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Aw, C'mon Puddin' -- Harley Quinn General Discussion Thread

Any good harley matches or players recording any matches of them play?? i feel like its impossible to find a good harley quinn player right now.


Don't know if anyone found this yet, but f13, play doctor is a damage reset. f13 does 12% then the grab does a full 10% (or more with the MB). It can be clashed though. You can also do a regular throw, but it's breakable.
hey guys. as harley is good up close (and b22 ad f2 have a really short range) im looking for options on how to get close to my opponent especially when im almost in b22 range. jumping is the only way ive found.

and u guys think that the oopsy daisy works as a good mix up when jumping in? they will try to anti air u but in stead u shoot them?


Button Masher
hey guys. as harley is good up close (and b22 ad f2 have a really short range) im looking for options on how to get close to my opponent especially when im almost in b22 range. jumping is the only way ive found.

and u guys think that the oopsy daisy works as a good mix up when jumping in? they will try to anti air u but in stead u shoot them?
walking works.
Silly slide to TS
bait them to jump and AA
walk forward then back to try and cause them to wiff


Too old for this Shit
hey guys. as harley is good up close (and b22 ad f2 have a really short range) im looking for options on how to get close to my opponent especially when im almost in b22 range. jumping is the only way ive found.

and u guys think that the oopsy daisy works as a good mix up when jumping in? they will try to anti air u but in stead u shoot them?
People sleep on F3 and B1 as ways to get in close. F3 makes Harley's hurt box very strange and it seems to go through a lot of moves- going through the opponent completely... Causing you to be closer. B1,2 or B1,2,1 gets you in as well.


What are you guys doing after landing doctor in combos? I usually use b3 (MB if needed), unless they can get through it with armor somehow. Once they start backdashing I can cancel it and start shooting/throwing shit. I know it's pretty character dependent.

Also, what is your go to AA? far range db1 works ok, close up j1 or j2 seems to be alright. Coming off of Grundy so her AA game seems weak in comparison.


Too old for this Shit
What are you guys doing after landing doctor in combos? I usually use b3 (MB if needed), unless they can get through it with armor somehow. Once they start backdashing I can cancel it and start shooting/throwing shit. I know it's pretty character dependent.

Also, what is your go to AA? far range db1 works ok, close up j1 or j2 seems to be alright. Coming off of Grundy so her AA game seems weak in comparison.
Backdash, B3 is a great AA, the mallet reaches so far up that you can catch a lot with it, specially if they are dashing or jumping to catch a runaway Harley. J2 at peak of jump works well as counter so more Air to air than anti air...upward guns (Specially MB) can catch them for a nice two hit knock back.. And believe it or not, Silly slide is a great AA, you dash under them and can catch them w/ a cross up. It is my belief that what constitutes a good AA is a move that makes your opponent think twice about jumping in on you.


Yeah I've actually been using slide to get out of cross up attempts pretty frequently. Whenever I try to use b3 as an AA, I always end up going under them, and her BD seems too slow to make good use of bd b3.


Yeah I've actually been using slide to get out of cross up attempts pretty frequently. Whenever I try to use b3 as an AA, I always end up going under them, and her BD seems too slow to make good use of bd b3.
You should try to work on your spacing for b3 it covers a huge box in front on you...don't use it up close unless you meter burn it. use it for when they recklessly jump at you or for poke game because even if they block b3 its plus on block.


Like Father, Like Daughter
Just something I've been thinking of, I don't have the game yet so I'm not familar with all of her strings yet.

Her b2,2, it's a sick low with good range, but what does she have to mix it up with at that range? f+3 is too slow, the f1,3(?) overhead string requires her to be up close.


Too old for this Shit
Just something I've been thinking of, I don't have the game yet so I'm not familar with all of her strings yet.

Her b2,2, it's a sick low with good range, but what does she have to mix it up with at that range? f+3 is too slow, the f1,3(?) overhead string requires her to be up close.
You can whiff F1 and then she leaps forward with 3 causing the overhead. Harley has a few set ups from whiffed moves.. F2(whiff) into 2 if they are walking, or F2(whiff) into 3 if they get jump happy.


Like Father, Like Daughter
But the whiff f1 would give away the fact she's doing the overhead though?

I guess you could do something like f1 into b2,2 or continue the followup but might be a bit reactable since you can watch out for a delay for the b2,2 (this is a common strategy in tekken)


Like Father, Like Daughter
Aye but there'd be a noticeable delay when she stops the string and then does b+2,2 which the opponent might pick up on with enough matchup exp.

Idk, we'll see :D


That's why you have to mix it up and not whiff to overhead EVERY time :)
F13 is a gimmick. Plain and simple. Scared opponents with absolutely no idea that the 3 hits high will get hit. Everyone else will block the 3 (which is minus BTW) or, far more likely, mash during the whiffed F1 with their highest damage combo.


Too old for this Shit
F13 is a gimmick. Plain and simple. Scared opponents with absolutely no idea that the 3 hits high will get hit. Everyone else will block the 3 (which is minus BTW) or, far more likely, mash during the whiffed F1 with their highest damage combo.
Sorry you have such luck.. The plain and simple gimmick works for me.


Sorry you have such luck.. The plain and simple gimmick works for me.
well I've already gone to two tournaments and get to play players like Pig offline. Gimmicks work on bad players and not on good ones. That's why they're gimmicks.


Too old for this Shit

two things I learned from this video:
1) ban interactables plzkthnx
2) Harley S tier
1) no
2) player has great range of reach knowledge and outstanding execution. That is the way combos are meant to look as far as flow.. That could be any character.. Not just Harley.

3) very very nice video


Wish he would have but meter on normal, I would've liked to see what kind of meter gain those combos get, some might actually be viable in terms of overall meter gain. Really nice combos though.


1) no
2) player has great range of reach knowledge and outstanding execution. That is the way combos are meant to look as far as flow.. That could be any character.. Not just Harley.

3) very very nice video
I was mostly being sarcastic because the video is super ballin' out of control, but I do predict that interactables are going to become a serious problem as the meta develops. Many are balanced but a few are lolwut and they can't be disabled individually. If they can be rebalanced in patches then it's a moot point though.


This one's for you
I thought i was on to something really good right now but it didnt work out :(
2b3~play doctor actually connects against the AI blocking & you can't jump out of it. But against a human you can crouch block to make it whiff which is what most people will be doing anyway. It might still be okay to use in the right situation but not anything like I hoped at first.


Always Bet On Black

two things I learned from this video:
1) ban interactables plzkthnx
2) Harley S tier

Cool Combos, but very unpractical/situational combos based off the random dmg boost trait that you may never roll in-match. Also, the instant jump 2 combos only work on big characters (Lex/Grundy/Bane/Doom) So keep that in mind.

I also noticed that some of these combos were either made pre-patch or only work on specific consoles because st.2, d.3 xx Tantrum Stance does not work on xbox 360. So if you play on PS3 or Wii U please verify this for me.

As for this video making harley S tier, i dont think so lol


Harley & Zatana is all I need.

two things I learned from this video:
1) ban interactables plzkthnx
2) Harley S tier
This video really isn't useful seeing how they wasted 5 bars on combos.... Also 2, d+3 into Tantrum got patched out so no more of that. Don't think because you see this video it makes her S Tier.