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Article: MK9 To Feature Online Pass For Netplay

Why should a law-abiding pre-owned purchaser of a video game be penalized by having content restricted from them? What did they do wrong? Why are they being punished? Is their patronage really that unwanted by this industry? How does this kind of philosophy reflect upon games companies? This is supposed garner trust from the consumer, that games producers' primary concern is forcing gamers into buying games at exorbitant prices? Games that are often stripped of content that's sold back the customer as DLC? Games that are 99% of the time duds; glitchy, buggy, rehashed and thoroughly underwhleming??

Sorry. I don't see any rationale here other than another Machiavellian means by which to fleece the consumer. How people are not up-in-arms, Middle-East style, is beyond me. Guess the world really doesn't comprise of 99% apatheitc, work-a-day, automaton lemmings. 21/12/2012 (for Yanks: 12/21/2011) can't come soon enough! >_>


Lose without excuses
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Why should a law-abiding pre-owned purchaser of a video game be penalized by having content restricted from them? What did they do wrong? Why are they being punished? Is their patronage really that unwanted by this industry? How does this kind of philosophy reflect upon games companies? This is supposed garner trust from the consumer, that games producers' primary concern is forcing gamers into buying games at exorbitant prices? Games that are often stripped of content that's sold back the customer as DLC? Games that are 99% of the time duds; glitchy, buggy, rehashed and thoroughly underwhleming??

Sorry. I don't see any rationale here other than another Machiavellian means by which to fleece the consumer. How people are not up-in-arms, Middle-East style, is beyond me. Guess the world really doesn't comprise of 99% apatheitc, work-a-day, automaton lemmings. 21/12/2012 (for Yanks: 12/21/2011) can't come soon enough! >_>
You're crying over spilled milk man. The online code is only $10 if you don't get the game new, no need to make a mountain out of an anthill just because you can.

Also, this video explains why this is being done very well -> http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/extra-credits/2068-Project-Ten-Dollar
Online subscriptions, content stripped from games and ransomed seperately, 'online pass' activiations, Internet connection dependant games...

It's the thin edge of the wedge, that's the problem here. Not the measley $10. When digital downloads become the rule rather than the exception, we'll lose all control over the products we're paying for.

There is a forest for the trees here.


Where is crossplay?
Why not support the people who made the game and buy it brand new? If you want a great game, they need to make profit and DLC/Buying brand new are pretty fair ways to do that


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
You're crying over spilled milk man. The online code is only $10 if you don't get the game new, no need to make a mountain out of an anthill just because you can.

Also, this video explains why this is being done very well -> http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/extra-credits/2068-Project-Ten-Dollar
...In that case, I'd gladly pay the 10 bucks for the online code. I'm serious, too, especially if the game is good. But like stated in that vid, they could do this better.


Why should a law-abiding pre-owned purchaser of a video game be penalized by having content restricted from them? What did they do wrong? Why are they being punished? Is their patronage really that unwanted by this industry? How does this kind of philosophy reflect upon games companies? This is supposed garner trust from the consumer, that games producers' primary concern is forcing gamers into buying games at exorbitant prices? Games that are often stripped of content that's sold back the customer as DLC? Games that are 99% of the time duds; glitchy, buggy, rehashed and thoroughly underwhleming??

Sorry. I don't see any rationale here other than another Machiavellian means by which to fleece the consumer. How people are not up-in-arms, Middle-East style, is beyond me. Guess the world really doesn't comprise of 99% apatheitc, work-a-day, automaton lemmings. 21/12/2012 (for Yanks: 12/21/2011) can't come soon enough! >_>
Blame GameStop and other places that sell used games without sharing the profits with the publishers. Games aren't cheap to make, and anytime you have used game sales, it takes money away from the publisher. As far as the publisher is concerned, it's really no different than pirating the game.

Instead of buying the game used, why not just wait for the inevitable price drop or sale? It's not like you save much buying the game used shortly after it's been released.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Why not support the people who made the game and buy it brand new? If you want a great game, they need to make profit and DLC/Buying brand new are pretty fair ways to do that
I agree, besides used games now days aren't even THAT much cheaper unless it's 10 years later...lol


Lawless Victory!
On this particular occasion, I don't mind the online code thing since in my opinion, the game is valued at a reasonable price given the content; I'm getting 30 odd characters, a brand new fighting engine [which I like so far], tag-team mode [auto-win right thar], standard 1 player/online etc AND challenge tower AND a truck ton of secrets.

A couple of clicks on the internet and a few price checks later, I found MK9 for something like £29.86 [shout-outs to shopto.net!], free delivery. So for me, it's not that big of a deal. In fact, it's a double flawless with a babality on top!

Tl;dr; :bigsmile:


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Thanks for that update, so I take it it's simple right? I've never had to detonate a code before for online pass. Do you do it in the redeem code section?
I used to have a problem because I felt that when I borrowed a game from someone or rented it, I would have to play to play online but I can see how companies are losing money and as SOnic from the 90's cartoon would say "That's Nooo Good."

Rabid Justice

Your Soul Is Mine
Wow, this really sucks. I hope Microsoft somehow puts a stop to this (doubt it), considering they advertise that when you get to purchase XBL Gold you can play any game online. With this new system it makes that advertisement false. I know many people won't have a problem with this, since they will get the code with their purchase, but with me, I plan to get this game and my girlfriend who also lives with me will want to play it online as well, on her account. So she'll have to pay to extra just to play online now? That's BS.
What are you talking about? This is right on the box.
Xbox live system requirement: in available games, paid subscription required for online play.

Would you rather them do like wow or dcu online and charge 15$ a month to play a single game online.

If it’s like anything else you download on xbox live you can play on any profile on the original xbox it was downloaded on. If you take the game to a friend’s house you should be able to play as long as the original gamer tag is signed into xbox live.

Rabid Justice

Your Soul Is Mine
Thanks for that update, so I take it it's simple right? I've never had to detonate a code before for online pass. Do you do it in the redeem code section?
Ya that’s how it works but I’m sure you can just down load it on live/psn and pay with credit card


"You won't winter over?" Who the fuck wrote that?
yeah you do it in the redeem code section, and if your on xbox for example.. after your 2 day trial the game will ask you to purchase the key to unlock the full online experience. then you can choose to download from there and it will charge you 800 microsoft points or $10.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
ah ok, thanks guys, just wanted to make sure you didn't have to jump thru hoops or do something else to activate it. :)