Here's some advice:
Don't make so many videos. It overwhelms people. I know you're thinking, "but the more videos i have the more content people will be able to watch and thus i'll get more views!". This however usually isn't the case, because people don't have time to watch so many videos. Personally, i'd go with 1 or 2 videos a week (Which you may or may not do, i'm not sure). Most people don't go on youtube everyday and sit for hours watching videos, so when they see that they've missed your past 10 videos or they see all the updates from your uploaded videos they might feel overwhelmed.
TL;DR quality > quantity.
Just my 2cents.
EDIT: Yeah, definitely add commentary. It's much more inviting and makes the viewer feel more involved.
EDIT2.0: Also, you can just record yourself during whatever you're doing via a sound recorder on your computer and sync it to your video after you record it. That seems like the simplest way, i think.