Your past thread was godlike i enjoyed even if i didn't agreed with most of your opinions, i think most of us are in the same page when it comes down to the Input design we're currently facing. So thank you for that.
A game that doesn't allow me to do exactly what i told the game to do on that critical time frame, and in fact there is a chance i might get a random move instead its not competitive and its bad for business.
I'm still kinda sad, that i didn't talked much about this during the MKX era, maybe if so, we wouldn't have much issues with the current game, still NRS its one hell of a listener and i've never seen a Dev company listening as much on their competitive scene. I'm optimist they will address this eventually in the couple patches, the faster the better, so i'm kinda relaxed, and will definitely expect to take this game serious when they do, until then Tekken 7 all the way.