Eh, after a few days of messing with the patch, I'm pretty disappointed. Some notes:
Takedown now seems to work better on wakeup, but if you are a few frames late, you're still utterly screwed by anything and everything.
I feel like the takedown hitbox has been increased, since I'm succeeding less at sliding under projectiles. Lag perhaps?
Takedown still sucks a big one if you whiff due to someone jumping over it. Recovery on block is significantly better, but I'm finding it to be a guessing game whether people will stand their ground or jump - guess wrong and be punished.
Ex-takedown is f'ing brilliant. Takedown followed by ex-takedown has won me a ton of matches already. Sometimes I feel like it needs just a little extra distance.
In other news, the Kitana scaling nerf wasn't hard enough. Ran into a guy with a trueskill of 42 who was pulling 52% combos every round without fail. The Kung Lao nerf only helps against noobs, he's otherwise still a cunt. Still waiting to see the difference in Ermac scaling, and the Raiden teleport nerf. Desyncs are wayyyy less common now. Cyrax is less of a bitch to fight, since he can't do crazy long combos as easy anymore. They really need to do something about Reptile and Millena when playing online - with even minor lag, it's still a bitch to punish sometimes.