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About leaks, do they suck?

NRS themselves haven't even said (and probably won't say) shit about the leaks. You just have a bunch of white knights on the Internet grandstanding to show everybody how morally 'superior' they are to others, as if anybody gives a shit.

A few characters were revealed ahead of time. Big freaking deal. I can guarantee it just makes almost everybody and their grandmothers that much more excited to see how they play. Some people are disappointed their favorites didn't or won't make it but that was always going to happen.

NRS/WB can deal with whoever did it how they see fit and that's pretty much the end of it really. This is 2019, leaks will happen. They won't lose any money over this. The game will still sell like hot cakes. Let's move on.

@Sablicious: Every single one of your posts is a gem:D:D:D:D:D:D


Anyone who isn't going to buy the game because XYZ isn't in the game... well damned if i know. Stupidest thing i ever heard. Huge kitana fan here, but i didn't breakdown when MK3 didn't include her, or MK:D, and i bought both them games and enjoyed them.
This. If I was Ed and I was constantly bombarded by tweets such as "Rain or no buy" I would not include him just for the sake of shitting on them. If you dont buy my game because one character is not in it and wont go out of your comfort zone to main another one, you really dont think much of my game anyways. There's no reason to listen to them or care about them at all.


Thrill Kill
NRS themselves haven't even said (and probably won't say) shit about the leaks. You just have a bunch of white knights on the Internet grandstanding to show everybody how morally 'superior' they are to others, as if anybody gives a shit.

A few characters were revealed ahead of time. Big freaking deal. I can guarantee it just makes almost everybody and their grandmothers that much more excited to see how they play. Some people are disappointed their favorites didn't or won't make it but that was always going to happen.

NRS/WB can deal with whoever did it how they see fit and that's pretty much the end of it really. This is 2019, leaks will happen. They won't lose any money over this. The game will still sell like hot cakes. Let's move on.

@Sablicious: Every single one of your posts is a gem:D:D:D:D:D:D
The truth has been spoken
These E-celeb, tube news / reviewers are essentially " the peoples' " manifestation of the IGN's and Playstation Magazines. As such, of course they proudly crook the hinges of their bended knees to lick upon the indu$try's absurd pomp; knowing that payola thrift will soon follow their obsequious fawning.

Wherever money exists, it corrupts. This is not a cynical dismissal; it's a factual observation. The famed healing hands hippy and super zombie Jew, "Jesus", overthrew the tables of the money-changers--for this very reason: Once money enters into any equation, all mouths become mealy and all words issue from wormed tongues.

>leaks are lovely; we like leaks; leaks are life <3


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
These E-celeb, tube news / reviewers are essentially " the peoples' " manifestation of the IGN's and Playstation Magazines. As such, of course they proudly crook the hinges of their bended knees to lick upon the indu$try's absurd pomp; knowing that payola thrift will soon follow their obsequious fawning.

Wherever money exists, it corrupts. This is not a cynical dismissal; it's a factual observation. The famed healing hands hippy and super zombie Jew, "Jesus", overthrew the tables of the money-changers--for this very reason: Once money enters into any equation, all mouths become mealy and all words issue from wormed tongues.

>leaks are lovely; we like leaks; leaks are life <3
Very well said dude. Jesus flipped some tables, and all these dudes do is shill for money.

That was confirmed by the fact that Tyler re-tweeted a post advertising people to sub to Max. It seems if he scratches their backs and he gets a nice scratch in return.


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
People are getting money for hating on the leak? Where's my money at? I've been doing this shit for free


Plus Frame Enjoyer
Very well said dude. Jesus flipped some tables, and all these dudes do is shill for money.

That was confirmed by the fact that Tyler re-tweeted a post advertising people to sub to Max. It seems if he scratches their backs and he gets a nice scratch in return.

I thought i was the only one to notice that. Hell of a coincidence lmao