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Breaking Bad (SPOILERS!)


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Man this thread is popping. I was too afraid to come up in here for the longest time because I've always been at least one episode behind and didn't want spoilers lol. I'm finally caught up though and I can't wait for the finale on Sunday. This show is probably my favorite ever in all seriousness.


Man this thread is popping. I was too afraid to come up in here for the longest time because I've always been at least one episode behind and didn't want spoilers lol. I'm finally caught up though and I can't wait for the finale on Sunday. This show is probably my favorite ever in all seriousness.
The thread pops on sundays after the show but i avoid it cause i usually dont watch it till monday or tuesday evening. Then when i post it pops again. Better than talking about patch speculation.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
The thread pops on sundays after the show but i avoid it cause i usually dont watch it till monday or tuesday evening. Then when i post it pops again. Better than talking about patch speculation.
By like a bajillion. I love IGAU, but it does not compare to the awesomeness that is Breaking Bad. Also, R.I.P. Andrea.


I think that's what makes Walt such a well done character.
Really? Every evil character ever has that same mindset. Its hardly unique to Walt. I fully admit im pretty burnt out of the anti hero cliche thats dominated Tv the last 5 or 6 years. And probably why im so fond of Justified which is the show i think is the best on TV.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Really? Every evil character ever has that same mindset. Its hardly unique to Walt. I fully admit im pretty burnt out of the anti hero cliche thats dominated Tv the last 5 or 6 years. And probably why im so fond of Justified which is the show i think is the best on TV.
The difference between Walt and most characters of this mindset is that he not only doesn't believe that he hasn't done wrong, but he sees himself as almost somewhat of a hero for it and expects to be treated as such, which is pretty much why he has his temporary breakdown at the end of the episode. He has a bit of a Lex Luthor/Norman Osborn complex thing going on. Everything that he does is for the greater good in his eyes.

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
Ugh, do we REALLY have to wait a whole week for some closure?

I don't know if I can survive the wait. I'm far too excited.


The difference between Walt and most characters of this mindset is that he not only doesn't believe that he hasn't done wrong, but he sees himself as almost somewhat of a hero for it and expects to be treated as such, which is pretty much why he has his temporary breakdown at the end of the episode. He has a bit of a Lex Luthor/Norman Osborn complex thing going on. Everything that he does is for the greater good in his eyes.
Walt absolutely believes hes done wrong even saying he knows hes going to hell. He just believes his actions were justified.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
True true, so then he knows he's evil, he just doesn't care. Sounds pretty bause status to me. :p
This was the premise of one of those DS mario games... where you got to learn about Bowser

He has the same mindset. He knows he is evil... he likes it, and there isn't anything anyone can say/do to make him change. A true villian

A New Angel Is Advent

mutton basher
Since I'm really bored, my BB summary.
-Walt's dying, this gives him yolo factor since elimination looks likely

-He finds a lab (camper) and a lab partner. They work on tech. Walt grasps the mechanics, Jesse just mashes and doesn't have the patience to work on tech.

-Jesse gets a couple of randoms to level up their reputation.

- Walt shows good spacing (cooking in the desert) until Hank gets in with his counterzoning.

-they use Saul as a barrier to zone out Hank and escape the corner

-they get sponsored by Gus who gives them a better lab to level up their tech.

- Jesse and Gale pick up on Walt's tech. Gale is a bigger threat because he has a similar character power to Walt.

-footsies continue to go back and forth between Walt and Hank but no hard knockdowns yet.

- Gus sponsors Jesse team Pollos Hermanos, but the matchups are increasingly losing favor with the cartel.

- Gus and Jesse use all their meter which deals devastating damage to the cartel

-Walt uses his meter stock against Gus and Gus gets blown up

-Hank matchup is 7-3 and Hank corners Walt. Walt has a sliver of health.

-but it appears Walt buffered an assist and it turns the odds. Walt wins in an upset. Hank gets bodied.

- Walt has no team, but plans on making a salty runback against Todd and crew



*Supreme Member*
Hey what else would you guys suggest watching when BB is done?

I'm also currently watching Walking Dead and Game of Thrones...

Other shows that are similar to those? hmm....?


Norwegian Lab-work Champion
Hey what else would you guys suggest watching when BB is done?

I'm also currently watching Walking Dead and Game of Thrones...

Other shows that are similar to those? hmm....?
They aren't similar to the shows you mention, but I would recommend Sherlock and I also enjoy Suits.