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  1. DuskAlloy

    Il be the first to say it.

    mod edit: I deleted the inappropriate comment earlier. No point in leaving a comment that defends it
  2. DuskAlloy

    Who is your favorite and least favorite Tekken character?

    I promise this isn't another way for me to peddle the #BuffLars agenda, but since you mentioned it #BuffLars
  3. DuskAlloy

    Who is your favorite and least favorite Tekken character?

    Post who your favorite and least favorite tekken character and why. This isn't necessarily who you main, just who you like the most out of the cast. My favorite is Lars because of the memes he produces and that his fighting style is so over the top My least favorite is Alisa because I hate robot...
  4. DuskAlloy

    Il be the first to say it.

    But you guys... I though holding down>scorpion, you mean to tell me that one button press doesn't kill an entire character?
  5. DuskAlloy

    Il be the first to say it.

    All of this could of been avoided if we got booster gold instead...
  6. DuskAlloy

    Post your 100%+ Injustice Combos

    I wonder if this will last to the end of the hour or not?
  7. DuskAlloy

    Who is your favorite and least favorite street fighter character?

    I may decide to make a tekken version of this or maybe a King of fighters one anyone willing to post in either of those two?
  8. DuskAlloy

    Who is your favorite and least favorite street fighter character?

    When Mike valley started I thought he said he was a skinny stick man lol
  9. DuskAlloy

    General/Other Ares Buffs thread - Balanced & Practical Changes

    Seriously this... if you want a character to get nerfed or buffed all you have to do is complain loud enough, so I would suggest all low tier characters start campaigning for buffs
  10. DuskAlloy

    Who do you main in SCV?

    To be fair I watched the entire anime and didn't realise they were there until after I finished
  11. DuskAlloy

    Killer Instinct, "big news for Evo. But there is some stuff planned sooner as well." - FilthieRich

    Yes I have, and tbh I don't get it... atleast with marvel I can understand the hype but with KI I get bored watching it
  12. DuskAlloy

    Killer Instinct, "big news for Evo. But there is some stuff planned sooner as well." - FilthieRich

    I don't understand how someone can enjoy KI, the combos are boring looking and they last for days, with marvel they can look creative despite lasting a bit (Althought not as long as KI combos)
  13. DuskAlloy

    Who do you main in SCV?

    So you have a fetish for flamboyant men with heart symbols across their bodies?
  14. DuskAlloy

    Who is your favorite and least favorite street fighter character?

    Also my runner ups would be Favorite: Cody because he is awesome and according to the SF story is tougher then ryu and can even be a threat to akuma Least Favortie: Seth because he doesn't look like a SF character and his moveset is boring
  15. DuskAlloy

    Who is your favorite and least favorite street fighter character?

    For me it would have to be Alex, the man is the prime example of what a hybrid grappler should be... reverse powerbomb is the hypest shit and his hugo intro that pays homage to hulk hogan and andre the giant is great. The worst would have to be evil ryu... god how generic could you be...
  16. DuskAlloy

    Who's your favorite Mishima?

    Lars because I pity his low tier status, 2nd would have to be Jin, he reminds me of sasuke if he didn't become a shit character and not brood 24/7 Kazuya is basically vegeta so I don't really care much about him Heihachi is pretty cool, I just would rather him be a serious character then a joke...
  17. DuskAlloy

    By the time Injustice 3 comes out what would you want?

    What is 2 not good enough for you BITCH?!?
  18. DuskAlloy

    Most recent Japanese TTT2 Tier List...

    Even though I know that pretty much every character is viable in this game... god could the S+ tiers be any more boring and predictable... all mishima assholes