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A Call Out to EliteGoomba who is NOT the Wonder Woman of America.

I got you now though lol. It was my first time playing against Bane so I respected all your charges because respecting armor is a general rule.
Yea I never blind charge lol, but I was like welllll if they're hitting.. Typically it's a normal cancelled into a special to eat the armor. Let's play again soon.

But on topic, I have dibs on front row during this.


Death comes to all!
BTW "WW of America" is kinda irrelevant, when the real master rocks across the ocean and is laughing at this kindergarten mirror


I am so surprised that Goomba hasn't come in here and said "Top 8 at KiT! Hold Dat shit Filipinoman, BIATCH!!!!"


Come On Die Young
I like how I'm one of the only non-WC people to actually think Filipino Man would win this lol. Goomba's awesome too but ty for making me $10.