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Biggest Unanswered Injustice Questions, and TYM PAX Roll Call


Administrator and Community Engineer
So since we have a few threads collecting Injustice questions for PAX, I wanted to organize everything here in one place. So there are 2 things I'd like to list here:

1) Who will be attending? If you have tickets for PAX and you'll be checking out Injustice, list yourself here.


2) What are the biggest unanswered questions (other than character reveals) that remain about Injustice?

I'm going to try to answer a number of them myself, both through playing the game and asking questions of the staff; but I figure, if we take the full list of questions/characters and split them up between the people that are going, we'll have the best chance to get a bunch of them answered in an organized way.

I'll try to also collect pictures and videos here in this thread, as well as links to any articles from media outlets at PAX.

Hec said that Injustice will be at the Gamespot booth (#924) -- but this is also the booth they have listed for Twitch.
Here's the link to the twitch stream:
(2-3 PM EST on Friday, Saturday, Sunday)


Administrator and Community Engineer
Main questions so far:

-What character traits do (GL, Shazam, Superman), if they're cancellable, and how to cancel
-Requests for general info about lesser explored chars (Bane, Deathstroke, Black Adam)
-Pushblock (will try to get some footage of this)
-Street fighter inputs (how back-forward style motions translate)

-Which normals are universal
-Movesets/movelists (this may be tough to get, depending on how much time people can get with the game; but we should divide this up)
-Stages: equal size, different sizes? etc.
-Are the options for switching off stage elements available online?

-OKI pressure/wakeups
-Ball punish distance: consistent?
-Can normals be buffered while in blockstun?
-How many frames does it take to turn around when crossed over? Shorter than MK9?

-Only 4 DLC characters, or will they consider more?


The 6'4 King
I always wanted to know if stage interactions were blockable and how much damage stuff like car smashes and explosions do.

I saw in the earlier footage that smashing a car on the opponent did crap damage, while the grenades in the Batcave almost took half a health bar or something, this worries me a bit, and I'd like to know more about stage interactions in general.

Also, if you can combo off a car smash? I saw Shazam doing a thunder-pedo on Doomsday after smashing him, but did it combo?

These aren't really things that you can ask, it's just the stuff I'd like you to try out. Please.

For the stuff you can actually ask -
Besides DLC and pre-orders, how many alt costumes will there be per character in the original game? Probably 1 per character, but it'd be nice if you asked.
Will they release a DLC pack with all the downloadable alts like they did on MK9?

I think that's about it. How many chapters in the story could be a cool question.

EDIT: Oh, and how many stages will there be? I heard 14 (not counting transitions), but I dunno.


The Free Meter Police

For instance, in MK9 you can have two different moves that put both characters at neutral, but one might have really short block stun which makes it tough to react to the next move, or one could have a really long block stun which makes it easy to see that they stopped their string.
Holy crap totally what chaosphere said!!!

Also consistent punish distances on blocked specials! In mk sometimes there's no pushbaxk and sometimes there's a lot of pushback. Check my old thread in glitch reporting if you're unsure about this

Also tell ShadowBeatz he's free :)
I'd like to know every trivial aesthetic details about the game that I probably won't notice during a real time match that don't effect gameplay, but it's such a big deal to me that Batman's cape doesn't look right, and Wonder Woman has manly face. /Kappa
Do stages seem to be of relatively equal size? Or are there any blasphemous differences a la Rooftop Day vs. The Pit?


Well-Known Member
I believe in the fight videos I saw, it might take like 1 frame for (the standing character) to turn around during a cross over, very fast nonetheless. Iirc it was 6 frames in mk9, and as we know crossups/jumps in general were quite strong.

So possibly confirm if turning around is faster and ask if jumps in general have a longer duration.


Tired, But Strong
Oo, oo I have another one.

Are there special properties for characters that "float" instead of walk? For instance, we've seen in a video that Superman can dash over a knocked down opponent. Is this universal, specific to floating characters, or Superman only? That and any other special movement properties would be good to know.


