Random grappling hook actually being a talking point in matchup numbersNot that I was ever that good or that into Injustice, but I still think Supes loses 4-6. Frankly, "random" grapple too stronk against Supes zoning, J2 is a still a bitch to consistently anti-air, and trait bats shut down stuff that pretty much no other character can, like f2~trait setups or "safe" flying punches. On top of it, he has better, safer pressure and more advantageous plus frame opportunities.

Seriously tho, Superman does fine in the matchup. Bats shut your lasers in footsies distance, not full screen. Full screen you shoot lasers like a mad man just fine. You should only be shooting lasers from full screen anyways, once Batman closes in and gets to that distance where trait bats can punish lasers, that's where you stop doing lasers and start playing footsies with F2 and watching out for Batman's J2. I can anti air Batman's J2 pretty decent with Supe's D2 The better pressure is debatable, they're better for different situations.