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2012 election results.


Obomney won. The thing I'm most upset about though is that prop 37 in California got voted down, which was to label if you were eating GMO food. This is unreal.

Glass Sword

Well I'm just glad election session is over for normal people like us (it never ends for politicians; Obama had his campaign collecting individual names and making a database of potential voters in every battle ground state for the last four years talk about dedication). Now perhaps the talking heads will talk about something else.
Also for anyone actually surprised Obama won think about it this way...
1. Obama was an incumbent
2. " " out spent Romney
3 " " had started his campaign well before Romney
4 " " had positive blow back from hurricane Sandy and
5 " " came off as much more middle of the road not having to please his base in a primary.
What is surprising is how close it was. You would think for all the campaigning the Democrats could get more people to come out to vote. After all more people identify themselves as Democrats than as Republican. The Republicans got 2 more seats in the House and lost a seat in the Senate if I remember correctly.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I'm a minority and don't vote liberal, that's an offensive notion. Oh, minority=must vote liberal? Says who? lol I just choose to not drink the mainstream kool-aid like others tend to do. *shrugs*

I look forward to 4 more years of poo..yay

Clearly, TYM is pro-lib site so I'm not even going to waste time explaining why Obama in a second time is a bad thing. Clint Eastwood 2016, I wish...