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2012 election results.


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
I dont know whats worse, people who voted for romneys lying ass or the fact that black people still get buttthurt over stupid racist nonsense whether a joke or not.

BTW im black, please grow a pair.
whether a joke or not.
so if it's not a joke it's still fine? you're literally saying hate crimes are ok right now. am i getting this right? if so, you sir are an idiot.

Im not getting offended. Im just tired of seeing the same dumb shit every time a minority accomplishes something that must be frowned upon by other races. Im definitely not going to laugh at a damn lil' wayne gif either.
This is why i think it was not a victory for "civil rights" when obama got elected. When everyone said he was the "first black president" they failed to realize that they were re-entrenching the same segregationist mentality that treats race as other. That ideology is much more dangerous that what people give credit for and is what allows the construct of race to continue to exist. ideology is why our culture and society is shaped how it is and why people from "communities" that are generally same-race, same-class people that re-entrench their same mindset into future generations.

Exit polls find that a key to Obama's victory was winning 93 percent of African-Americans
that's down from 97% or 98% from 2008. either way this is a clear indicator that race is still a very prominent force of identification and discrimination in the US


The 93% stat saddens me to be honest.
It only saddens if you believe that all 93% voted on nothing but race. But let's be serious here, the democratic social views are better for those that are of the lowest class, and or, those that find themselves in great financial hardship. And this election was much more focused on a segregation of lower class vs higher class. The reason this election was close is because the middle class doesn't really know WHO's ideas were going to benefit them more, so they had to vote based on the OTHER issues.

And yes, I know the economy sucks, and yes people lost their houses and jobs (as did my dad), but it has never felt like the republicans cared about the literal poor, as much as they care about the literal rich.


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
DJ L Toro no you are the idiot. If someone SAYS something and you get butthurt then kill yourself. Now if ACTIONS are taken then thats a different story. I hope you dont count words as crimes.
DJ L Toro no you are the idiot. If someone SAYS something and you get butthurt then kill yourself. Now if ACTIONS are taken then thats a different story. I hope you dont count words as crimes.
what about threats? you dont take those seriously?
and what you just said there is actually bad "then kill yourself" that type of shit actually pushes a lot of people over the edge. rhetoric is a lot stronger of a tool than a lot of people give credit for.
if you say a racist joke you are expressing an ideological position. one who tells a racist joke is actually racist within the context of what is deemed acceptable by society. there are two responses to this. the common one is to make things like race taboo, but that problematizes it and makes it le objet petit a, as Lacan would say (something like the desiring object. it's what we unconsciously feel would complete our conscious self). otherwise one can simply accept their racism and consciously problematize it so that one is not ruled by it (and if you think you're not try saying the phrase "the n word" without thinking "[ban incoming]" i bet you cant).


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
It only saddens if you believe that all 93% voted on nothing but race. But let's be serious here, the democratic social views are better for those that are of the lowest class, and or, those that find themselves in great financial hardship. And this election was much more focused on a segregation of lower class vs higher class. The reason this election was close is because the middle class doesn't really know WHO's ideas were going to benefit them more, so they had to vote based on the OTHER issues.

And yes, I know the economy sucks, and yes people lost their houses and jobs (as did my dad), but it has never felt like the republicans cared about the literal poor, as much as they care about the literal rich.
LBSH, only an idiot would believe that all 93% voted based on race alone. Not all people are uneducated voters. The stat alone proves that quite a few did... so what saddens me is how far we have to go as a nation to get past racial issues.


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
@DJ L Toro Threats by whom? Why would i take most of these racist chumps remotely serious when theyre pansies who hide behind computers?

As for my rhetoric, good i hope that person does kill themselves because if theyre that damn weak then theyre a waste of space. Call me cruel but its the truth. Life isnt all lovey dovey like so many people try to act like.

The last part isnt even relevant, all im saying is if people are so strong and proud then why get hurt about petty nonsense? Words only have power with motivation and intention behind them. Someone calling me a [ban incoming] x1000 times has absolutely no affect on my state of living. PROGRESS PEOPLE.


