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Closed Beta Jade Discussion


Mr. Righteous
Apparently....Uncle JBeezY is gonna try her one last time. In my head I kinda got a layout i want to try as soon as i get home.

Pole Vault
Pole combo extension
Air Glaive

Or does the Pole Vault already give her combo extensions?

Lord Snotty

Lord of the Bletherrealm.
Am I right to say one bit of dialogue between Jade and Baraka gives away a twist in the story?

That she betrays him?


Official Sonya simp
Where is the damage? Jesus Christ I can beat some people but thats with 15 seconds left on the clock.. it takes forever.. and requires so many reads. Her regular projectile is probably the worst in the game. Requiring the whole string to be input for the second hit to come out is bonkers. Why bring Jade back just to make her low tier, again. Its an insult
You're absolutely exaggerating with your last sentence. This is a beta.
Reactions: JDM


Searching for an alt.
String extension s felt gimmicky except for the enhanced b4. The rest seemed to put you in more harms way.
Let's talk about this, as I like the strings a lot. If people whiff in the neutral b2124 vault seems to be the best damage I've found. If Jade's whole deal is the neutral, hitting them with 25% for whiffing anything feels pretty good. For easy/long punishes I think (have to retest) against the likes of a scorpion tele or nomad dash 322 vault is gonna be the most damage as well. I think doing them in neutral 322 and b2124 are bad ideas because they both come off a high starter and b2124 has a gap the size of rooftop day in it. But holding them for these specific situations I found to be very helpful.

Other than that I agree a lot with your post, thanks for the thoughts.


Searching for an alt.
Soooo is somebody gonna answer my question above or.....?Question mark? :DOGE
I don't think anything gives her combo extensions, sorry baby.

Pole vault gives her a safe special, can low crush a lot of counter poking, and the amplify has a KB for decent damage too.

The pole vault cancel seems to give her mobility even though we want it to be pressure. Glow and then run cancel puts you in whatever range you want pretty quick.


Mr. Righteous
I don't think anything gives her combo extensions, sorry baby.

Pole vault gives her a safe special, can low crush a lot of counter poking, and the amplify has a KB for decent damage too.

The pole vault cancel seems to give her mobility even though we want it to be pressure. Glow and then run cancel puts you in whatever range you want pretty quick.
There is an ability that gives her access to new strings tho. Thats what i meant. I need to know the name of that one por favor.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Let's talk about this, as I like the strings a lot. If people whiff in the neutral b2124 vault seems to be the best damage I've found. If Jade's whole deal is the neutral, hitting them with 25% for whiffing anything feels pretty good. For easy/long punishes I think (have to retest) against the likes of a scorpion tele or nomad dash 322 vault is gonna be the most damage as well. I think doing them in neutral 322 and b2124 are bad ideas because they both come off a high starter and b2124 has a gap the size of rooftop day in it. But holding them for these specific situations I found to be very helpful.

Other than that I agree a lot with your post, thanks for the thoughts.
The fact that her best punishers (when she has no other way to combo... that's the distinction here) mean you HAVE to have a certain ability equipped... kinda sucks.

I really hope they change the input style for them too, because as it stands, I can't ever do them. Which means if I play jade (and I do like it, it's fun playing space control... hello, I'm a former sub main lol) I'm severely neutered on top of already feeling that way due to lack of damage.


Searching for an alt.
The fact that her best punishers (when she has no other way to combo... that's the distinction here) mean you HAVE to have a certain ability equipped... kinda sucks.
oh I totally agree! But it's the same with Baraka (his is 2 slots) and may be with others too. I think they expected the KB mechanic to be a little more helpful there than it is at the moment?
really hope they change the input style for them too, because as it stands, I can't ever do them. Which means if I play jade (and I do like it, it's fun playing space control... hello, I'm a former sub main lol) I'm severely neutered on top of already feeling that way due to lack of damage.
I only have troubles with 322 consistency after 2 days and we don't even have training mode yet. I would like the timing window to be just a bit longer on b343 and 322 though. I bet you could get it with practice if you decide to play her after release.
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Lexcorp Proprietary Technologies
The fact that her best punishers (when she has no other way to combo... that's the distinction here) mean you HAVE to have a certain ability equipped... kinda sucks.

I really hope they change the input style for them too, because as it stands, I can't ever do them. Which means if I play jade (and I do like it, it's fun playing space control... hello, I'm a former sub main lol) I'm severely neutered on top of already feeling that way due to lack of damage.
For the B3434 string, try quickly rolling your thumb over 34 really quickly. I can't tap with my thumb fast enough to get it to come out reliably either, but by rolling I can get it consistently. Same with B2124, just arcing the thumb over the buttons seems to be more reliable than tapping in each.

I struggle with 322. Comes out about 60% of the time if I'm not super focusing on it. Not a good look.


Are you not entertained!?
For the B3434 string, try quickly rolling your thumb over 34 really quickly. I can't tap with my thumb fast enough to get it to come out reliably either, but by rolling I can get it consistently. Same with B2124, just arcing the thumb over the buttons seems to be more reliable than tapping in each.

I struggle with 322. Comes out about 60% of the time if I'm not super focusing on it. Not a good look.
Same. There are some options for button inputs in the menys. I'll try playing with those.


There it is...
I'm pretty sure pole vault can be full punished on read if cancelled from some strings. I had a Kabal s1 nomad dash as I was using it to check him all the time because he wouldn't stop mashing pokes.
@ChatterBox Yeah like I said, I think the combo extensions are decent. But I just did not find much use for them.

If it is a hard punish then yeah maybe I should keep it as my third to give her a little more juice. I just hate having to commit so hard to use them since the input window is instant rather than using B2 hit confirm or B343 hit confirm. It just did not make sense to use the other versions in the event that I did not land the hit. Maybe its just unfamiliarity at this time so I don't know what will true punish etc. I will just stick in in my default since i do not have another 1 slot option really besides up glaive.


What's the point of a random Krypt?
How would you guys feel about giving her an option to have her returning rang? That way you could at least get some pressure if you end a combo with it.
@KingHippo thanks for the visuals it helps explain a lot more than I could lol. Couple things you should try.

Use her projectile immunity more like a reactive dodge then you see you have more opportunities to use it.

F4 destroys scorpions D4 harassment dead cold. Its safe on block, easy to hit confirm off, and even catches jumpes sometimes when you guess wrong.


Lexcorp Proprietary Technologies
16Bit just said on stream that Jade has a brutality with her pole vault. Someone find that shit!
Anyone having an issue with not having jade and kabal and the tower missing? I did the turn off and on yesterday when it happened and it came back.

Today i was in tower, my variation still saved, toggled kb hold option, tested it out, restart match then error code and shut me out. Now , no jade, kabal, or tower

Also, having the control of when your kbs come out seems really advantageous


Haven't got to play the beta yet, but hoping to soon. Can anyone tell me how her anti-air game is (thinking of her upward thrust and pole vault from MK9) - similar or nah?