Aquaman is a pain if you are in close, but he feels the pain from full screen. There are like three or four Aquamans here in Charleston so I feel you on this MU. Anyways back on topic, he seems to have to work his way in on Adam because he eats a lot of damage trying to zone in this MU. He does seem to win the air to air, however I use jump 2 way too much on air to air and I'm starting to recognize jump 1 beats a lot more stuff. Idk how much good it would do against Aquaman though. Up close is kind of back and forth from what I've felt, but if you are outside of sweep range Aquaman seems to have the advantage because of his amazing normals. He also has that amazing uppercut which can really make whiff punishing a pain in the ass, and can stuff dive kick if he reads it as well as any jump ins. As of now it feels pretty even, but only time will tell.