D'Vorah for KP2 copium
1. Custom variations or no variations. No more presets
2. MK11 meter system with key changes
- Defense starts at 1 bar. Offense at 0. First Hit is back and gives one offensive bar for free
- Interactables now cost offense or defense depending on their type (movement like the jumps are defense, attacks are offense)
- Meter no longer regenerates during between-round animations
- Breakaway replaced with Breaker. Breakers leave both players at same frame advantage, resetting neutral. Breakers still have slowed defensive bar recovery like Breakaway does now
- Push blocking is back, costing 2 defensive bars. Defense meter regens a little faster than normal after a pushback
3. Fatal Blows with key changes
- Available at 20% HP
- Can only be used once a round if whiffed / blocked (Still only once a match if it hits)
- Locks you out of 1 defense and 1 offense bar for the rest of the round, hit or not
4. Krushing Blows with key changes
- More universal KBs for consistency (D2, one throw direction, a string on counter / punish, and a string at the end of a long enough combo)
- If custom variations: every move grants access to a new KB. If no variations: each character gets 2-3 character-specific KBs
- KBs now have logical requirements that are not designed around sheer dumb luck or intentionally playing incorrectly
- Raw damage KBs deal 250 damage
- Combo launcher KBs deal 170 damage
- Bleed KBs deal 130 up front damage with 100 bleed damage
- Bleed KBs can now kill with the bleed
- ALL KBs may be used mid combo now instead of requiring being the first thing to hit
5. Throwing launched opponents is back as well as enhanced throws to restand / reset the opponent
6. No more goofy ToT modifier stuff as a core content unlock game mode
7. Krypt is once again a pseudo RPG, but chest content locations are now set instead of random
8. KL ranked system with key changes
- Now 3 months long per league
- Takes into consideration historical placement upon the start of a new league
- Content is unlocked immediately upon hitting the threshold requirement for said unlock
- Ranking up is predominantly based on total wins and W/L ratio instead of being a point grind
- Each season has a public leaderboard available for viewing after league end
- There is now a top 10% of players for each league. Said top 10% get unique rewards at league end. These players are specifically memorialized as part of the post-league leaderboard above
- There is now a top 3 players for each character each league. Said top character mains get unique rewards at league end. These players are specifically memorialized as part of the post-league leaderboard above
9. Story mode is no longer based on chapters and is instead focused on playing whoever is relevant in that moment. This is to avoid forcing unnecessary fights and could open the door to playing villains at times
10. Characters now have 5 total costumes which are edited via the new Palette Swap system. There are now universal color palettes (such as KL color themes) which are consumables that can be applied to any costume the player chooses. There are also character-specific palettes which unlock as you gain mastery of a character
11. Instead of ToT character towers, there is now a Character Mastery system based on wins obtained, overall games used in, arcade tower completion, fatalities done, brutalities done, mercies done, blood spilled, etc. with each character. This system unlocks base costumes, character-specific color palettes, taunts, brutalities, kombat kard backgrounds and logos, etc.
12. Soundtrack now "slaps" and "is a bop" as the kids say nowadays
13. Stage fatalities are back
14. D'Vorah kills yet another fan favorite despite Liu's best efforts
And that's my desired perfect MK12.