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Breaking Bad (SPOILERS!)


ive seen the finale 3 times already and i also had a hard time swallowing the no checking the trunk incidence but then i really thought logically about it. It was clear that Walt was beaten down and told Todd he was desperate for money hence they knew he was only there to present to them a business opportunity. It wouldnt make any sense for walt to bomb the place given his "intentions." People act like these were trained navy seal operatives. They were inbred dumb hillbillies. People really need to keep that in mind. They only checked inside the car hence thats where walt could pull a gun out of and the patdown. Its not like walt would have time to open the trunk or crawl under the car and retrieve a gun. Lastly the nazis neeeever saw walt as a threat and at that beaten down state, even less.


You gotta think, even though Todd didn't want to hurt Walt, he knew the moment Walt asked him at the restaurant to ask his Uncle to talk to him that Walt had to die. Todd respected Walt though, and ever since the episode prologue where Todd was talking to his Uncle at the diner about Walt, that the kid respects him. The guy probably never thought a second that there was something in the trunk, and if there was, what was gonna happen? He had his keys and Walt inside the compound. Though he didn't check the trunk, there was no reason to do so. How where they gonna know, or even think of, a mechanism popping out of the trunk and automatically shooting anything in range?


Get staffed bro
The one thing that worried me leading up to the final episode was that we knew Walt was seeing uncle Jack and co and we knew he had an M60 with a shit ton of ammo. I'm so glad they didn't turn Walt into Rambo and it was his manipulation and engineering skills that won him that situation.


Thought you stopped reading after "16 year old kevin cordasco truly understands walter white"

Oh, and brain cancer makes him dumb? You're seriously so fucking delusional
Well it certainly doesnt make him smart. Im a big fan of make a wish though glad he had input on the worst scene in the finale, thanks kevin. RIP


Yeah, maybe I could. But at this current point in my life i'm just so fucking happy I don't have to see your shitty deluded misinformed trash ass opinion anymore.
Are you a basketball fan? The next off topic thread i will contribute to is a NBA thread. Im a big basketball fan.


Filled with determination
Lol I've never been embarrassed after seeing a movie I never go by myself even bad ones tend to be fun to at least make fun of with friends. Me and my girlfriend were laughing the entire time while watching Texas chainsaw 3d for example.


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
ive seen the finale 3 times already and i also had a hard time swallowing the no checking the trunk incidence but then i really thought logically about it. It was clear that Walt was beaten down and told Todd he was desperate for money hence they knew he was only there to present to them a business opportunity. It wouldnt make any sense for walt to bomb the place given his "intentions." People act like these were trained navy seal operatives. They were inbred dumb hillbillies. People really need to keep that in mind. They only checked inside the car hence thats where walt could pull a gun out of and the patdown. Its not like walt would have time to open the trunk or crawl under the car and retrieve a gun. Lastly the nazis neeeever saw walt as a threat and at that beaten down state, even less.
Inbred dumb hillbillies huh? wow... :confused: