Poor anti air, telegraphed offense without trait, and therefore also a telegraphed "hunt" for an opportunity to activate the trait (Dash in when he goes for air MB fireballs/dash in and pressure if he activates trait at mid screen distance). Outside of that, not many weaknesses at all. d1 is his fastest normal and comes out in 7 frames (Or is standing 1 6 frames? Don't remember).What are Zod's weaknesses ?
standing 1 is 9 framesPoor anti air, telegraphed offense without trait, and therefore also a telegraphed "hunt" for an opportunity to activate the trait (Dash in when he goes for air MB fireballs/dash in and pressure if he activates trait at mid screen distance). Outside of that, not many weaknesses at all. d1 is his fastest normal and comes out in 7 frames (Or is standing 1 6 frames? Don't remember).
No low shots.What are Zod's weaknesses ?
If orbs are making you move then you are an idiot. And what cus you won the same amount of Games 3-3 and then switch character
Biggest weakness is MoS skin is not default.What are Zod's weaknesses ?
very trueBiggest weakness is MoS skin is not default.
Also, to add to the above list, I do not like Zod's wake up options. I feel they can be baited too hard. And don't forget most of his limbs have crap range, minus step kick
dead on truthNo low shots.
And does not start the fight with the trait on.
Eww...I also like Zod vs Ares 6-4 because d3 under MB fireball is so sweet![]()
Those number are in no way cementedAlso, I don't think Lobo should be judged 6-4 yet. We need to see his evolution. He did become top 5 overnight after all. Once people play him more at a tourney level.
Why,yes, I did pick him up recently. Mid range oki loops are fun
I don't know how you can react to tp with zod charge? Now I admit I play a lot of online, so Ares is as good as unbeatable (But I realize this is because his tp is just stupid online), but I would assume you can't react to a tp with a zod charge to run away from Ares even offline, since your inputs will reverse when he tps behind you? Did I not understand you right?Honestly, I might deem Ares worse than 6-4. Ares cannot zone at all. Zod can react to everything he does, interrupt it and stop it. TP? Zod Charge. Ax? Snipe it. Yolo godsmack? Jump. And he can d3 both fireballs. This is why Zod is so top: he always has the tools to fight. Except Sinestro who can really just play his own game. Aquaman is just uber, but if you're smart, water of life doesn't work against Wraith.
I am pretty sure the 33 frames are counting the frames of the entire tp, which means from when his animation starts to when he recovers: This could mean that there are only 15 frames to punish him after he comes out of his tp for example. Not to mention he can meterburn it and have 0 recovery on his tp.Maybe I overestimated that, but that's because 90% of all TPers that I run into teleport in such a way it makes it easy to read. However, Ares new teleport has 33 frames of recovery on it, so you can totally ZC punish it unless I misread. And if it does cross you up, it'll auto correct into one of your direction 2 starters.
ha true but not basing it off of pecka. Just feel the more i play it the more it seems clear that mmh has pretty good answers to zods trait and zod has pretty bad options after of tele blockedi dont think playing pecka determines the mu
but that 12-3 is funny![]()
Whatever james is coolI can't even work on my characters peacefully online without my bros going straight to the forums and posting match results.... i guess we have to go into tournament mode... i'm never sleeping in a bed wiht james again
Whatever james is cool
he did you a favor and the zod forums
Walk speed, but his dash makes up for it IMHO. Short range with normals especially his 1. Any string that starts with 1 needs to be in close proximity. Pretty much his only footsie string is the two that start his F2. B1 is o.k, not great, has slower start rate then F2.What are Zod's weaknesses ?
I always thought B1 is faster than F2. HmmmmmB1 is o.k, not great, has slower start rate then F2.
It feels that way to me. I punish more with F2 then I do B1.I always thought B1 is faster than F2. Hmmmmm
I can never punish with f2. Might be online though. B1 is 13 frames F2 is 15 framesIt feels that way to me. I punish more with F2 then I do B1.
Youre close, its 12 for b1 and 15 f2, I never find myself using b1 as much. I guess because of the range isn't there for punishing certain things. I stand corrrected