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Are you happy with your main? Or did you settle...?


I honestly couldn't be happier. Been a reptile fan ever since UMK3 and while he's difficult to use in this he is incredibly rewarding. Still play a bunch of characters but Reptile in MKX will be my main.


Guardian Cadet
I don't have a main. I play Reptile, Erron, Kitana, and Kenshi. This is also the first MK game I've played since I was little. The only thing I can really say I settled on is that I just couldn't play mournful. That was the one thing I was excited to play prerelease, and it has to be one of the laziest and dissapointing variations created in this game. I just wish they could have taken the effort to give her at least one unique string utlizing her staff, but no.
Kenshi is my main. I know he's a bit rough at the moment, but I'm sticking with him because I love the character... doesn't matter if he's crap tier or not. For me, he's just really fun to play as. I've been trying to find ways to work around his problems, he's just a character with more weakness then strengths. He has the tools/moves, but those things need adjustments.

And speaking from your OP, I'd say stick with Jax. It's more fun to play as a character you like than some character you can just go brain dead with IMO. I hope you stick with him :)


Try Jax online man... it may not be as ridiculous as you think!
He is better online. D1D2 on block mise well be plus lol not to mention safe gotcha grabs in Pumped up variation AND his ridiculous 1, 1 ,1 1, pressure which is even more safe online....

Northern Slasher

Heads or Tails X
Kenshi is my main. I know he's a bit rough at the moment, but I'm sticking with him because I love the character... doesn't matter if he's crap tier or not. For me, he's just really fun to play as. I've been trying to find ways to work around his problems, he's just a character with more weakness then strengths. He has the tools/moves, but those things need adjustments.

And speaking from your OP, I'd say stick with Jax. It's more fun to play as a character you like than some character you can just go brain dead with IMO. I hope you stick with him :)
Thanks pal, you too. (with Kenshi)

Northern Slasher

Heads or Tails X
He is better online. D1D2 on block mise well be plus lol not to mention safe gotcha grabs in Pumped up variation AND his ridiculous 1, 1 ,1 1, pressure which is even more safe online....
I'm meaning more so the execution of his high percentage mid screen combos he was referring to.
I still haven't settled on a main in this game. I don't want to make the same mistake as in MK9 and Injustice where I picked characters who didn't fit my playstyle and by the time I figured that out I was too heavily invested to switch.


I'm meaning more so the execution of his high percentage mid screen combos he was referring to.
You referring to the F21 mb OHDP RC F21 11 f21 gotcha/DP?

Thats actually pretty easy execution in the grand scheme of execution lol.

I think if you really like Jax and something like that is holding you back that could be a mistake long term imo. Jax is amazing. Hes so fun to use and hype.


Smack it up, flip it and rub it down.
I haven't even taken Jax online. I can't imagine anyone landing that midscreen run stuff consistently. It does suck, man....I agree. I say stick with him and hope for some netcode improvements. I picked up Kotal Kahn because I find his combos pretty online-friendly, but I still hit the lab with Jax as much as possible. I have NO ONE to play offline, so online is my only option, which totally sucks.
I feel you bro

Error Macro

It April yet?
What I mean is we all sat there before the game released and basically picked our mains. For me, it was Jax. I played this bad-ass motha for every single MK game he was in. But once I got the game, I couldn't do jack shit with him midscreen.

So I "settled" with Ermac. Yes I like Ermac but my heart belongs to Jax and I feel like i'll never be happy with Ermac as my main, especially since he looks like such a snake charmer. (Yes i'm vain)

My question is, does anybody else feel the same way? Do you feel like you're cheating on your MK love? Do you think I should quit my bitching, main Jax, level up, and put my salt shaker away?
Kind of weird to hear you say that. You were talking up Ermac quite a bit not too long ago....

And to answer you question, my main is nothing how he should of been designed, and I had to "settle".


Lin Kuei Initiate
I've been a Sub-Zero fan since the first Mortal Kombat and so making him my main for X was a no-brainer. Loving GrandMaster of course, however, I've been experimenting with Cryomancer and the more time I spend in the lab with him the more I'm...warming up to him. :p


gotta take it to make it
I picked Swarm Queen D'Vorah the first time I loaded up the game and never looked back, even though I didn't know what she was capable of since I stayed away from mkx related stuff on purpose. I played Viper in SF but never went to tournaments so I love playing the most technically difficult and highly mindgamesy character in whatever game I play. D'Vorah is just that, its perfect.


