Thanks teef you answered the poking question, all I used was cage and he went with quan chi then he went to cage and had some mirror matches. All the while he would apply block pressure then follow with some pokes then jip.Ohh nice sleek, who did u fight from my clan mates/ friends? Triumph, or Witchdoctor or Hdcloud? ohh well, not a related question lol...but each has a different style to be honest. and EACH are very laggy as well! lol except for doctor (it's just me because i am east and they are West coast). also i must say, Triumph Kung is Really scary!
"Silly question incoming, but when is a proper time to input pokes? 2nd question we decided to use our mains and his main was KL and I main reptile of course"
thins is a very general question, can you specify more if possible? basically poke fight is all about, faster starter. so whoever has faster starter wins. though some situations might differ, like some block strings has advantages for opponent to follow up a poke after safely before u break block and preform urs!
"he was using KLs low hat mix up. Personally I have never had to deal with that before so what is the proper punishment for that mix up? Elbow dash comes to mind, but is there something better? How do you guys handle that mix up? Any feed back would be much appreciated, thanks guys."
reptile doesnt have a lot of answer unless to poke into special move~ chain (though it doesnt link), for example cr +4~ acid hand, or simply best answer is Elbow dash ofcourse!
also must be done after SUCCESSFULLY blocking the string and low hat! any hit from the low hat projectile or med hat attack (f+2) will lead to another rep of Kungs pressure.
so basically it comes down to, Successfully guessing the correct block of either f+2 med Attack. 4,2,1+2 low starter, Med attack finisher . 4,2~ low hat low starter, low finisher. 1,2,2~ low hat high low mix ups. or 1,2,2/ 1,2 ~ throw tech mix up.
so...good luck on successfully blocking.
also another note, this match is really hard online. and to be honest, i feel like it can be 5 -5. reptile can do wonders in this match as long as you correctly prevent or guess Kungs offensive mix ups.
Yes it was doctor :O and I was extremely surprised at how well I played against him(thanks to you guys <3) and his lao. The first fight went to him we were both down to a pixel and each needed one more round for the win, second match I was extremely aggressive and took that match pretty quick, and the third match he completely blew me out of the water with laos mixup. So I guess I'll have to practice and make sure I guess right, damn that is nasty mix up. I live on the west so there was virtually no lag which was sweet