lex went under the radar so long and nobody knew what he was capable of. recently the spotlight fell on lex and now everyone in the community that doesnt play lex is playing this silly "Oh no lex is a step away from broken!" or "Lex is such a deep character the will make him op"
let me tell you as a day 1 lex main that when you have learned how to escape his noob-saibot-depth setups and have any clue on how to play the matchup, you will understand why if lex does not get something now, he will fade into Cyber Sub tourny viable lethal killing machine with no representatives and no wins ever territory.
no one wants another extremely broken character but i am so fucking jaded having played thousands of games with lex in hopelessly imbalanced matchups against heavy zoners (deathstroke sinestro zod etc) i feel very justified getting some fucking attention finally.
and will you consider this for reasons of context - lex has perhaps 2 favourable matchups and the rest are even and a bunch are negative. lex will not fall in your top 10 and he probably shouldnt be in your top 15 either.
now let me enjoy my reasonable buffs because im tired of working so much harder to win than others