FOREVER KING batman catwoman 5-5? Please!
Batman is a rather easy character when you bump into random chumps maining him online.
However, this is not the case when you face someone who adapts quickly to your tactics and knows how to abuse his trait and batarangs, and has a powerful pressure game which is frustrating.
Batarangs can be evaded when catwoman is fullscreen unless they're meter burned or followed by the trait. If she blocks, you can rush her down.
ryumanjisen tell them how bad you beat me. It's either i suck, or batman is a really bad mu for cw lol.
coolwhip oki game? When i try to f112 you after a hard knockdown, you dash away. B12d3 has a low reach so you can back dash it as well. Batman's slide can't be stuffed but it is punishable on block. Catwoman's wake ups have no armor except the cat scratches (trait) which leaves the odds in your favor since I find myself out of scratches most of the time.
Now, you wanna have some midnight matches? Lol