Well it depends on how much he can get off his d1, how much can he get? Can he get a swamp hands or trait?
Never thought about straight-up confirms. Never needed to.
On hit, frametrap into slightly delayed trait (catches jumpaways if you time it just right), on block frametraps to trait only if you chain it, on a timing that whiffs when you hit them. If they jump away, cr.1 combos into trait, with the blocking timing. So, it's mostly reading. I usually do one punch earlier in a match/set, and delayed armored trait, works even on block if they try to insert a fast button. The option I use with no meter is d1 d1 chained to trait, work, first hits, second is usually blocked, if they've got the standard reflexes. Later in the match when they start blocking it or jumping away, natural response for the first trick, one d1 chained to trait catches most blocks and jumpaways. Blocking the first then jumping away, that usually happens last. anti-air throw after a d1 works if they're going heavy on the smarts. Then you have the standard f13/MB Trait/Block the wakeup mixup.
My way's read heavy, but it seems to work okay. Note, this is easier when they're getting used to you in a set, and show respect. If it's a frequent sparring buddy, the traps take more of a random order.
And yeah, Tyrant plays Superman, well, did? Anyway, he's got a really smart Grundy, he has a lot of matchup knowledge, patience, and unclashable combos later on. All of it, just solid play, when he's on his game, which is pretty often. He's one of the reasons I watch that stream right now.