MKX XB1 & Cage Family Supporter
"This above all, to thine own self be true" -Shakespeare

Stick to Jax, it may be an uphill battle- but that more fulfilling when you get in a groove with him. Do NOT sell out.

As for online vs offline- I practice for offline connection, say Cassie for example- I run 2 variations of her- Brawler online and Brawler offline.
I make sure I can hit her run combos, make sure that I keep up to date with all her shenanigans.. However by the midway point of the first round (online) I know what kind of connection I am dealing with, so I assess from there- I can pull out offline Cassie with good connection and little delay and hit run combo's consistently.... Conversely, if it is bad conditions, dumb it down and stick to basic combo's and out play them with Online Cassie.
Adapt, Adapt, Adapt

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
Happy? Happy? Happy is rainbows chocolates, flowers n shit. Settling is when your girlfriend or boyfriend can cook clean and be quiet at the same time. Wait... I think that's damn near happiness right there but...

Here's mine... SALTY!!!

How come Kano & Sonya has command grabs that can be blocked and Erron Black has a grapple move that acts like a throw? So doe's Cassie. Why?
Why play Mournful Kitana when we could've had Jade? Most of us agree Kitana needs help and I don't even play her.
Why do mid attacks hit crouching low like Jason's but Miss Jacqui you can duck without blocking?

Kano has NO true overhead. Every character should have one to make it interesting and balanced but some have 2 or 3 and their combs start or end in over head without meter.

Man. I'm sorry I am coming off rough and salty but damn. This game just aint balanced enough yet.

I did say yet. Right?


Meta saltmine
Even in the week before launch I had no idea, and there was a moment where I just sat looking at character select, and was completely blah.
This is how I feel every evening I dedicate to MKX. My former favourite (Raiden) completely lost any semblance of his signature playstyle and doesn't attract me anymore, even though I kinda like his visual design this time (which kinda motivates to bring him in action but...).
Others... Rule of thumb of this game: if a move isn't your run-of-the-mill move that resembles a normal, it's probably hot garbage. Since I like characters with unique flavour, I'm pretty much screwed here. Most depressing thing is that Jason seems to have a few unusual things going for him, but I so don't dig playing cheesy horror flick character (instead of cheesy MK character, yeah :p ).
Maybe I should just go and try Quan Chi lol.

Thing is, I'm pretty reserved about training right now. Not being a stick or pad user, I'm having hard time being screwed by left/right input glitch. It's absolutely not fun to learn anything when you're literally scared of doing any sort of bf / dbf stuff when you stand on the right side. And it's like nobody else notices that...


My intention was to main Kitana, Kung Lao or Mileena. With Kitana being my MK9 main she was the obvious choice but soon I discovered how "flawed" she was. (I still play her though). I moved onto Kung Lao and Mileena but Mileena was soon dropped and replaced by Kung Jin who is now my main with Kung Lao as my secondary and I'm picking up Sonya. I might end up maining Sonya as I'm really liking her play style.

So, I'm "settling" for Kung Jin while I explore Sonya some more.
Fujin was my #1 for MKX, but since I didn't get him, I had to settle with Shinnok, who was my #2. Not really happy with Shinnok tbh. Plays nothing like I thought he would, he's pretty shit, and just a overall boring character to use. Still gonna stick with him because he's one of my favorite MK characters and I love character loyalty. Not to mention I requested him a shit ton pre-MKX lol so I got what I asked for, just not in the way that I wanted it.

If Fujin is DLC, however, I probably will never use Shinnok again. (not really, he'll probably just be my secondary. :p)


Bzzzt *Paging Doctor Fate*
I'm not generally a character loyalist based exclusively on my love for said character, but I intended to main Raiden from seeing his announcement video, and I'm not unhappy with him as a character, because he has tools I love to play with: Mix-ups, pressure, long combo potential, and interesting tech (projectile run cancels).
Nice man! Question for you, cause you seem to be taking names online. What's your goto bnb midscreen?
Well Jax does not have that many viable mid screen bnbs, because they are all insanely hard to pull off in an online setting
But his highest damage mid screen is. F2,1,EX overhead dash punch, run cancel, F2,1- 11- gotcha grab