"Feel the wrath of Shao Kahn"
Take my money, I am in! 
(Looks like the universal/generic d2 brutality)
Just nitpicking here, wish the head would fly higher (don't feel the force here) and don't clip through the body, it should interact with the body for more dynamic, like rolling on the floor (if it would fly higher, nice wall bounce interaction too
No more stage interactions means also, no more stage brutals (the MK11 chainsaw is so good) sad, so my hope is for kameo brutals (imagine even a few universal co-op brutals with your kameo but I guess that would be too much to ask
Remember the restand tactic (meterburn throw) to have more freedom to combo into brutals in MKX? That was really cool, and would add up to the more combo heavy game compared to MK11 - please add
ps: NRS please make the requirements "easy" (hold a direction/button) but not automatic, meaning you have active the choice of killing or not (more freedom)
(example: I have never ever seen in a ranked match liu kangs flying kick brutal, so sad, it feels so satisfying and stylish. And I played every season until no more new brutals were added)
Tell me your passion with this feature, no I don't need a doctor, all hope is gone

(Looks like the universal/generic d2 brutality)
Just nitpicking here, wish the head would fly higher (don't feel the force here) and don't clip through the body, it should interact with the body for more dynamic, like rolling on the floor (if it would fly higher, nice wall bounce interaction too

No more stage interactions means also, no more stage brutals (the MK11 chainsaw is so good) sad, so my hope is for kameo brutals (imagine even a few universal co-op brutals with your kameo but I guess that would be too much to ask

Remember the restand tactic (meterburn throw) to have more freedom to combo into brutals in MKX? That was really cool, and would add up to the more combo heavy game compared to MK11 - please add
ps: NRS please make the requirements "easy" (hold a direction/button) but not automatic, meaning you have active the choice of killing or not (more freedom)
(example: I have never ever seen in a ranked match liu kangs flying kick brutal, so sad, it feels so satisfying and stylish. And I played every season until no more new brutals were added)
Tell me your passion with this feature, no I don't need a doctor, all hope is gone