ad this right here is how we know you are just a scrub.
But before I go into that, let me say no they are not patching too fast. All they have done so far is fix unintended issues(like Doomsday splash hitbox), with a few buffs and nerfs mixed in. The main things that have significantly changed the game are buffs to the mid tier or lower tier. Catwoman, Flash, Sinestro, Ares, etc. have become more viable because of receiving buffs. On the other side certain characters like Deathstroke and Superman have been nerfed but here is the thing, they are still viable. If you dont believe they are still viable, then you suck with them simple as that. Honestly I wouldnt care if they waited o more patches, but if they did one tomorrow I would go into the lab and figure it out like all top playershould do.
Now about the last paragraph. I am going to guess your first FG was Mk9. And with this I can tell you that you generally have no knowledge of FGs whatsoever. The first sign is saying no footsies in Injustice. Read this sentence and read it well. I mean it, read it:
There is footsies in EVERY SINGLE FG EVER
IIt is not possible to have a game without footsies. Footsies is using safe attacks to control your opponent and guessing their next move. This can happen in fucking Shaq Fu, this "no footsies" thing makes you(and the MKC) look like a bunch of idiots who have no idea what they are talking about.
Secondly spacing is KEY to win in this game. With interactables spacing is probably one of the most important aspects of this game(Cept on Metropolis Rooftop, that stage is dumb). If I am playing you and I land a launcher, I have to change up my combo If I want to land right next to the interactable for extra unscalable damage. I have to corner my opponent but also be far enough that I can dodge the corner interactable(Or Armor through it for full combo). People act as if interactables are so broken but that is because they refuse to learn them. If someone tries to use the Wayne Manor car on me I am going to dash right under them and punish them for a full combo. If they EVER whiff one on me I will punish for a full combo.This is why Spacing is so key.
Your last sentence is literally the stupidest statement I have ever seen written on this site. Let me give you a definition.
Fundamentals are THE BASIC COMPONENTS FOUND IN EVERY SINGLE FG. Stuff like poking, whiff punishing, spacing, footsies, it is all there. You may not be able to do it or see it because you don't know what the damn term means, but it is there and will be there in any FG.

This community is scrubby as hell and needs to seriously level up their FG Knowledge