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Dude try to remove negative thoughts, try to stay positive, there's always a way. I'm not aware of what's happened to you and what not but let things resolve by themselves, and best believe karma gets to EVERYONE, let God handle all that. Doesn't matter if you believe in God. As far as what other people say, WHO CARES?? You're always gonna find people who are willing to say stupid or negative things so they can feel better somehow about themselves, so when you think about it we should really feel sad for them NOT us. You talk about gameplay and skill? Dude.. I've said in the past it took me 8 months to learn raiden's run cancel in mkx, 8 months while everyone else learned that in 2 hours. I've played sfv for almost 3 years now, I'm ranked bronze, AFTER 3 YEARS. But guess what? It's just a game, as long as you have fun who cares how good you are. Anyways stay positive and take care.


Positive Poster!
Ok Tom, sorry...sorry for lashing out at you on here and Discord. You don't have to have anything to do with me anymore if you don't want to. I'm kinda screwed up in the head.
Sometimes people get so busy that they forget people. It's an unfortunate side effect of being human and limited in capacity.
You're fine man we all feel down sometimes. Go grab some good food, music, play a game, chill out, it will all be cool.

NaCl man

Welcome to Akihabara
Don't worry guys, I'm not gonna kill myself. I actually like living...and too much of a pussy to do it anyways. I'm not sure if there's an afterlife or not, but I really hope there is a God, or Jesus, or some badass hyperdimensional beings. If there is I wouldn't want to be judged for doing something like that.

I used to have thoughts of self-harm before, but then those thoughts turned into rage and wanting to cause harm to others and I don't like the things I have done and the person I have become sometimes. I've had emotional breakdowns before...few weeks ago I had a spell where I was literally crying non-stop for 2 days straight no sleep...I couldn't control it and my body kept shaking and the tears kept coming out. It was weird...I guess from bottled up feelings and thoughts over the years.

I had left MK to play League of Legends and didn't get good as I wanted at that game...mained Ezreal ADC and plateaued at around Diamond skill level...which really isn't that great compared to top players, I wanted to be better than that. It made me say and do a lot of hurtful things and I had to stop playing it. It was my New Year's Resolution to stop playing League and so far I've kept good on it. I wanted to come back to my original love of MK.

I said I wanted to commit suicide to make Tom feel bad more than anything really. Sorry for being such a sociopath, that was wrong of me. Just wanted certain people to notice me, and felt like I had to prove to others and myself I was good at something...don't know why. Guess I should be thankful for what I do have in life. I guess being a top player isn't really all it's cracked up to be. It takes a lot of dedication too...if you're not working your ass off everyday someone else will take your spot on the throne. I'm not really sure what I want anymore. Didn't think I would get this much support, thought I would just get ridiculed, sorry...
im no doctor bro but these are signs of depression. I have family who suffer form depression and anxiety and its no joke. Have you spoken to anybody about it? I live in australia and the 1st step was to speak to a GP.


getting over there
If you feel like your so-called "friends" don't give you the attention or respect that they should then don't even bother to keep contacts with them. Such friendship never works and there are always a-holes that act high and mighty looking at you from their "thrones". Just forget about them. I'm sure there are good people out there that will help and support you.

And I know it's very discouraging to put a lot of work into something and not gain anything from it. But that is life. At times like that it sucks. And you either push harder or look for other opportunities. Life is full of them. You can always find enjoyment in simple things. A decent job and some good friends are more than enough, at least for me. And I'm sure there are people who would have a good time with you if you open up a little bit to them. Try to look at things from other perspectives. I'm sure there is something for you that will help you find your peace. If anything there are enough decent people to help you even here. Stay strong, my man.


I think you're confusing me with @JagoBlakeFGC who used to be GamerBlake. I was Jago before him, but I still understand what you're trying to say...and thanks for the kind words. I lack a lot of experience and game knowledge, so when I play against a real good player they always make me feel dumb because I'm basically stuck blocking all the time or getting punished or countered.
I'm sorry for the confusion (the names are very similar) but the thread title and what was mentioned in the OP was kind of overwhelming and I wanted to do my best to provide some feedback as soon as possible.

I would have made a post either way because these types of things should not be taken lightly and the well-being of our community is important; we all share a common ground, a love for fighting games (particularly MK / INJ / NRS).

As much negativity there is, there's always a bright side in the form of new friendships and knowing there is a little place on the internet where you can come and share your thoughts with others who share a similar passion for these games / characters.

