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Born On a Monday -- Solomon Grundy General Discussion/QA/Combo Thread


Be careful with d2 against his jump ins...for some reasons it will whiff most of the times and you'll eat a full combo.

Df1 works better imho (but sometimes I whiffed the grab too, lol)

Yeah, I learned this the hard way a day or two ago. I'm always getting hit by a lot of characters(when someone good is using them)when I do D2 on jump ins.

As for Df1. Yeah, I got that mastered. I actually am pretty quick with that one, it's a matter of reversing the input for crossovers and doing it fast enough is what I need to practice at. I also really need to practice that WCC, it doesn't work all the time which is frustrating because it sets me up big time. It seems to work better for me when I tap Down then tap Back instead of rolling my finger on the digital pad.

As of right now, Batman, Aquaman and I would have to say Nightwing(at times) are the people I have the most trouble with. I used to not have a problem with Aquaman, but I guess a lot of AM users are just getting that much better.


Some guy with a PS3
Nightwing is tough, you're biggest hope is to WCC through an obvious wingdings in escrima, and look for the gap in staff's pressure, most of his staff lows up close are either sweep or 1f1, and throw a MB trait or Walking Corpse or something in there, best if used when he does his lightning seismo.

I play an escrima-heavy Nightwing offline a lot, so this is experiential. He's tough to fight. Also, tougher in museum. That stage just compounds bad matchups, because of the relatively few good power character interactables.


Some guy with a PS3
Wait, patch notes are frontpage? Gimme.

After some perusal, wow. No nerfs at all. Really, if they have the opportunity to clash the second hit, they could've done it on the first. WHOO! My guide-in-progress is still relevant!


Some guy with a PS3
I know, I know. I am going to miss cr1 corner traps into trait, which used to be unclashable, as well as those clash-bait combos where you just let them fall and wakeup into a raw trait or cr.1.

I was just really excited that they didn't nerf other aspects of him I would've missed more, like if they made swamp hands not plus on block, or took away the back1 resets.

It is kinda bad, but manageable.


The Gruff
well all i can say is, things got more interesting.....we just gotta make one more guess guys lol

at least we can enjoy it 1st/2nd round (depending on who lost the first one)

we just gotta fish for those clashes now. no real biggie


Some guy with a PS3
grave rot f1,3 1~exSH j2 b1 Pain Chain (all variations)
I'm lazy so I just didn't do defense chain. You can do two 1's before the meterburn swamp hands.
Power Chain: 56%
Health Chain: 61%
You can also start the combo with 113 instead of f13 and it does 1 or 2 percent less
Then do Grave Rot f3 11~exSH j2 b1 Pain Chain (all variations)
You can do j2 after the f3 or f13 instead of 11
With j2 damage is 67% off health chain and 61% off power chain
With f13 damage is 63% for health, 58% for power
then do it with exGrave Rot.
66% from Health Chain on first combo is the most damaging, on the second health chain gets 73% (used j2 version), though power chain only seems to get 2 or 3 percent less damage here.

I'm making a list of these b1 reset combos, I didn't actually have the raw f3 starter on my list, though, thanks for the idea.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
I'm lazy so I just didn't do defense chain. You can do two 1's before the meterburn swamp hands.
Power Chain: 56%
Health Chain: 61%
You can also start the combo with 113 instead of f13 and it does 1 or 2 percent less

You can do j2 after the f3 or f13 instead of 11
With j2 damage is 67% off health chain and 61% off power chain
With f13 damage is 63% for health, 58% for power

66% from Health Chain on first combo is the most damaging, on the second health chain gets 73% (used j2 version), though power chain only seems to get 2 or 3 percent less damage here.

I'm making a list of these b1 reset combos, I didn't actually have the raw f3 starter on my list, though, thanks for the idea.
raw f3 is his BEST mixup .... +7 with pushback into perfect 2 range.
I was doing f3 b1 11~MB SH.

I asked because off of a MB WC... you can almost kill someone with a single 50/50 on the reset part. So after they clash... you can fish for the 50/50 and kill them. f1,3 or f3(MB if you have some doubt).

Funny is when you do the j2 b1... then b1.... then b1 the f1,3 11 trait lulz die.

Edit: Thanks for the damages. 60% + 30% for stupid damage plus the few added grave rot points.
Yo I'm so mad right now, but in their defense, the fact that grundy had an un-blockable throw that he could combo into that wasn't clashable was kinda silly. It really wasn't fair to give him all 3, and of the 3 becoming clashable is one ill gladly give up. Truth be told I was expecting it, and I was honestly surprised when I discovered grundy could actually combo into his throw.

It still sucks though :(


Anyone here honestly think Grundy has a chance to win a major tournament? Even before this nerf ?

I just feel he has way too many bad matchups.
I actually don't think he has that many, other than superman(and his stupid armor breaking trait), I think grundy has the tools to handle most of the cast. I mean he has a tracking projectile that's plus, a very good dash, decent normals, and a really good trait. Plus his corner game is insane.

He's a grappler so by design he's going to take patience and practice but I only see him getting better with time, especially when people start mastering the WCC.


I have a question for you Grundy mains. I noticed when playing him today that your opponent can techroll after you hit them with a walking corpse (BF3). Was it always this way, because i don't remember being able to techroll his BF3?

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
I have a question for you Grundy mains. I noticed when playing him today that your opponent can techroll after you hit them with a walking corpse (BF3). Was it always this way, because i don't remember being able to techroll his BF3?
I think it is only his MB WC that they can't tech roll.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
raw f3 is his BEST mixup .... +7 with pushback into perfect 2 range.
I was doing f3 b1 11~MB SH.

I asked because off of a MB WC... you can almost kill someone with a single 50/50 on the reset part. So after they clash... you can fish for the 50/50 and kill them. f1,3 or f3(MB if you have some doubt).

Funny is when you do the j2 b1... then b1.... then b1 the f1,3 11 trait lulz die.

Edit: Thanks for the damages. 60% + 30% for stupid damage plus the few added grave rot points.
f3 is so awesome...better than b1 for wakeup situations.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
I have a question for you Grundy mains. I noticed when playing him today that your opponent can techroll after you hit them with a walking corpse (BF3). Was it always this way, because i don't remember being able to techroll his BF3?
yeah its brutal....
I still think most characters can punish him on hit if they have a fast advancing special.