I don't mind Benifer Affleck as an actor... but BATMAN?
He's a better writer/director than actor but that doesn't take away from his ability to give a solid performance on screen.
The best Batman hands down is Michael Keaton; not because of his movies but because they played BATMAN! He didn't let the role play him... You have to be able to express anguish as Batman. He is a grieving character. If you cannot emote well or if you are a one trick pony (George Clooney) you cannot play Batman. Affleck is a strong actor but he cannot carry the screen. He is out acted in EVERY movie. They should have considered Ethan Hawke, Matt Damon, Channing Tatum*, James FRANCO*, or Bradley Cooper. WHY?! Because they are funny and can play a comedic role. What does that have to do with Batman? Actors with a good comedy background (typically) have better timing and are able to express emotions better because TRAGEDY is rooted in COMEDY! Batman's tone and story are tragic. So if you want a good Batman, find someone funny... I'm skeptical but I'm giving Affleck the benefit of the doubt. I heard mixed reviews about Man of Steel. I'm a huge Batman fan and have been for a VERY LONG time. Affleck best not fudge this up.