plus I really afraid of NRS patches right now: I mained Bone Shaper Shinnok prepatch and most community (myself included) asked for minor stuff - mostly consistency\bug fixes and small deliberate adjustments, just like C.Kano community btw. And we all know what we got...


RIP Ex Smash
I'm further elaborate my point: I'm fear that C.Kano will get lazy treatment - they will give him a new (probably overhead) launcher for your standard 30-35% combo. While that would be great matchups wise, I think C.Kano will lose on uniqueness - I don't want him to be your average 50\50 character like the most.
Plus I really afraid of NRS patches right now: I mained Bone Shaper Shinnok prepatch and most community (myself included) asked for minor stuff - mostly consistency\bug fixes and small deliberate adjustments, just like C.Kano community btw. And we all know what we got...
He won't be getting an overhead launcher. My guess it he'll be getting Cutthroat's F212 or Cybernetic's B13 2+4 MB or one of his Ex Command grabs will launch, which is completely fine IMO.

Also C. Kano could mean any of his variations lol.
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F212 or B23-2+4 would be great for ranged punishes, and then ending the combos in command grabs for increased damage like we do anyway...

I think I might hibinate until Tuesday


Kuff Bano
Most likely it's a pop up from 32 1+3 EX but it could be from f3 b13 (and potentially b23 if they steal it from cyber). I highly doubt it will be meterless and/or overhead.


Most likely it's a pop up from 32 1+3 EX but it could be from f3 b13 (and potentially b23 if they steal it from cyber). I highly doubt it will be meterless and/or overhead.
There's no doubt in my mind that it'll cost meter. Still, a girl can dream for a Cutthroat style f212 launcher

Brutal Chimney

vaporus punching bag
just give me something so i dont have to cancel his goddamn ball, into a run, into a combo to get decent mid-screen damage. if i wanted to play a character that required difficult inputs i wouldn't be playing a grappler.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Do you think Commando needs more tick options besides downpokes and f33?

Or no?