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Ben Affleck cast as the new Batman in Man of Steel 2

Stilll Alive

Lets say this takes off, we see a justice leauge movie planned.... Note that will require at least a few other hero movies before so let's estimate a good amount of years until that happens..... How old will Ben Affleck be by then?? 45?? Maybe older??

Iron Angel

Lets say this takes off, we see a justice leauge movie planned.... Note that will require at least a few other hero movies before so let's estimate a good amount of years until that happens..... How old will Ben Affleck be by then?? 45?? Maybe older??
I don't think they're thinking like that right now, they just want to put out good movies. They're not Marvel...they'll roll with the punches, each movie will be special unto itself. I don't care how old he is, Hollywood knows how to make people younger on screen, not to mention that if he's playing Batman, he'll be on himself to keep himself fit and in good health/condition. I just think it's a little too early to be so critical.

Iron Angel

Also regarding age, Robert Downey Jr. was older than what Ben Affleck is now when he started playing Iron Man. He's what? 48 now? That would have made him like 42 or 43 when the first Iron Man was released.


How much younger are people wanting Batman? He certainly wasn't a 22 year old pretty boy. He was about in his late 20s/early 30s by Year One, but that's me assuming he was about 7 years old when his parents died. 18 years later Year One takes place. And they've said from the get go that they wanted a seasoned Batman by this time.

AK Black Preon

An overreaction thread on the actor? Its dejavu man remember when we first heard about Ledger being Joker and flipped out about it? Aaaaaaaand if you guys keel worrying about the "who"

You're gonna have a bad time.

Iron Angel

How much younger are people wanting Batman? He certainly wasn't a 22 year old pretty boy. He was about in his late 20s/early 30s by Year One, but that's me assuming he was about 7 years old when his parents died. 18 years later Year One takes place. And they've said from the get go that they wanted a seasoned Batman by this time.
An overreaction thread on the actor? Its dejavu man remember when we first heard about Ledger being Joker and flipped out about it? Aaaaaaaand if you guys keel worrying about the "who"

You're gonna have a bad time.
Thank you, you guys have so much more sense than some lol #notsarcasm


Anyone criticising Afffleck's acting who hasn't seen him in recent work (State of Play and Argo spring to mind) need to go and watch those films first.

Older Ben Affleck = Good Ben Affleck.

Also, LBSH Daredevil would have been a piece of shit regardless of who starred in it.


Cock Master!!
Best thing ever!!! My fav super hero = superman my fav actor = Ben affleck. My biggest crush = Ben affleck.


I'm going to love this movie :D

Sent from my iPad 2 using Tapatalk

Iron Angel

"I've won Academy Awards and Oscars and a handful of other awards for my acting, directing, and writing. And they still throw Daredevil in my face...I'll show them who's boss in 2015."

He's undoubtably a great actor (although Argo was embarrassing.. ) - he just seems an odd choice; it's difficult to imagine him in the role. It'll be reet, probably.

Keaton's still the best!
I don't mind Benifer Affleck as an actor... but BATMAN?

He's a better writer/director than actor but that doesn't take away from his ability to give a solid performance on screen.
The best Batman hands down is Michael Keaton; not because of his movies but because they played BATMAN! He didn't let the role play him... You have to be able to express anguish as Batman. He is a grieving character. If you cannot emote well or if you are a one trick pony (George Clooney) you cannot play Batman. Affleck is a strong actor but he cannot carry the screen. He is out acted in EVERY movie. They should have considered Ethan Hawke, Matt Damon, Channing Tatum*, James FRANCO*, or Bradley Cooper. WHY?! Because they are funny and can play a comedic role. What does that have to do with Batman? Actors with a good comedy background (typically) have better timing and are able to express emotions better because TRAGEDY is rooted in COMEDY! Batman's tone and story are tragic. So if you want a good Batman, find someone funny... I'm skeptical but I'm giving Affleck the benefit of the doubt. I heard mixed reviews about Man of Steel. I'm a huge Batman fan and have been for a VERY LONG time. Affleck best not fudge this up.

DONT YOU EVER MENTION: Magic Mike, Step it up actors for a batman movie unless there playing "dying cop #1" lol. Matt I don't know. Hawke face doesn't fit. James Franco is too goofy to be a batman. Bradly cooper eehh but after I seen "Silver Linings" he can play disturb but I don't think batman disturbed. Sorry the Channing Tatum thing is outrageous!!!!

Iron Angel

I don't mind Benifer Affleck as an actor... but BATMAN?
They should have considered Ethan Hawke, Matt Damon, Channing Tatum*, James FRANCO*, or Bradley Cooper.
No offense, and everyone's entitled to their opinion, but, your list sucks dude lol Bradley Cooper is the only one on there who I would have been okay with playing Batman but I'd rather see him play Green Lantern. But everyone has their own opinion, and I don't judge you for that, I'm just judging your judgement :p


Ben Affleck was the only good thing about the Daredevil movie. Granted it's not an action movie but he was great in his more recent work, Argo, as well. I'm not sure how believable he'll be as Bruce Wayne but I can easily see him pulling off the scenes as Batman.

Iron Angel

I'm not sure how believable he'll be as Bruce Wayne but I can easily see him pulling off the scenes as Batman.
Funny, I'm sort of the opposite, mind you, I think he can do it right, but I'm more curious to see him as Batman and I'm completely confident in his Bruce Wayne.

The biggest thing is that they're going to have to sell it the public that this is NOT Nolan/Bale Batman this is Snyder/Affleck Batman...which may have Nolan as a Producer, but that's beside the point.

I have faith in this film, and as anybody who knows me in these forums knows, I'm super excited for Batman vs Superman 2015! All I ask is that they bring Hans Zimmer back for the score.