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Strategy Ares' reset is NOT guaranteed: Info on how to beat it inside!


Lose without excuses
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Since apparently everyone seems to think Ares' reset is unavoidable, I'm here to do all the work for you. The only reason I'm doing this is because I'm tired of people calling the reset bullshit when what really is bullshit is your laziness.

To note something, some characters who have one hit specials can be beaten if the MB Godsmack is delayed. However, once you delay the MB Godsmack, they're able to backdash on wake-up to avoid the reset. Other's can beat it due to wake-up invincibility.

Below I'll go through every character and hand to you on a silver platter which wake-up attack each character can do to beat the reset. I'll put an asterisk besides the moves that can be beaten if I delay the MB Godsmack. It isn't completely selfless since it will give me the knowledge of who can beat the reset outright, and who I have to delay it against.

Another note, MB wake-up moves weren't tested, as you can't test them in training mode, at least not with the dummy. For instance Superman's Super Breath doesn't work, but MB Super Breath does (at least it's worked on me before). Also, b23 is apparently getting nerfed so Ares' reset isn't going to be as good after that. But it can already be beaten, so here you go.

Flash: Speed Dodge, Lightning Charge, Sonic Pound, Flying Uppercut, Flash's Super, and *Lightning Kick*

Nightwing: Escrima Fury, Flip Kick, Staff Spin, Flying Grayson, Nightwing's Super

Batman: Slide Kick, Batman's Super

Cyborg: Power Fist, Techno Tackle, Cyborg's Super

Green Arrow: Stinger, *Savage Blast*, *Hurricane Bow*

Superman: Superman's Super, *Rising Grab*, *Low Scoop*

Raven: Raven's Super, *Event Horizon*, *Empty Void*, *Soul Crush*

Aquaman: Water Shield, Aquaman's Super, *Trident Rush*, *Trident Scoop*

Wonder Woman: WW's Super, *Amazonian Uppercut*, *Lasso Spin*

Hawkgirl: HG's Super, Mace Charge, Wing Evade

Shazam: *Atlas Torpedo*, *Herculean Might*, *Achillies' Clutch*, *Adv Mercury Storm*, *Evade Mercury Storm*

Green Lantern: GL's Super, *Lantern's Light*, *Minigun*, *Turbine Smash*

Lobo: Lobo's Super, *Czar Toss*, *Pump Shot*, *Hook charge*, *Space Hook*, *Low Space Hook*

Joker: *Crow Bar*, *Acid Blossom*

Harley: Tantrum Stance, Harley's Super, *Play Doctor*, *Silly Slide*

Grundy: Cleaver Spin, Walking Corpse, Super, *Dead Air*, *Swamp Hands*, *The Pain Chain*

Lex: *Gravity Pull*, *Corp Charge*

Catwoman: Cat Dash, Super, *Cat Claws*, *Straight Whip*

DeathStroke: Super, *Sword Spin*

Ares: Godsmack, Super

Killer Frost: Black Ice, Super

Doomsday: Upward Venom, Supernova, Super *Venom*, *Earth Shake*

Sinestro: Super, *Arachnid Sting*

Black Adam: *Lightning Storm*, *Lightning Cage*

Bane: *Double Punch*, *Body Press*, *Venom Uppercut*, *Raging Charge*

And for a lot of the ones where I have to delay the MB Godsmack, there's varying amounts of delay I have to wait. For instance I have to wait much longer for Black Adam's Lightning Cage.

Everyone can do something because of wake-up invincibility, and almost everyone can use their super. It seems Sinestro, Joker and Green Lantern have the toughest time with it, since they have limited options. And to be clear, by "beat it" I don't always mean that the wake-up move will beat it, some specials "beat it" others "avoid it". I'll leave that part up to you guys to figure out.

And remember, the ones with asterisks I have to delay it, giving you time to back dash. Since everyone has at least one asterisk move, the reset is almost avoidable all the time. I haven't tested the back dash in the corner or anything of this stuff in the corner, so results may vary.

WoundCowboy THTB PLAYING TO W1N Pig Of The Hut REO Tom Brady colt hecterrific m2dave


Lose without excuses
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Arachnid sting.....yea good luck with that. That shit has very little invincibility and I am screwed either way once we are not at midscreen.

I'm pretty sure ares recovers faster than arachnid -34 does so d1 trait it is
Arachnid Sting beats it out right, meaning you hit me and launch me. The only way to beat it is to delay the MB Godsmack, at this time you can back dash. And read entire post please.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Ares has to delay to avoid eating a wakeup attack. The timing is so obvious at times, too.

I don't have a problem with it anymore, but fuck beating it online lol.


Lose without excuses
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Ares has to delay to avoid eating a wakeup attack. The timing is so obvious at times, too.

I don't have a problem with it anymore, but fuck beating it online lol.
It's very very hard to beat online consistently, it's way easier offline, 100% agree.


