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Bottom 5 Character Project


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
yep, it's interesting, because, a lot of this game relies in individual and personal skill level, what, agreeing or not, has a very major and important part in how strategy and gameplay work out

What the point in having an A+ level Cyrax , good on using resets, but, poor in winning footsie, poke and corner game against an S level Sheeva ?

It's the combination of tier position of a character + skill level of player, that makes things deadly and efficient .... if you have only a part of combination, it's not the complete stuff , hehe :D

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Quan Chi has a good projectile and I'm not sure what it means that rune trap is a crutch. It's pretty fucking ridiculous.
If the player knows his mixups, the only other tool he has is u3~trance; if the u3 is blocked it's highly punishable and the risk outweighs the reward. He has absoutley no means to get a character off of him outside of d3, uppercut, or skydrop - which does have armor on the EX. However, on block it's just as punishable as plain old skydrop, so it isn't safe at all. Which is why he relies so heavily on his rune traps, nobody wants to burn meter for roughly 14% damage, that's a terrible idea; but that's all he has. IF he had armor on his trance, we can use Scorpion's EX spear as an example, which has armor - he'd be a tremendously better character with actual defensive capabilities. In his current state, no. He will never contend well with better characters who know his mixups. I've heard others state that he has a zoning game, and I guess their assumption is that he can continually throw skulls and skydrop on the opponent if they attempt to jump in between the skulls; and sure...I suppose that has some validity but what character doesn't have a teleport, advancing armor special or some other means of getting in to avoid that?

Sonya can essentially do the same thing with her laser and her arc kick, except has an actual means of getting a player off of her, a good armored wakeup and an assortment of other tools.

REO gave this character a solid chance, and I completely agree with his assessment that Quan is 100% offense. If he loses that momentum, gets out pressured, he's dead. He simply doesn't have these tools that other characters have.


Bone and Metal
1. Jade
2. Sindel
3. Ermac
4. Sheeva
5. Noob

With Jade being the only real character in need of a buff, maybe. I'm pretty surprised at the Sub-Zero mentions, he gets blown up in a few matches, but that guy still isn't to be trifled with. Kano is bottom ten, but not bottom five. I think most people put him in bottom five lists because they only really played the spammy kind, rather than the ones who actually make use of his derp combos and air game.


Come On Die Young
Honestly, anyone who puts Sindel in bottom 5 is fucking stupid. Play or watch players who know how to use her up close sometime. She's not all fireballs.

Same goes for Quan Chi. Rune trap a crutch? That's like calling a nuclear weapon a crutch.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Honestly, anyone who puts Sindel in bottom 5 is fucking stupid. Play or watch players who know how to use her up close sometime. She's not all fireballs.

Same goes for Quan Chi. Rune trap a crutch? That's like calling a nuclear weapon a crutch.
Sindel has been under-explored imo, Quan on the other hand...no. But yes, I agree that people need to see Mr.Mileena's Sindel.

Yeah, she has cartwheels too. /Trolling

I know she's more than that, but I've never been impressed by her fisticuffs. Her zoning is solid and annoying, but unlike Kitana and Freddy K. she doesn't have a way to run away all day and start her zoning all over again. She can be good in the right hands, she just has competition that does her job better imo.
Play Mr.Mileena. You'll change your mind instantly.


Bone and Metal
Honestly, anyone who puts Sindel in bottom 5 is fucking stupid. Play or watch players who know how to use her up close sometime. She's not all fireballs.
Yeah, she has cartwheels too. /Trolling

I know she's more than that, but I've never been impressed by her fisticuffs. Her zoning is solid and annoying, but unlike Kitana and Freddy K. she doesn't have a way to run away all day and start her zoning all over again. She can be good in the right hands, she just has competition that does her job better imo.

Same with Sheeva, I know she can be monstrous in the right hands and that Boyx3 could easily place in a major with her.


Zoning Master
I would have to think about this one, but no one in this game is useless (well, maybe Jade is). The problem with some characters is they have a few, and sometimes even several, 3:7 match ups vs the top tier characters of the game. For instance, Noob is a solid character, but he has very difficult match ups vs Kabal and Raiden. The same is true for Stryker. The same is also true for Sheeva. Kano does well vs Raiden but loses terribly to Kabal and Sub Zero. These characters have no chance to win a major tournament by themselves because running into a very good Kabal and Raiden player is inevitable.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
Sindel is underrated, and is more than a "zoning whore" bitch, hehe :D

The only problem with Sindel is damage output ..... I wish she could be more able to do more damage from her combos, despite that, she is a very interesting character, way to go more explored yet in this game.
Honestly, anyone who puts Sindel in bottom 5 is fucking stupid. Play or watch players who know how to use her up close sometime. She's not all fireballs.
Same goes for Quan Chi. Rune trap a crutch? That's like calling a nuclear weapon a crutch.
quan chi has the best comeback factor in the game imo, hes definitely A tier


Bone and Metal
We'll see how Mr. Mileena does, but honestly Jade is the only bad character in my list. It's mostly just a dirty job of having to put characters in a list that would imply that they're bad.


Now people are stupid for their opinions.....smh

Sindel isn't garbage, she's got a lot of great options, love the levitation cancels, and she's got highly underrated rushdown.

Stryker, Baraka, CSZ, Nighwolf, Kano and any of these other characters are not garbage either, pretty much everyone is viable and quality.

A pro player can make any character look great, Mr. Mileena is a solid player,so obviously his Sindel is going to be devastating.

