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Useless Moves of MKXL

What about Sektor's flameburner? I mean, before rockets were buffed to have less negative frames on block, you could at least use it to extend strings ... but now rockets seem better in every way except for the very tiny damage difference. Both safer and provides knockdown.

Intuitively you would think that flameburner can be used as a n aa, bith the incredibly tight active window and poor hitbox makes it extremely impractical for that.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Since the meta-patch, new useless move is EX Ice Klone. EX Ice Klone is only useful for longer activity, but...

Pre-patch it used to have an armor protecting you from incoming attacks. Now it no longer has this armor.
F4 xx ex clone is plus 11, which in the corner guratntees a free 50/50 if the opponent has no meter, or only one hit of armor. It activates faster too, still very useful.


What about Sektor's flameburner? I mean, before rockets were buffed to have less negative frames on block, you could at least use it to extend strings ... but now rockets seem better in every way except for the very tiny damage difference. Both safer and provides knockdown.

Intuitively you would think that flameburner can be used as a n aa, bith the incredibly tight active window and poor hitbox makes it extremely impractical for that.
Flameburner is still a good ender for the corner restand (f212bb connects into burner in the corner).
Flameburner is still a good ender for the corner restand (f212bb connects into burner in the corner).
Yeah, it is. But that's just so situational; not enough to justify its existence. The move needs a hitbox buff (horizontally and vertically) to be usable in footsies. That's about it, I reckon.
It's full combo punishable on block and -1 on hit. ON HIT. You have to meterburn to make it safe and if you meterburn and it hits it pushes the opponent to fullscreen, i.e. where killer leatherface can't do shit. There's no low from the stance so there's no 50/50. There is no use for this move. Oh yeah and the last hit of the meterburn version can be armoured for a full combo. This move is trash.
Its better used as a restand for pressure in the corner (even if it is -1 on hit.), and it does good chip. It is unsafe, put I rarely see people actually punish it properly. I do think its dumb that it's -1 on hit, since it should be at least neutral or something like +1 or +2, I still think it's more useful than something like EX Chain Sparks. Now THAT'S useless. A bar for being able to move forward a short distance after a delay, AND no armor. What a absolutely amazing and viable move!!!1!!


The Power of Lame Compels You
Its better used as a restand for pressure in the corner (even if it is -1 on hit.), and it does good chip. It is unsafe, put I rarely see people actually punish it properly. I do think its dumb that it's -1 on hit, since it should be at least neutral or something like +1 or +2, I still think it's more useful than something like EX Chain Sparks. Now THAT'S useless. A bar for being able to move forward a short distance after a delay, AND no armor. What a absolutely amazing and viable move!!!1!!
Definitely. After restand your fast moves aren't that most slower however, it is better to just restand them with BD4 and then go for pressure. I only go for the berserker restand in meterless combos where I want a restand.


Good? Bad? I'm the one with the fans
EX lift outside of the Royal Storm variation has to be the biggest waste of a bar. It does what.... 4% damage? And you can't combo off it.


There it is...
Bo rai cho's f21.

15 frames
Not staggerable
Not plus
No mixups
Can't use to juggle as it sends them flying
Range is okay, thats about it.

Why its a high i will never understand.


There it is...
Takedas f4 is now pointless
I use it in the corner if im spaced correctly. It antiairs for full combo or gets me +frames. +4 is great with takeda. Just need to make a solid read for it. It has its uses

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Predator's God Smack...just why? At least let the far one keep its armor so it has an option against zoning...

Raiden's Rising Thunder...lol

Sub Zero's Air Hammer...yeah...(Cryomancer)

Erron Black's Sand Throw in Outlaw. Yeah, the EX is safe and does more damage but you'd think after losing its armor the base version would get the same safety as the EX version...but nope.


Retired forever; don’t ask for games.
Tremor's F2

Tremor's crystal summon

Predator's medit-kit.

This is off the top of my head


EX lift outside of the Royal Storm variation has to be the biggest waste of a bar. It does what.... 4% damage? And you can't combo off it.
This is not true at all. You 100% can combo off of it. It's not a bad way to sneak in a nice unbreakable combo either.