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General/Other Batgirl is a wasted slot... wait... what?


Seriously, we needed more Lanterns. We get Hal Jordan and Sinestro, but wait, Batverse needs more characters, so lets give Batgirl a slot. Why not Atrocitus or Larfleeze? Hell, i'd even take Orange Lantern Lex Luthor as an alternate costume. Instead, we get Batgirl. I get it because the story is based around the Joker's doings and all that, but at the same time, the point most are missing is.......

This is a DC fighting game, not a Batman fighting game with random DC extras here and there. LBSH, no matter who the DLC is, SOMEONE is going to complain. However, I think most agree that less would be complaining if it had not been yet another Batverse character. Just my 2 cents.


Get over here!
Seriously, we needed more Lanterns. We get Hal Jordan and Sinestro, but wait, Batverse needs more characters, so lets give Batgirl a slot. Why not Atrocitus or Larfleeze? Hell, i'd even take Orange Lantern Lex Luthor as an alternate costume. Instead, we get Batgirl. I get it because the story is based around the Joker's doings and all that, but at the same time, the point most are missing is.......

This is a DC fighting game, not a Batman fighting game with random DC extras here and there. LBSH, no matter who the DLC is, SOMEONE is going to complain. However, I think most agree that less would be complaining if it had not been yet another Batverse character. Just my 2 cents.
I am surprised we didn't get a third lantern. I don't agree though. Batman is awesome. :16Bit