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General/Other Boon, "Rumor has it that Batgirl will be available to download for INJUSTICE next Tuesday"


Xbl: Johnny2Die
While this is true and it should concede tolerance to the free market.

But complaining, and boycotting isn't a bad way to keep costs as low as possible. If everyone was appreciative of everything they got and didn't want more, companies wouldn't be able to improve. and you end up buying less for more.
I don't disagree with your point about raising a voice to keep costs low. But complaining to NRS isn't an 'us vs. the man' situation. I wish NRS the best and hope they make a shit load of money. People see Boon as this icon but does anyone actually think he's gotten rich from Mortal Kombat?

People have the right to voice their opinions about not wanting this dlc, or about not wanting to pay for it. My opinion is that its worth it, I love it, I don't mind paying for it. I hope they make so much money from this game that they can slow down and spend time, energy, and all the money the've earned on their next project, hopefully the most amazing mk game ever.

All the meanwhile I hope guys like Hector, Pako, Rigo, Boon, and all the other employees that might be less well known, including the testers who worked for NRS for the entire project, as well as the tournament testers that came in, well, I hope they are all paid well, that they can afford the homes they want to live in and can provide for their families, and are confident in the stability of the place they work at. All that takes money. I wish people would think about that before bitching about an extra dollar for an outfit.
Even if I won't be grabbing the stuff that releases the same day, I'm still glad to see Batgirl and I can't wait to play her next week. Just sayin.