Keep your head up.
OMG JAGO!!!! i haven't heard your name in ages! I was so young and I remember you being at the top of the leaderboards on MKvsDC! It was that game that got me into the scene! It matters! You matter! I could be wrong, but I seem to recall you playing Liu Kang, and you were FUCKING AMAZING! Much love brother! That's what we need around here


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Hey Jago, long time no see! I used to go by “OJuggernautO”, idk if you remember me. You were always a chill dude from what I remember. I know what it’s like man. I could write a book of how unfortunate my life has been. Not even kidding. When I tell people even a little bit of the shit I’ve been through, they either think it’s insane or don’t believe me.

So I’ve learned a lot. And one of the most important things I learned is that life isn’t about what hand your dealt, it’s how you play the hand that you were dealt. Like, life is filled with a lot of bullshit that you cannot control. You learn that how you handle the situations that happen is far more important than the situations themselves. Like I said, I’ve been through some pretty damaging things, both mentally and physically that most people don’t experience in their entire lifetime. But all of those things taught me something. If I didn’t learn from all my experiences, who knows if I would even be alive right now.

My point is, you have to take the hits on the chin and keep moving forward. You are only ever defeated when you choose to be defeated. YOU have to make the choice though. You can have an infinite amount of support, but no one can make the decisions for you. It sounds rough, because it is, honestly. I’m not going to sugarcoat it.

Also, pointing fingers at people and blaming them for how your current situation is will never be productive. It will create a huge void in your life that will be absolutely impossible to fill or repair. I’m not trying to tell you how to live your life, just trying to give advice that I had to learn. I also don’t pretend to have all the answers, because I don’t, no one does. But when I see someone who is obviously going through some shit, I want to try and help. So please understand that. If you ever need anything let me know.


Dojo Trainee
I just saw STORMS text and of course came right back.

I always say that God gives the biggest battles to the strongest soldiers.

@Jago Life is beautiful try to see it from a different prospective, think about those who love you

5 years ago I had a terrible accident I ended up under a tractor trailer on the freeway and after that I thought about those who love me and how difficult would be for them to receive bad news my mom and older brother would’ve died after hearing that I died in that accident. With that said think about the situation and live fight life for those who love you and for yourself

Last night I mentioned you in that thread.
If you’re feeling down don’t hesitate on contacting me for sure. I’m always around


Mr. Righteous
@Jago I get it. I get you. You want to be the best. I am the same way. We fight ourselves trying to be perfect. But what I've learned its you who can take yourself to the next level. Instead of trying to be the best, just be the best version of yourself. Don't stress yourself about it.

Im sorry your past experience wasn't a great one but you have good people here with a lot of love. I'm not a top player or anything but when MK11 comes out, id be more than happy to run some sets so we can both level up! I'm here brotha. My door is always open if you want to accept the invitation.


Glad you decided not to do anything harmful to yourself. I know another big thing that keeps me from it is knowing there a few people who it would really hurt and even though I don't care about myself sometimes, I do care about them and what it might do to them so remember that as well, as im sure you have somebody or people who love you, you don't want to put them through that either.

Like others have said, try to keep ya head up. Life can suck, actually a lot of the time it does suck but you just gotta try to truck through it. Don't let it beat you.

We here for you man!
Last edited:


the game's not even out yet. get a good wired connection, preorder, and prepare to lab and grind in ranked! this is a real opportunity for all of us having perfect netkode on day 1.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
@Tom Brady reached out to me and we worked things out, but it hurt him a lot. Really sorry guys...for being such a drama queen. Please don't be upset at him, hope he will continue to make podcasts or guides for the community. I threw him under the bus, and tarnished his reputation...it was wrong...people should be mad at me and not him. I was being real childish and immature.
I’ve known @Tom Brady for awhile. And knew it was probably either a misunderstanding, or just something y’all needed to talk out. We don’t always agree on everything but Tom is actually a very nice and helping person, and he shows respect when given it. He gets a lot of flak but it’s because of how opinionated he is. And he tends to ramble a lot, lol.

Anyway, glad y’all worked it out. But no one was or is mad at you (or him for that matter). When anyone is feeling this way we all need to look out for each other, that’s what a community is for.

Tom Brady

@Tom Brady reached out to me and we worked things out, but it hurt him a lot. Really sorry guys...for being such a drama queen. Please don't be upset at him, hope he will continue to make podcasts or guides for the community. I threw him under the bus, and tarnished his reputation...it was wrong...people should be mad at me and not him. I was being real childish and immature.

No one should be mad at anyone. Even on a gaming site where drama is everywhere, ppl still care and dont want to see anyone hurting so bad that they'd actually take their own life.

