Kitana, Kenshi, Triborg
I have been practicing with everyone in the cast, and I have to say. I don't think there is such a thing as Top Tier or Bottom tier. after this patch, and this new Meta, I really think everyone is awesome, and every Variation is awesome. everyone is worried about lost Armor or Lost Launchers. and really. I think it doesn't matter if its Universal. MOS Raiden, Goro, every and I mean everyone is great now. this meta Allows Zoning to be Relevant.She didn't even really get nerfed. Trade 5 Startup frames on B1 to make it a High? Okay. She's still top-tier for sure.
Kind of dumb to imply she needed that OH to juggle just to be good. Kung Lao mains have to Throw because they don't even have good OH/Low mixups--they do fine, don't they?
Mileena has F4/F3 and F1,2,B4/F1,4,3. Nobody feels bad for Mileena after this patch. Your bitching is unwarranted.
I think everyone is in A+ to A Tier now. there are a few that is better than the rest like they have Plus frames into mixups and jailing moves, nothing broke anymore. just good normals. not too much Cancel pressure, HTB's gone. it's a nice game. Kotal, Kano CT, HQT Predator, Necromancer Shinnok and many others including Unbreakable Sub Zero are very good now. and id say are close to the best. I know no one will believe this but Balanced is probably better than the other two now. all of them are relevant. but I'm a Zoner by heart and Balanced does it for me. That Plus EX Push helps him so much.
And the plain fact that Stamina had universal Nerf, AA's Where buffed, and Armored Launchers were removed and Characters have Double hitting armor. this game is Perfect. I know many hate the changes to their character but I strongly suggest picking up a character you never dared to before. and see what I'm talking about. Ignore Armor being gone, and play the new style. Highs and Mids are so strong now.
No character on this game is unusable and I really do not think any character is Superior to another anymore. there will be Bad MU's but the Variations work now. I am so glad they did this change, and I was mad at first. but I finally understand it and it is the Most Balanced MK ever made and I love it now.
Enjoy the rides guys and Girls! there are plenty of new styles to choose from, plenty of Variations to use, and plenty of Gameplans that work now, Want to be a Zoner its perfect now, Be a rush down it's balanced now, be a space Control or Setup artist its good now.
What made zoning work was the 25%, stamina drain, and the 50% take away on hit while in a run, and the Armored launchers being taken out. its melded this perfect mixture of Rushdown/Zoning Meta.
I noticed with Balanced and other Zoners, Kenshi used to be whiffed Tele flurry and they could run in and full combo punish or at a minimum they would Force Mixup. well not now. they have to at least run in twice now and block, and think to get in on your Zoning if your good. I can't even express how much I love this game now that we are in 10-4-2016 patch

The reason for edit: Grammer changes.
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