.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
I’m specifically trying for one single skin, which says Krypt unlock. Been wanting it since day one. I’m guessing the shrine is the only thing left since I only get trash from chests now. But now I’m even getting trash when donating 100k sometimes. It’s pissing me off. And still a ton of “Krypt” and “AI Battle” skins to be unlocked. So it’s very annoying that my rewards seem to have significantly decreased all of a sudden, when I still have so many left in each mode.
oh yeah, agree with all, have spent millions of koins in this stupid shrine, only to discover that once you reach a certain capped numeric bullshit internal threshold alghoritm, it's almost impossible to gain gears and skins from there .... wanna that classic metal blade for Baraka, but the game insist in never drop it for me on KryptI'm in the same boat, it's just infuriatingly stupid bad design. And when finally you manage to get a skin it's always a random drop for a character you'll probably never use.
I've said it since day one, this is bullshit. You sell a game marketed on customization, player agancy and no loot boxes whatsoever. A full priced fighting game with cosmetic stuff at that, so nothing that matters on gameplay.
Then at release we find out all this stuff is locked behind overlong grinds (at least they patched the absurd launch ToT and heads requirements), every aspect of it is completely random and after a month all the unlocks are capped with half the stuff still locked. Wow.
I'm telling you, if EA did it in a looter shooter people would be going for their pitchforks.