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Match Footage Stryker Videos

Vulcan, you must the better Stryker Mixer ever. I just noticed, you don´t do much damage on them, when you actually, can. For example:
<2, >2, you normally go direct to reset. You can make a 1,2 before to incrase damage, and yet, keep the reset (3), and your awesome mix game.

And <3, 2 on corner. You can use 1, 2 (pistol if wanted) before the reset too.

Great games. Specially against Sonia.

Vulcan Hades

Thanks man. Only reason why I don't extend my combos too much is because of online lag and input delay. Every time I try to go for long combos I drop them and regret it after so most of the time I prefer to play it safe and deal a few less % but at least guarantee the reset.

I´m becaming old. But i have to admit, this is an amazing Reptile. I think my mistakes, is JK a lot, when i could start combo. What do you think? (don´t worry, i defend our honor, don´t lose all :D)

Vulcan Hades

1st match:

EN roll toss really isn't worth it vs Reptile except on wake up when you're around jump distance and he throws a force ball. If you're further than that, he will block your roll so you wasted 1 bar and took 8% chip for nothing.

Yeah you should try to combo off JK more often. Even if it's just dash xx 4 it's still more damage than just JK.

Also, don't gun cancel into jump forward unless you see them moving forward. Let them make a move first then jump on them.

You still did good overall. Just a few mistakes that cost you the match. I like that you canceled 2,3 into roll toss to make it safe. That was smart. :)

2nd match:

Don't dash forward if they block your grenades. You're at disadvantage already, so dashing is no good. You eat a slide there, but if you stayed back you would've been safe.

You were jumping too much, especially up close. You should block more when you're close to reptile because you know he's going to elbow dash at some point. I know elbow dash is hard to punish online but at least try to D1 then maybe jump over Reptile.

3rd Match:

At the end of second round, all you needed was chip damage. So D3 or D4 would've probably killed him even if he blocked.


It Stinks!
I noticed you end your combos with D1 A LOT, V. For example at 0:28'ish in the first video vs. Rain and again at 0:45 versus Tsung when you could have put the hurt on or reset. Is there any reason or tactical advantage to this? I notice you do this even when there's ample time to end with a 4, 1 xx Roll Toss, or 3 so I wouldn't think it's in fear of dropping it due to timing.

And I would never throw a grenade out vs. Cyrax. This is really to all Stryker players and not just your video, V. Even if he's crouch blocking, don't toss one unless it's to win via chip or trade. It's far too risky for such little gain.

Vulcan Hades

I noticed you end your combos with D1 A LOT, V. For example at 0:28'ish in the first video vs. Rain and again at 0:45 versus Tsung when you could have put the hurt on or reset. Is there any reason or tactical advantage to this?
lol yeah it's more of a bad habit then anything else. You're right, there was no reason to end with D1 there.

RamenO said:
And I would never throw a grenade out vs. Cyrax. This is really to all Stryker players and not just your video, V. Even if he's crouch blocking, don't toss one unless it's to win via chip or trade. It's far too risky for such little gain
Ugh, I played terrible vs that Cyrax. I'm looking at myself again and I'm wondering how I could've been so careless. I kept using gun shot even though Cyrax blocked my previous gun shot, knowing I was at frame disadvantage and could potentially trade with net and yet I still went for gun shots which resulted in me taking 50% damage. :/ Just goes to show how the little details can mean the world sometimes.

That grenade was random as hell, I'm not even sure I wanted a grenade to come out there, I was probably going for a gun cancel and negative edge made a grenade come out..


Let's go green!!!!
dang you guys posted a lot of great matches. An im loving the diversity in stryker playstyle :)
I really have to get a video card. Ive been rooting my phone to oblivion, the last video I tried to take keeps on cutting off...and im ashame to post them because I was dropping the 2xxgunshot link like crazy lol
Thx Vulcan, this hints will improve my zoning game a lot.

(My turn :D) I just find a little contradiction in your Cyrax-Cage game. You try to zone Cyrax (most of time) and pressure Johnny?
Also, in the second Rain game, you do a 30% combo with the reset. YOU MUST, make this your main.


Let's go green!!!!
I was feeling left out and decided to upload the choppy matches anyway and to my surprise they do not cut off at all. I guess the problem is with the MIUI rom that im running. I deleted a bunch of matches too, especially the ones where i got blown up because they were not even close to being watchable. I would have love to post them instead so you guys can help me :-(

Anyway here are the ones that I thought were watchable

Stryker Vs Ermac

In this matchup I was mainly focusing on zoning and hard punish. I didnt go for any resets whatsoever

Stryker vs Cyrax

I ran into a beginner cyrax. a jumpy one too lol. I posted this one to show the air to air punch into standing 3 reset

Stryker vs Sonya

And thus begin my downfall with 2 xx gunshot. For some reason im dropping it 90% of the time which led me to ask for substitute in the ask stryker thread. I only did it once but you can can see my frustration. Also shoutout to my random B3,2 from full screen (EDIT: ok I watch the video again, it was from mid screen). I have no idea what that was about lol. I got punish hard for it too

Stryker vs Liu Kang

I got blown up in that one and this is one of the videos where I got my behind handed to me. It skips like krazy on my phone but like i said plays normally after uploading it. I had a KL, JC as well but deleted them. Anywho, more dropping of 2 into gunshots :-( so I couldnt capitalize on his mistake properly
Wow, i liked your matches PoliceB...
Zoning against Ermac was great. Who is Cyrax?
But I think you must train more reactions. Against LK in special, you stay much time blocking, even when a FJP was safe for example. Anyway, i like to see your games. :D Keep it up.


Let's go green!!!!
YEEESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on that note
- B3 feels the same to me
- grenade is still has the same damage out put pre-patch

Is it me or EN roll toss seems to be even faster on wake up. Im just comparing EN roll toss from 1:42 to wake EN roll toss 1:46. I dunno maybe because on was from mid screen and the other full screen.

I noticed that EN baton sweep is 14%, can someone on PS3 confirm that it is less damage? it is supposed to do slightly more damage according to the patch note. So far grenades do the same 9% damage as pre-patch. I think they forgot to increase the damage in that patch like they were supposed to

EDIT: I think it's the recovery of B3 that is faster. I dont remember being able to stick a D1 so quickly after it. I could be wrong tho.