Yea I'd love to say why did my other post get deleted? perhaps it's because you guys have a hard on for NRS or DC? because you don't want anyone to know the truth? ..Here's the reason behind the statement so everyone can read... After viewing all the posts about who will win matchups in Battle Arena and seeing the results it's quite obvious none of us were right unless we picked the obvious answer the DC and NRS want the public to see to parade their favorite superheroes as winners. Here in the FGC however we see things differently. We see combos frame data and other shenanigans, that help us determine the winners of a fighting game. Seems to me the matches are pre-determined as to who wins according to DC and NRS. they just take the Fabcebook likes as proof of concept to their backers for financial advertising., so their investors are satisfied, and DC gets it's way. It doesn't take a Batman-like detective to figure this out!