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Ask Me Anything about MK Movieverse and MK2 and MK3 films and I will try and answer

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Nor does anyone believe you at this point.

LOL, yeah ;)))))))))))))

After providing correct info about everything, from movie (old scripts or not, they were never fake, I updated as much as I could), game info (I must have dreamt I played the Aftermath story mode before anyone else and knew the DLC characters for KP2, Rambo no less who no one predicted, told everyone how Rain and Mileena play and their intros).

Yet no one believes me.....:confused::p:coffee:

I am tired of talking with the Garner Police. If you wish to talk about the plot of the sequels, fine. If not, go away


Todd has stated they aren't at the point of doing multiple movies yet (he spoke previous about his desire to one day set up a white board in a writer's room to begin writing the cinematic universe) and Greg has stated any ideas for a sequel exist purely in his head.

So... yeah. All this sequel stuff is fake
That's kind of what I figured. I'm sure there's plenty of people who want a sequel, and obviously the way the first movie was written they clearly left the door open for sequels, but anything being floated out there as an actual sequel script is nothing more than a hypothetical possibility at this point.

I wouldn't be surprised if Greg or some other writers have something written down somewhere, or at least have some kind of high concept story map drafted up, but at this point with nothing being official it's basically just fan fiction.


I actually DM’d the guy and he showed me the scripts. They seemed legit. I’m sure they’ll change but there definitely appears to be a story outline. If it’s fake, it’s a hell of a lot of work.

Rather than bash the guy, maybe ask nicely in a message and judge for yourself.


I actually DM’d the guy and he showed me the scripts. They seemed legit. I’m sure they’ll change but there definitely appears to be a story outline. If it’s fake, it’s a hell of a lot of work.

Rather than bash the guy, maybe ask nicely in a message and judge for yourself.
Not sure what he showed you... but he has stated multiple times that he doesn't have access to the scripts. If you mean the 2021 scripts, then that's probably because I uploaded them to his Discord a couple months ago. DVD is very protective of his information and has never shown copies of anything to anyone.


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I actually DM’d the guy and he showed me the scripts. They seemed legit. I’m sure they’ll change but there definitely appears to be a story outline. If it’s fake, it’s a hell of a lot of work.

Rather than bash the guy, maybe ask nicely in a message and judge for yourself.
So you just happened to make a “newish” account with this being your only message? Right.

Based on all the evidence available, this is clearly not reliable information, nor is it in anyway corroborated, objective, verified, or it demonstrated to be true in any sense of the word. There is no proof that any of this is actually legitimate in anyway.

So to protect the integrity of this site and to prevent the spread of false information, I will be closing this thread for now. Thanks.
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