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Strategy - Mileena 10/04 mileena change discussion


Ethereal doesn't seem to suffer that much from this if you're always storing your meter in the first place. Sure you can be "offensive" with Ethereal if you feel like cancelling and burning bar all day, but no one is making you play that way and killing your meter when you can safely and efficiently turtle and zone from fullscreen.
This is the only part of your post I'm calling into question. How is Ethereal going to "efficiently turtle" without EX Fade? She doesn't have checks like Low Sai in this variation and reg fade isn't the most practical getaway option as I'm sure you well know. Part of the effectiveness of the turtle style is a scary AA. Which is what Roll was to some. (Pretty sure Jump kicks still blow it up, unlike say KL's AA Spin).


As for the rest of the gif. It's a wait-and-see from me. It may be an AA-only nerf and she still gets standing Roll combos. (I seriously doubt she'll be able to MB Roll on block to stay safe, but I guess it's a possibility.)

This is basically what I worried might be the bigget issue with the variation system. I like the concept, but it must make it a PAIN to try and make any kind of balance changes to a move without affecting the other variations.
sorry guys. was just curious to find out where the "unnecessary nerf rants" were coming from since all we saw was kano hit by an AA roll being launched lower than usual. :(

...unless they released a new teaser?


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
does it look like the normal roll is different, it looks like meter is spent and no OH came out?
does it look wierd to others?
does it look like the normal roll is different, it looks like meter is spent and no OH came out?
does it look wierd to others?
havent seen any official teaser about normal roll...which is kinda the reason why I'm asking if there's any news on why there's a huge ruckus over the proposed MIleena changes.


MK1 is the best MK period.
As for the rest of the gif. It's a wait-and-see from me. It may be an AA-only nerf and she still gets standing Roll combos. (I seriously doubt she'll be able to MB Roll on block to stay safe, but I guess it's a possibility.)

This is basically what I worried might be the bigget issue with the variation system. I like the concept, but it must make it a PAIN to try and make any kind of balance changes to a move without affecting the other variations.
The variation system is the worst thing to ever happen in terms of proper balancing.


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
havent seen any official teaser about normal roll...which is kinda the reason why I'm asking if there's any news on why there's a huge ruckus over the proposed MIleena changes.

right here. might be she has to meter burn Normal Ball Roll to do extra damage, what if she can't use Normal Roll to combo?


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
That is the conclusion some have jumped to. Have to wait and see to know for sure
could hurt but it could also still do something around the 30's or maybe 27% or so, we will have to see like me and you said. can't wait though. im happy so far, Gotta See my Kenshi changes and Cyrax :)

anyone know when the Kombat KAst is?


The anticipation is killing me
could hurt but it could also still do something around the 30's or maybe 27% or so, we will have to see like me and you said. can't wait though. im happy so far, Gotta See my Kenshi changes and Cyrax :)

anyone know when the Kombat KAst is?
Monday 3rd


The anticipation is killing me
some are trying to call that aMileena buff like they think its EX roll, but what do you think?
Firstly it is not Ex Roll, It is a Roll that is MB to extend a combo, like Takeda can do with his punches (can't remember the name of the move lol).

Is it a buff? Well the initial viewing seems no because after the first Roll hits Kano the launch is a lot lower than usual so potential follow ups will either be strict or non-existent. We just have to wait and see how it works to be certain. At the end of the day anything said about the move is speculation.


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
Firstly it is not Ex Roll, It is a Roll that is MB to extend a combo, like Takeda can do with his punches (can't remember the name of the move lol).

Is it a buff? Well the initial viewing seems no because after the first Roll hits Kano the launch is a lot lower than usual so potential follow ups will either be strict or non-existent. We just have to wait and see how it works to be certain. At the end of the day anything said about the move is speculation.
i thought the same, i did see a few top players talking about it on Twitter and they definitely calling it a nerf. that much is for sure, but like you said, more is needed to be seen to know all details of it.


There it is...
No more worrying about naked rolls on wakeup when she has no meter going under mids cause risk reward is dogshit. Yey


Positive Poster!
I'm surprised they didn't just give it 20 startup frames and her i8 jab a 22 cancel adv so that naked rolls are no longer possible and people have to play proper footsies with her.
i wonder how many people notice that the first roll to hit was an AA roll? not a "regular" roll (opponent still on ground)

y'know? how (iirc) scorpions ninj. f2 on hit behaves differently on airborne targets?


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
ok before im told to just wait and see im well aware this post reeks of assumption...

that the reptile gif shows his ex claw getting stuffed and his ex pounce only being a knockdown, is it a possible that ex roll will no longer have armor since its a launcher or have a different hit animation?? or even perhaps the armor starting up on a later frame.

if this does end up the case, perhaps ethereal wont be hit as hard as we thought that she'll still have access to ex fade (if that move remains unchanged)