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best game ever


wow.... Looks very...VERY fun to play. You can tell they put a ton of effort in this game.
On a similar note, going through my in-laws satellite channels I found 2 "Fire" channels (1 in english, the other french...). I must be missing something for it to be this popular
im starting to think BoS is mid tier. Way too many options for Yule and cant rush him down due to his hitboxes.

hopefully at WB we can test this out more before holding it at the next carnival.

be good.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
You know what's funny is this past Christmas when my family and I opened presents, we had this channel on I was like "what the heck is that?" My family was like a fireplace on TV if you don't have one for the theme...lol

So the fact that they made an application/game based off that is funny in a way.