How many Arena's? Is it 15 like the E3 Stage Select Screen? will there be DLC Arena's?

Because 4 DLC characters and 4 DLC Arenas would be BADASS!!


Death is my business
Is there a buffer window for normals at the end of blockstun? ( if yes how many frames is that window ) Or is it like MK where you can only buffer specials while in blockstun?

In case of hotfix changes will the game have a changelog or something like that?


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
DO NOT ANSWER UNTIL APRIL 17TH: (even though it'll probably get it's own thread anyway)
Not really something you can find out from a pre-release build but since there's a 3 day release gap between the US and European versions and that should be more than enough time to find out..

How's the online?


False Information Police Officer
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios

For instance, in MK9 you can have two different moves that put both characters at neutral, but one might have really short block stun which makes it tough to react to the next move, or one could have a really long block stun which makes it easy to see that they stopped their string.
I don't understand this. Every FG has different blockstun for moves that are either 0, -1, -2 etc. For example, in SF4 there are plenty of 0 on block normals that range from 10-20 frames of block stun depending on which normal it is and which character it is. I think what you are asking for is for moves that are 0 on block to have one static number, like 15 frames of blockstun. (Which would make no sense IMO)

I think you should ask if the game has buffer window for normals, so it's easier to time your moves after recovery (block/hit stun). This would be more like Tekken then, having a buffer window for punishes and such.

I don't understand why people talk about blockstun in MK when the actual issue most of the time is not having a buffer window for normals, requiring you to just-frame inputs to get a normal to come out on the first frame after recovery.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Seems like you'd expect that big moves that hit harder, would have more blockstun than say, a jab -- regardless of being 0 on block.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
They have 4 DLC charactes planned, will they ever consider doing more DLC characters after the initial 4? Maybe a "fan favorite" DLC character that is voted on FB/Twitter? *cough* MMH *cough*

Thanks for the explanation GGA Dizzy that helps me a lot. Well said and now I better understand the issue that actually bothers me
This sounds like a troll response, lol.


The Free Meter Police
I don't understand this. Every FG has different blockstun for moves that are either 0, -1, -2 etc. For example, in SF4 there are plenty of 0 on block normals that range from 10-20 frames of block stun depending on which normal it is and which character it is. I think what you are asking for is for moves that are 0 on block to have one static number, like 15 frames of blockstun. (Which would make no sense IMO)

I think you should ask if the game has buffer window for normals, so it's easier to time your moves after recovery (block/hit stun). This would be more like Tekken then, having a buffer window for punishes and such.

I don't understand why people talk about blockstun in MK when the actual issue most of the time is not having a buffer window for normals, requiring you to just-frame inputs to get a normal to come out on the first frame after recovery.
You're right. This is my first fighting game so I wasn't aware of anything like buffer windows. Yeah, whatever can be done to help with that. Buffer window sounds awesome.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Also, as I asked in the other thread, find out shit about Aquaman, Lex, and Green Arrow for me. To anything from their move lists, to combos, to anything else you noticed about them. Assuming a recent build (hopefully final build) with these characters is what will be available. And you get +1 points for video/pictures.



For instance, in MK9 you can have two different moves that put both characters at neutral, but one might have really short block stun which makes it tough to react to the next move, or one could have a really long block stun which makes it easy to see that they stopped their string.
block stun that returns to neutral will vary dependent on the duration of the offensive move. Block stun cant be a universal number because moves have different durations.


Administrator and Community Engineer
In case of hotfix changes will the game have a changelog or something like that?
Yup -- Hector said in one of the interviews this week that they'll make sure to update everyone on what changes with each tweakvariables update, so that people don't have to play detective.


Will we still see some form of compatibility packs for the DLC? It was uncommon, but it was still an issue with online play for everyone not to have the characters online.


Administrator and Community Engineer