People talk about how bad Jade is, but people have taken Jade to tournaments and I've seen her do well in the proper hands.

All characters need is the proper player to get their hands on them. It cannot be emphasized enough that bottom five does not inherently equal garbage.


This conversation is hellacious!

Pig, I have to disagree on you about Baraka and Kano, no way are either of them in the bottom 5.

Here is my list:

Cyber Sub Zero
(I main both these characters, but having no armour move affects them hugely)

Okay I really have to name a 5th. Okay.... Ermac. Jade was the first character I mained in this game, and she got unecessarily nerfed in the last patch which is a huge shame. I pretty much retired her. My other mains, in order of preference, Baraka, Kano, CSZ, Sindel, Quan Chi, Freddy, Sheeva.

As you can see, a lot of the mains I use are considered by some to be "low". I'm beginning to think CSZ is not as good as I previously thought, Baraka and Kano are definitely full of potential as is Sheeva and Sindel, though I have far more success with Baraka and Kano over Sindel and Sheeva. QC and Freddy are of course, arguably mid-high tier.

Is Tom Brady maining Kano now?


Emperor of the Moon
I'm going to say I honestly think this game is balanced enough that there is not a true bottom 5. I honestly think it is:

1. Jade
2. Sindel
3. Most of the cast
4. Top 5-7

As a Sub-Zero player I don't think he is bottom tier. I'm not the greatest player by any stretch but I do think Sub-Zero has the tools to deal with most characters. Kung Lao, no, but most of the rest of the cast, even Raiden has to respect his game. I also saw a bunch of people list Ermac. I think you are still thinking of the early Floe style force push. Ermac isn't top but he has plenty of mixup tools and guessing games. If you jump closer than half screen you are punished every time.

I think armor would even out the matches just a little bit more and make this the best balanced game. Why the hell doesn't Sindel have armor but Kung Lao does? They did a great job with this game but the more I think about what some characters have and don't have the more I'm convinced they just wanted some great and some shit characters.


yautjared, It'll be nice to see another high level player other than Isaac using Kano.

Seriously, the character is so underrated. He can zone and pressure. He may not be the best zoner and he not have the best rush down, but what character can you name that is good at both, BESIDES, Kabal?

Kano is seriously awesome.


Some of you are missing one of the points Pig made in his first post. Saying a character is in the bottom 5 is not saying they are bad or useless. I've played lots of talented Sheevas and Sindels. They aren't garbage and in the right hands can be deadly just like any other character. But somebody has to be bottom. It just means there are other characters who's design gives them inherently better tools, better damage, better mixups, better zoning,damage, whatever. Personally I don't even believe Jade is utter garbage. Someone will come along and put all the pieces together with her as well Im sure.
I main Subzero. Look how many people have said he's bottom. Is he? I don't know. I don't care either. Other than a top Kung Lao there isn't really another character Im terrified to use Sub against. Subs who I work best with regardless of what tier he is.
Also, saying a character is low tier is not the samething as saying the player is low tier. It isn't an insult to say a character is lower on the tier list no matter who is playing them.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
Can anyone tell me how a character like Kano is possibly better than Sindel?
- He has the best X-Ray in the game (at least, better than Sindel's)
- He has better corner game
- He has a faster projectile
- His damage output is better
- He has a very good AA game, bettter than Sindel's


Hmm, Sindels X Ray is a low hit. You'd be surprised how many people that catches still.

His corner game is beast, but Sindels corner game is better when she is just outside of sweep range (imo). He definitely has better AA's then her, but I know she can do a 41% midscreen combo, no meter, where as Kano often needs one bar, just to reach a 38% mid screen combo. She can low fireball under knife but he can regular ball over her low fireball.

I just feel that when I play Kano, he has more options than Sindel, who I also main. I'm sure she has way more bad match ups then he does.

I sometimes wonder if QC is just a gimmicky character and not as good as others think.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
UPDATED - votes as of page 5

Bottom 5 Character Votes

Jade - 37
Stryker -24
Sindel - 22 (You guys are in for a RUDE awakening on this one, i promise)
Sheeva - 19
Baraka - 17
Sub Zero - 11
Nightwolf - 10
Cyber Sub Zero - 10
Kano - 7
Noob - 6
Quan Chi - 5
Ermac - 4
Skarlet - 2
Reptile - 1
Cage - 1

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
This conversation is hellacious!

Pig, I have to disagree on you about Baraka and Kano, no way are either of them in the bottom 5.

Here is my list:

Cyber Sub Zero
(I main both these characters, but having no armour move affects them hugely)

Okay I really have to name a 5th. Okay.... Ermac. Jade was the first character I mained in this game, and she got unecessarily nerfed in the last patch which is a huge shame. I pretty much retired her. My other mains, in order of preference, Baraka, Kano, CSZ, Sindel, Quan Chi, Freddy, Sheeva.

As you can see, a lot of the mains I use are considered by some to be "low". I'm beginning to think CSZ is not as good as I previously thought, Baraka and Kano are definitely full of potential as is Sheeva and Sindel, though I have far more success with Baraka and Kano over Sindel and Sheeva. QC and Freddy are of course, arguably mid-high tier.

Is Tom Brady maining Kano now?
Disagree w me all u want but my bottom 5 cannot beat a top tier character

CSZ can


We are Many but we didnt make MK11 not one
Here we go
5.I have a tie for 5th between Sheeva/Skarlett/CSZ-idc what anyone says until someone shows me skarlett is top tier and places high with her she will stay here(then again she probably will one day since no one knows this efin MU)