LBSH, only an idiot would believe that all 93% voted based on race alone. Not all people are uneducated voters. The stat alone proves that quite a few did... so what saddens me is how far we have to go as a nation to get past racial issues.
The stat doesn't prove that people voted on race alone, you have no way of knowing what it was that caused these people to vote the way they did. Like I said before, democratic social issues are CATERED to help the low class, and Romney refused to appeal to the poor by not saying he would at least TOY with the idea of increasing the tax on the wealthy.

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
There were racist twats who were ranting yesterday
about how Obama shouldnt get re-elected simply on the basis that hes black.

...man, it was quiet today :3


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
The stat doesn't prove that people voted on race alone, you have no way of knowing what it was that caused these people to vote the way they did. Like I said before, democratic social issues are CATERED to help the low class, and Romney refused to appeal to the poor by not saying he would at least TOY with the idea of increasing the tax on the wealthy.
I think the election was mostly lost due to a clever campaign by Obama to shift the attention away from his own fumbling of the economy and instead focus it on how Romney can not be trusted when he is literally what the US probably needed economically (not socially). Romney really should have stuck to economic issues because some of these beliefs in the conservative camp which alienate women, homosexuals, etc are really tired and have to go.

For the record I supported Romney in this election because I am against any sort of increased dependance on the government due to how corrupt and convoluted it has become. The economy is a wreck and we are bleeding money with no end in sight. I find it sick that Obama stands in front of the country and talks about his plans of reducing the deficit when he literally spent to no end, crippling our future. Socially I completely agree that the Republican party has it totally backwards and I am hoping they will someday get a candidate in place that can fix the country and truly unite the people. In this election, I do not believe that either candidate could have really done both.


I think the election was mostly lost due to a clever campaign by Obama to shift the attention away from his own fumbling of the economy and instead focus it on how Romney can not be trusted when he is literally what the US probably needed economically (not socially). Romney really should have stuck to economic issues because some of these beliefs in the conservative camp which alienate women, homosexuals, etc are really tired and have to go.

For the record I supported Romney in this election because I am against any sort of increased dependance on the government due to how corrupt and convoluted it has become. The economy is a wreck and we are bleeding money with no end in sight. I find it sick that Obama stands in front of the country and talks about his plans of reducing the deficit when he literally spent to no end, crippling our future. Socially I completely agree that the Republican party has it totally backwards and I am hoping they will someday get a candidate in place that can fix the country and truly unite the people. In this election, I do not believe that either candidate could have really done both.
And that's why they have independent parties, some of which are way more aligned with the average person than either the dem's or the repub's. If people would just open their eyes and actually READ about issues before voting, we could have a president that doesn't make us pick and choose which issues are most important and sacrificing the others, but instead is molded to fit all of the issues that WE think are important. America is still a democracy, and it's not the electoral programs fault that we don't feel like it is, it's our own ignorance and inactivity.


Positive Poster!
As far as people in my corner of the world are concerned, it doesn't matter who won this. We are still NATO and we are still sending kids to die to the middle east. That's wrong as fuck.
Election? It's chill as far as I care. I just hope one of these days the world will make sense.
I can dream, can't I?


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
And that's why they have independent parties, some of which are way more aligned with the average person than either the dem's or the repub's. If people would just open their eyes and actually READ about issues before voting, we could have a president that doesn't make us pick and choose which issues are most important and sacrificing the others, but instead is molded to fit all of the issues that WE think are important. America is still a democracy, and it's not the electoral programs fault that we don't feel like it is, it's our own ignorance and inactivity.
Like I said, my main focus on this election was the economy. Romney is obviously an excellent businessman and probably was right for the country economically...however, he was extremely unlikable with various social views that I do not agree with (planned parenthood etc) and I totally understand that. I just personally thought Obama was a complete disaster in office, and did not want another 4 years. I am hopeful that his extreme views should tone down a bit now that he is a lame duck and should be trying to work so he can save his legacy. Hopefully he will shift a bit to the right so we can get closer to the balance you are talking about where we are all far less divided.
I'm not saying it was a bad choice, probably the lesser of 2 evils, but us here in frozen Canadia try to be neutral about politics from time to time. But I haven't seen any headlines good or bad of him, what has he done to or for the country in the last 4 years?
Signed into law:

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act - Another step towards equality. Women being paid less than men for doing the same job can now be addressed legally.

Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) - Rising health care costs, an unhealthy country (obesity leading to heart disease being a headliner), and much of our health care costs being associated to preventable issues, a change was absolutely necessary. This act extends health care coverage to millions of Americans in hopes of allowing these previously uninsured people to regularly see a doctor to prevent the aforementioned scenarios.

Hate Crime Bill - It is now a federal crime to assualt someone because of their sexual orientation. We all know how some people feel about gays, and this is a step to deter the kind of senseless violence that brews from these hateful people.

Credit Card Reform Bill - These new regulations were put into place preventing consumers from being hit with sudden interest rate hikes. Credit in America brought on the economic collapse as banks, credit card companies, etc. took advantage of consumers in one way or another. This a small piece of the puzzle to address these issues.

Auto Bailout and Cash-for-Clunkers - Job creation, demand for American made products, need I say more?

Financial reform for Wall Street - More protection for Americans...see Credit Card Reform Bill for a general description of the issues.

I could go on, but I wrote this post because many people think that the President's performance was average or uneventful--everything I described above happened in his first two years in office. The last two years of his first term, not so much. What happened? Well the Democrats controlled both the House and the Senate during his first two years, but lost the House in 2010. Since then, the Republican controlled House has been stone-walling the President.

This isn't a I love Obama speech, rather a venting for bipartisan cooperation. Washington is gridlocked because the two parties are too worried about making the other look bad. Look what happens when one isn't stopping the other--things get done. Now the problem with how this was accomplished in the first two years of Obama's first term is that it wasn't bipartisan. One side controlling everything isn't great either--we need to come together as a country and compromise. Constantly throwing rocks at the other side accomplishes nothing, and we as citizens suffer the consequences.


Online Punching Bag
Signed into law:

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act - Another step towards equality. Women being paid less than men for doing the same job can now be addressed legally.

Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) - Rising health care costs, an unhealthy country (obesity leading to heart disease being a headliner), and much of our health care costs being associated to preventable issues, a change was absolutely necessary. This act extends health care coverage to millions of Americans in hopes of allowing these previously uninsured people to regularly see a doctor to prevent the aforementioned scenarios.

Hate Crime Bill - It is now a federal crime to assualt someone because of their sexual orientation. We all know how some people feel about gays, and this is a step to deter the kind of senseless violence that brews from these hateful people.

Credit Card Reform Bill - These new regulations were put into place preventing consumers from being hit with sudden interest rate hikes. Credit in America brought on the economic collapse as banks, credit card companies, etc. took advantage of consumers in one way or another. This a small piece of the puzzle to address these issues.

Auto Bailout and Cash-for-Clunkers - Job creation, demand for American made products, need I say more?

Financial reform for Wall Street - More protection for Americans...see Credit Card Reform Bill for a general description of the issues.

I could go on, but I wrote this post because many people think that the President's performance was average or uneventful--everything I described above happened in his first two years in office. The last two years of his first term, not so much. What happened? Well the Democrats controlled both the House and the Senate during his first two years, but lost the House in 2010. Since then, the Republican controlled House has been stone-walling the President.

This isn't a I love Obama speech, rather a venting for bipartisan cooperation. Washington is gridlocked because the two parties are too worried about making the other look bad. Look what happens when one isn't stopping the other--things get done. Now the problem with how this was accomplished in the first two years of Obama's first term is that it wasn't bipartisan. One side controlling everything isn't great either--we need to come together as a country and compromise. Constantly throwing rocks at the other side accomplishes nothing, and we as citizens suffer the consequences.
Those all sound like positive changes definitely, that's probably why I have heard little to nothing about him in the last couple of years, I'm pretty sure most democratic countries have similar issues where one party doesn't agree with others and basically nothing happens but going through the motions. Of course I'd take that over a dictatorship any day.


missiles are coming
While I don't vote based on race; I do have to admit I'm biased on a few other personal factors. I won't ever vote for an obese president (he or she should represent a healthy life style imo) and if an open atheist was running I would vote for them in a heart beat.