I am your friend... I didnt leave TKO because I wasn't your friend or wasnt appreciative. I left because it was an online clan where ppl played by "rules". I was an established offline tournament player at that time so playing by "the rules" didnt interest me. I joined BMF because, while still an online clan, my sparring partner REO was there and we'd play every day without unwritten rules. To me this was all just silly online clan stuff and never realized that something like this could make you feel hurt or betrayed.

I also didn't mean to offend you. Also, back then the term "online scrub" was certainly way to widely used and applied. I didnt care that i lost a ft 5 your Kahn online. At that time REO and I were meeting up offline to play.. Kahn online was nearly unbeatable. In fact, that whole game online was way different. Hell, SZ had a launcher offline that didnt launch online lol. I got offended not at losing a ft5, i got offended because i just wanted to play for fun and not some online ft5 tourney set. The community was changing from its ft5/10 online sets to all offline. The first offline MKDC tourney was shortly after this and the community would change forever. If for any reason you thought i looked at you any lesser, I assure you I didnt.

I also wasn't not adding you on PSN, I just got a PS4 again on Friday. I still havent looked at my friend requests. I'm not the same young-ish guy you used to play back in MKDC. I have a lot more responsibilities and sometimes I get really busy and forget to respond to ppl for a while. I promise you its not because I was ignoring you. I told you on Friday that the MK11 stress test only does random player match. Once you can to private games i'll play you plenty.

Even when the MK community is at its highest point of douche baggery, we are still a family and come together when one of us is hurting so badly. Im glad we cleared things up and im looking forward to playing with you in MK11.


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
Don't worry guys, I'm not gonna kill myself. I actually like living...and too much of a pussy to do it anyways. I'm not sure if there's an afterlife or not, but I really hope there is a God, or Jesus, or some badass hyperdimensional beings. If there is I wouldn't want to be judged for doing something like that.
I'm relieved you have understood this, living is important. And if you ever want to discuss God or Jesus, my DMs are open. Or if you just need to vent, I'm here too.

Take care of yourself!


Mr. Righteous
@Tom Brady reached out to me and we worked things out, but it hurt him a lot. Really sorry guys...for being such a drama queen. Please don't be upset at him, hope he will continue to make podcasts or guides for the community. I threw him under the bus, and tarnished his reputation...it was wrong...people should be mad at me and not him. I was being real childish and immature.
It happens. People just need to vent so beat yourself up over it. Im not upset at anybody, just concerned. But I'm glad everything is ok. But just know if you need to vent, now you have people, including myself, to go to. Glad all is well. Stay Righteous fam ;)


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Just saw this now but as someone who has anxiety and some bouts of depression, I hope you feel better man. Life sucks sometimes, it's one reason why I bury myself in comics, MK etc to get lost in fiction. That's great to hear about you you know not wanting to end your life. There's always a better way.

Johnny Based Cage

The Shangest of Tsungs
No one should be mad at anyone. Even on a gaming site where drama is everywhere, ppl still care and dont want to see anyone hurting so bad that they'd actually take their own life.

I am your friend... I didnt leave TKO because I wasn't your friend or wasnt appreciative. I left because it was an online clan where ppl played by "rules". I was an established offline tournament player at that time so playing by "the rules" didnt interest me. I joined BMF because, while still an online clan, my sparring partner REO was there and we'd play every day without unwritten rules. To me this was all just silly online clan stuff and never realized that something like this could make you feel hurt or betrayed.

I also didn't mean to offend you. Also, back then the term "online scrub" was certainly way to widely used and applied. I didnt care that i lost a ft 5 your Kahn online. At that time REO and I were meeting up offline to play.. Kahn online was nearly unbeatable. In fact, that whole game online was way different. Hell, SZ had a launcher offline that didnt launch online lol. I got offended not at losing a ft5, i got offended because i just wanted to play for fun and not some online ft5 tourney set. The community was changing from its ft5/10 online sets to all offline. The first offline MKDC tourney was shortly after this and the community would change forever. If for any reason you thought i looked at you any lesser, I assure you I didnt.

I also wasn't not adding you on PSN, I just got a PS4 again on Friday. I still havent looked at my friend requests. I'm not the same young-ish guy you used to play back in MKDC. I have a lot more responsibilities and sometimes I get really busy and forget to respond to ppl for a while. I promise you its not because I was ignoring you. I told you on Friday that the MK11 stress test only does random player match. Once you can to private games i'll play you plenty.

Even when the MK community is at its highest point of douche baggery, we are still a family and come together when one of us is hurting so badly. Im glad we cleared things up and im looking forward to playing with you in MK11.

Truly awesome post, especially that last paragraph. You’re a legend, @Tom Brady .