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"12th-level intellect" Brainiac General Discussion


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
Let's talk about one of his gear abilities, Tendril Slide.

The move is an homage to M. Bison's/Dictator's sweep, MKX players will notice its animation similarities to Sektor's "Psycho Ketchup". It's essentially a non low profiling slide move that hits low from about half screen. And it is good. It can also be meterburned for a quick second hit that goes overhead and makes it safe.

Low hitting, 10 damage, 2.25 chip, 7 startup, 13 active, 23 recovery, -11 on block(-5 with MB) and +32 on hit.

It gives him half screen 50/50s with Divekick/Tendril Slide and b123/b12~Tendril Slide. It's stupidly fast and recovers well enough to be used as a mobility tool. It covers great distance for checking an opponent with a low attack. It is a much better wakeup attack then Shoulder Charge, getting rid of Brainiac's weakness of having an relatively easy wakeup to stuff. You can meter burn it on block or hit, making it safe and hitting a quick overhead that is frustratingly fast. The move comes so fast that you barely have time to react to the overhead, the low you won't see coming except maybe at distance.

The biggest drawback is that it replaces Shoulder Charge which is huge for getting damage and converting off combos, Tendril Slide does not combo like Charge does. You can beta strike combo off of it but you will be losing combo potential if you use it. That said the move is nasty and he might be better overall from having it.

I'm curious to see what his other gear moves are, I doubt they will let him get the ship claw moves but that would be so sick. I imagine we'll at least get orbital laser and hopefully get the drone laser strike.
What I've found out about Brainiac hmm let me think THAT CHARACTER IS SOOOO HARD TO USE.
Also I don't think the slide is worth losing the the damage charge provide I haven't messed with Gear mode enough to talk about a lot of things

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
I'm keeping my Brainiac discussion to gear mode as why since I think this is where the character belongs, won't get into why.

Sky Ray looks good, hoping to unlock it soon.

Someone was talking about Destruction Orb - what is that?

Invincible Salads

Seeker of knowledge
I'm keeping my Brainiac discussion to gear mode as why since I think this is where the character belongs, won't get into why.

Sky Ray looks good, hoping to unlock it soon.

Someone was talking about Destruction Orb - what is that?
yeah how do u unlock all this stuff? x-x


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
I noticed that the 2 in B12 whiffs on rare occasions, just saying that I think it's caused by Beta Bomb's hit animation.


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
Now I'm not so sure, I was just playing a supergirl who unwittingly d2'd right out of b12,


MK Philippines / Injustice Philippines
does the trait beta drone disappear even when you block an enemy attack / projectile?? having a hard time against zoning, most especially against arrow. if it does disappear = injustice hehehe


Something I've been doing that's helped me open people up is harass them with trait pressure and then go for either oh or low depending on what you see them block.

For example:
B1 straight trait b1 trait again. If you see they're blocking low. Go for instant mb dive kick or f3. If low then df1 drill.
This works amazingly well in the corner


MK Philippines / Injustice Philippines
any tips on how do i get in against green arrow? really having a hard time with the jumping arrow mixups once i get upclose

Paul the Octopus

Slow Starter
Does anyone know if any of Brainiac's buttons are throw immune? Is b3?

Thinking about good ways of punishing throw techs. Dive kick is another option.


From Takeda to Robin
I found a way to perform Brainiac's 50/50's in the corner safely while also blowing up wakeups but it is EXTREMELY hard to perform consistently, especially the low. It invloves ending combos in d1xxProjectile Trait and then using one of his moves to stuff a wakeup and then using d1 into shoulder charge+drone OR instant air divekick+drone for a meterless vortex of sorts. Haven't fully tested it but I'm still working on it.

Also, the projectile trait still comes out on block, or rather after using and releasing it, it will still follow through even after blocking an attack (unfortunately it still goes away if you are holding on to it).


Lexcorp Proprietary Technologies
Also, the projectile trait still comes out on block, or rather after using and releasing it, it will still follow through even after blocking an attack (unfortunately it still goes away if you are holding on to it).
Just for clarification in case this statement confuses anyone - the drone still goes away on block even if it is already on screen. However, if the aerial drone has already released its bomb, the explosive will still fall and hit even as the drone disintegrates.

Just heading off the inevitable "YO, WHAT!?" comments.


From Takeda to Robin
Just for clarification in case this statement confuses anyone - the drone still goes away on block even if it is already on screen. However, if the aerial drone has already released its bomb, the explosive will still fall and hit even as the drone disintegrates.

Just heading off the inevitable "YO, WHAT!?" comments.
Yeah that's what I meant, it's hard to describe.

Kooron Nation

More Ass and Tits for MK11
Does Brainiac have anything that leaves him plus on block?
I know the beta bomb is insanely plus but other than that, nothing else?


After playing against Batman yesterday and seeing them use his for going in for rushdown i believe Brainiacs trait is a poor mans Batman trait. Lets look at the advantages of each.

Can have up to three at a time
Tracks the opponent
Stays until he uses it or gets hit
Doesn't go away on block
Batarangs dont disappear if Batman is hit after he released them

Has two different kinds
Can fire three off in quick session


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
Brainiac's trait is +billion and has a very generous cooldown. Also I quite like the meta of having to get it out with being tagged by anything.

Let's just nerf Batman and call it a day.