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A request to the community


Miley Cyrax®
Maybe they have to have that policy in writing - although not necessarily enforcing it - to protect themselves from other companies potentially wanting to sue them.


The Janitor.
Maybe they have to have that policy in writing - although not necessarily enforcing it - to protect themselves from other companies potentially wanting to sue them.
No one is going to sue them, It's actually on the directors head, After all we're the ones recording it and Putting Gameplay of it up, But in the eyes of gaming companies the community runs through Video's that's why Call of Duty Games allow a straight to upload feature.
The Policy on visuals is a Just in case they do get sued, but they wont as Game developers would not see this as harmful to the company but infact a positive "free advertisement" i guess.


Nightwolf of the galaxy
Call of duty has a clause in their terms of service saying that you are allowed to make and monetize videos of game play. Rockstar games (gta dev) are much more strict and will flag your videos if you make them close to release. Guitar Hero vids were a big problem to keep up due to the music in them, I have had several videos removed because of that. Places like TGN, Machinima, TheGameFront etc... work with many game devs for permissions, sometimes they are limited to what they are allowed to post.
Most likely it is not Youtube removing your videos ever, but the copyright holders (lawyers) are flagging it, which will automatically make the video unavailable until you contest it and either get it back, or if it is really their content it will be permanately removed.


Blue Blurs for Life!
To be honest, scarsunseen is right. When I was offered the chance to monetize my videos, I looked at the guidelines that outlined what was ineligible for monetization and when I saw that they had listed video game footage, my heart sank. I figured I wasn't going to be able to make any use out of it, but then I asked around and was told to proceed with the agenda since I would not get penalized for it. I felt skeptical, but went for it.

Much to my surprise, when I hit the Monetize command for some videos after the uplaod process completed, they were immediately monetized. With others, the money sign stayed black and eventually I would get a notice back saying it had been denied, so if ever it wasn't immediately monetized after the upload I would disable it as I don't want to lose the privilege.

To this day, I don't understand how I got the invite. YouTube ought to have noticed that my channel contained video game footage only. If their guidelines are true, why did they extend it to me?

But given my current financial situation, I am not going to question it. I have always wanted to profit off of something to do with the gaming world and I felt this would be a great start, but in order to maximize AdSense's potential...I need the support of everyone from this community. It may not seem like I can give back much, but believe me when I say that I will find a way to do so.

Regardless, I give my sincerest thanks to TYM for really bumping up my subscribers. I wouldn't have gotten to this point without you guys. Let's keep this up. Also, if anyone else has channels that also monetize videos and they'd like to receive support for theirs as well, they can post 'em up here and we shall give them support ourselves.


Joker waiting room
GamerBlake90 The best way to earn it, is to upload things that people will want to watch over and over. Match footage, tutorials, and the backlist of your recorded streams sound like something that people could look into.
Could make "best of" cuts and other fun stuff as well.
I have quite the experience in entertainment so if you need help, you know where to find me.
lol youre always entertaining the community

sorry had to say it


Dojo Trainee
Fighting game Youtube Channels almost never do that well and they tend to be spur of the moment deals.

So if you're uploading hours of just fighting randoms or the same people over and over again. The hype dies over time.

The reason streams of major tournaments get so much attention is obviously 1.) it's a tournament that's a given.

But the main factor I want to talk about is the fact that people get to see matches they never seen before. And things are at stake.

High quality training/tip videos like GLorTor Mentioned is the best way to go. And you get more subscribers if you expand your horizon to things outside of just MK9.

not sure if you'd be up for expanding your own horizons beyond MK9 but...

I'm in a group, we do livestreaming/youtube ect ect.

We mix all the games into the same group. So people who like MK9, are technically also subscribed to the Resident Evil 6 portions of the videos.

Then you get cross interests.

Only people who really really like mortal kombat are gonna watch your mortal kombat vids.

But when you open up your library. Someone who REALLY likes say... Starcraft 2. And you upload some of that. But he also likes MK9, but plays it casually. Will now click on your mk9 videos that wouldn't have otherwise.

Just some random ideas.


Online Scrub Lord
I've already been watching your videos and will continue to do so. I'll start spreading the word to my other gamer friends . Continue the good work sir.


Miley Cyrax®
To be honest, scarsunseen is right. When I was offered the chance to monetize my videos, I looked at the guidelines that outlined what was ineligible for monetization and when I saw that they had listed video game footage, my heart sank. I figured I wasn't going to be able to make any use out of it, but then I asked around and was told to proceed with the agenda since I would not get penalized for it. I felt skeptical, but went for it.

Much to my surprise, when I hit the Monetize command for some videos after the uplaod process completed, they were immediately monetized. With others, the money sign stayed black and eventually I would get a notice back saying it had been denied, so if ever it wasn't immediately monetized after the upload I would disable it as I don't want to lose the privilege.

To this day, I don't understand how I got the invite. YouTube ought to have noticed that my channel contained video game footage only. If their guidelines are true, why did they extend it to me?

But given my current financial situation, I am not going to question it. I have always wanted to profit off of something to do with the gaming world and I felt this would be a great start, but in order to maximize AdSense's potential...I need the support of everyone from this community. It may not seem like I can give back much, but believe me when I say that I will find a way to do so.