Lose without excuses
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Tits or it didn't happen

U pick sinestro and let me do it on u and watch how trusty that arachnid is

A fart in the wind beats it
That comes down to execution. And it's simple, do the Arachnid to beat the reset, make me respect it. If I read or guess right that you're going to do it, I will delay the Godsmack, if you read/guess/react to me delaying, you can back dash. It makes the reset not guaranteed when it's a 50/50 at the least. But I will say that every time I've played someone who has beaten the reset ONCE, I don't want to ever try it again the entire match, because it isn't worth it to me.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
That comes down to execution. And it's simple, do the Arachnid to beat the reset, make me respect it. If I read or guess right that you're going to do it, I will delay the Godsmack, if you read/guess/react to me delaying, you can back dash. It makes the reset not guaranteed when it's a 50/50 at the least. But I will say that every time I've played someone who has beaten the reset ONCE, I don't want to ever try it again the entire match, because it isn't worth it to me.
No the move comes out but half the time is stuffed
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Lose without excuses
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No the move comes out but half the time is stuffed
Yeah it's not a very good move or wake-up move but it beats the "normal" reset so I have to delay it then you can back dash. I'm not saying it's easy, just saying it's not guaranteed. Arachnid is pretty bad because I could just duck or block and punish, that's not the point though.


Who puts Ares on this pedestal with resets when Grundy is the best at doing resets in this game. Grundy has death combo resets for half the amount of work. Grundy can also gain buffs off his resets, such x10 reduction in chip which means it's practically game over if he touches you. You're then forced to go to him (that's if you even live after the resets), so good luck.

Oh, and have fun trying to do some wake-ups against Grundy when he has walking corpse that chews through it with armor and still resets you. All of this Ares reset hype is so blown out of proportion. It's like MK9 players complaining about Jax reset while Cyrax goes under the radar with his.

Gosh, I can't wait until some good Grundy players come out of the wood work and reset the hell out of some of you with his grabs. Where will your God of War be then? Oh, that's right. Nerfed to irrelevant and "who cares" tier. I pray he gets some buffs after they take it away.


1 2 3 drink
Yeah against good players the reset is useless. I was playing a good hawkgirl yesterday and she was getting out so easy. If i did it insta, she did mace charge. When i delayed, she backdashed.
Its not so hard to get out, ppl just are lazy to get in the lab.


Lose without excuses
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I realize I came off a little harsh in my post, but it's really irritating when I see/hear people calling the reset OP and BS, when it's clearly not. It's definitely a good tool, but it's also definitely not nerf worthy since it's beatable. Nerfing b23 is completely unnecessary.

And to be fair, I also realize that it's not that easy to beat, especially online. I think Sinestro has the toughest time since you can bait Arachnid multiple ways, and get a full combo punish anyway. But he can beat it, which means it's not guaranteed, which is my point.
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Im glad this is out there for the people that's not so familiar with fighting or playing Ares. It'll also help level up the Ares players into being more hands on with their character. Right now we can get it so free due to lack of knowledge of opponents.. They would just sit there and think they cant do anything about it.

However characters like Sinestro cant do anything about it.. I mean he can, but he shouldn't have to time a "wakeup attack" in order to avoid it.. that's pretty unfair lol


TYM White Knight
Who puts Ares on this pedestal with resets when Grundy is the best at doing resets in this game. Grundy has death combo resets for half the amount of work. Grundy can also gain buffs off his resets, such x10 reduction in chip which means it's practically game over if he touches you. You're then forced to go to him (that's if you even live after the resets), so good luck.

Oh, and have fun trying to do some wake-ups against Grundy when he has walking corpse that chews through it with armor and still resets you. All of this Ares reset hype is so blown out of proportion. It's like MK9 players complaining about Jax reset while Cyrax goes under the radar with his.

Gosh, I can't wait until some good Grundy players come out of the wood work and reset the hell out of some of you with his grabs. Where will your God of War be then? Oh, that's right. Nerfed to irrelevant and "who cares" tier. I pray he gets some buffs after they take it away.
This. God dammit this. I play two insanely good Grundys. Sometimes you just want to put down the controller and walk away.


Why is it that no one seems to be able to make informative threads discussing relevant Injustice tech/match-ups without being condescending and burying everyone for their lack of knowledge?


Administrator and Community Engineer
Why is it that no one seems to be able to make informative threads discussing relevant Injustice tech/match-ups without being condescending and burying everyone for their lack of knowledge?
Mostly because they are tired of people crying for weeks about stuff that is untrue and asking for nerfs, when those people haven't even done a little bit of homework to figure out on their own if it's actually true or not. So it comes out as frustration.


Mostly because they are tired of people crying for weeks about stuff that is untrue and asking for nerfs, when those people haven't even done a little bit of homework to figure out on their own if it's true or not. So it comes out as frustration.
I know, it was mainly a rhetorical question. As an Ares player myself, I understand where Juggs is coming from for sure. I think it will benefit everyone to remind themselves that this game is one month old. That way, those who are actually good at the game and spread knowledge understand that the rest of the community has only played this game for a month and thus, it's understandable that they have yet to grasp it, and those who bitch and moan about stuff will remind themselves that it would be wise to let the game develop before crying foul.


Ares should not be nerfed.. Its stupid.

If anything the characters that cannot escape this needs buffs on their wakeups.


bye felicia
I know, it was mainly a rhetorical question. As an Ares player myself, I understand where Juggs is coming from for sure. I think it will benefit everyone to remind themselves that this game is one month old. That way, those who are actually good at the game and spread knowledge understand that the rest of the community has only played this game for a month and thus, it's understandable that they have yet to grasp it, and those who bitch and moan about stuff will remind themselves that it would be wise to let the game develop before crying foul.
You gotta keep in mind, pre-injustice tym was mostly inhabited by miserable old MK vets who were shunned by mainstream FGC and used to having opinionated (and frequently heated) but still semi reasonable debates about tech and strategy. Now we have a new game and every two days srk and eventhubs sent a brand new batch of NRS noobs to us for answers we answered ourselves years ago.

The new blood is nice, but the growing pains are obvious.