Regardless, I give my sincerest thanks to TYM for really bumping up my subscribers. I wouldn't have gotten to this point without you guys. Let's keep this up. Also, if anyone else has channels that also monetize videos and they'd like to receive support for theirs as well, they can post 'em up here and we shall give them support ourselves.
Well, since you went for it, I decided to. I was offered months ago but didn't do it because I thought I was ineligible. I am the original discoverer of all the fatality glitches I've posted on my page, so I suppose that counts as intellectual property in a way. Worse comes to worse, Youtube cancels my AdSense account.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Making Money through youtube requires you to release the next Gangham Style video, Stone Cold ET , etc etc etc

Good Luck


TYM White Knight
*sigh* If only we had a network where all of our shows would co-exist on the same channel, and thus multiply a low number of viewership 10 fol while increasing subscriber daily due to sheer amount of unique content....


It seems that youtube's policy is that it's co-owned since the dev made the game but it's us playing. So we both own it and won't do much unless the developer asks for it's removal. And as was mentioned, youtube wants monies too so they are more likely to drag their feet and then hide behind their ToS when called on it.

I have a video on my channel of my OC's entrance in one of the earlier SvR games and they left the vid up but removed the audio since I used an Evanesence song for her theme music.

Actually, it's funny. I have few vids on my channel and abysmal views. I pop into my account to watch some stuffs and I get notifications that my upload restrictions have been removed and I qualify for the monetization program :REO


Blue Blurs for Life!
Man...because of you guys, my channel's hit 1,245 subscribers AND I'm getting my first check from Google AdSense. Thank you...thank you ALL. <3


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
im just saying to generate money it takes a hit like that othe wise its like 1-4$.00
A video you make doesn't have to go viral for you to make money on YouTube. All you need is people watching your videos on a consistent basis. And subscribers really don't mean anything GamerBlake90. All having subscribers means is that they're more likely to see your video because it will be displayed in their subscription box. If you're not generating content that people want to watch, they will just ignore your video when they see it displayed. A lot of people fail when trying to get into YouTube because they either have poor quality videos (meaning actual quality, such as 240p) or the content is just not entertaining. Over saturation of the same thing also will deter people from watching the video if it isn't something that is already being watched or popular.

YouTube is a seriously untapped market. I want to get into it soon but I don't want to make low quality stuff. And even though I play fighting games more than anything else, FG's are probably the least popular thing on YouTube in regards to gaming. Unless you have a good personality and your shows/episodes are funny like when crosscountertv had the excellent adventures or now IPLfighters has MikeRoss'Neighorbood, then your videos aren't going to get very many people watching them. At the same time, you could have the greatest, funniest videos ever, but if people don't know about them, then it won't really matter. That's why collaboration videos with other YouTubers that have a different subscriber base are popular. It's not an easy thing to get into because when starting out you won't make hardly anything but you'll be putting in hella time and effort. You need to invest serious time and money into it if you want to be successful, both of which I don't have much of at the moment.
As a lot of you may know by now, I received an invite from Youtube to earn revenue for my videos by having ads placed in them. In other words, I make money now! *celebrates*

This is the link: www.youtube.com/gamerblake90 + plus you can just click on my sig to go right to the channel.

However, the amount of revenue I get all depends on how popular my videos are. If the view counts aren't impressive at all, the revenue will be very weak...on the other hand, if the counts are great, the revenue will be impressive. As it is, the view counts for my videos are not anything to brag about and my channel has only about four-hundred subscribers. I'm close to having made four-hundred uploads in all my diehard efforts to keep Mortal Kombat alive.

So, given that I have no doubts in this community whatsoever, I hereby make one request...

I'm intending to take advantage of the revenue I'll get, but I cannot do it alone. I really need to get word of my Youtube channel out there to the Mortal Kombat community, extending beyond the boundaries of just the forums. What I simply ask you all to do is spread the knowledge about my channel to any fellow Mortal Kombat lovers that you know, in person or on the Internet, in the hopes that I'll receive more subscribers and thus have higher view counts for my videos.

For an understanding of what elements I cover about Mortal Kombat, I have a thread in the 2D MK Combo Videos section called "GamerBlake90's Video Thread for Mortal Kombat 2011." Go check it to see what my videos cover in regards to the game. I started out as a pure combo artist, but expanded to other areas in the interests of broadening my horizons.

I realize this may be a big request, but you are not expected to do this for any reason. I ask only for the word to be spread, nothing else. If it's too much trouble for you, don't stress yourself. You all have given me enough as it is these days, thus I wish to be able to give back using the revenue I will receive from Youtube itself.

I also would like it if we all could spread the word about the Youtube channels from TylerLantern, Embarq85, TYM, Moar Couch Pl0x, DetroitBalln313 - anyone here on this site who has beasty channels of their own, let's put their words out as well. They're working to entertain us to the best of their ability. I say we reward their efforts.

I'll steal a quote from Shang Tsung in the game's Story Mode...

"Who among you is worthy of this challenge?"
People on the internet like cats and tits. Put these in your videos and your ratings will go up.