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Vulcan Hades

You mean before the B1, 2, 2? Nope. No dash needed but like I said it's spacing specific.

btw In my last post I said you need to wait for Sub to stand up but that's not really true. I tested it again earlier today, you have to start inputting B1, 2, 2 as Sub is getting up. But the window is so small I can't really recommend it. I find it pretty hard to constantly punish slide with B1, 2, 2. Half of the time I do it too soon or too late.

Best and most reliable punish for Slide would be: B2, F2, dash xx 1 xx gun shot, dash xx 1, 2 xx roll toss (~33%). But I prefer doing B2, F2, 4 xx roll toss because it's easier to do (sometimes I drop the 1, 2 ender so I prefer playing it safe).


Let's go green!!!!
You mean before the B1, 2, 2? Nope. No dash needed but like I said it's spacing specific.

btw In my last post I said you need to wait for Sub to stand up but that's not really true. I tested it again earlier today, you have to start inputting B1, 2, 2 as Sub is getting up. But the window is so small I can't really recommend it. I find it pretty hard to constantly punish slide with B1, 2, 2. Half of the time I do it too soon or too late.

Best and most reliable punish for Slide would be: B2, F2, dash xx 1 xx gun shot, dash xx 1, 2 xx roll toss (~33%). But I prefer doing B2, F2, 4 xx roll toss because it's easier to do (sometimes I drop the 1, 2 ender so I prefer playing it safe).
Hmmm this will be my first time using B2,F2 lol. Looks like there is a use for it after all. So I'm guessing this starter goes for reptile as well. Maybe not for csz, his recovery takes by far the longest. I can go to the store, come back and still land a B1,2,2 lol


TYMCP 1 and 2 Creator
Anyone here who has the ability to record combos and has made some combo vids or clips that would like to help out with a big project, please PM me.

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Vulcan Hades

I can't remember who asked for this but someone wanted to see some matches of me playing online. I almost never play online because my half busted xbox controller makes me drop too many shit lol. But recently I've been playing more online. So here are a few recent matches I had:

I just realized I used 100% of my meter on EN roll toss lol.

Lots of dumb mistakes in that fight. B3, 2 and dash throw would've been smarter than dash 2, 3 or dash 1, 1. I kept eating uppercuts like crazy.

Stryker vs Kano is 6-4 easy. He needs to burn his meter on EN Up Balls while I don't need to so I can save it all for breakers. Result: It's like I have 150% more life than him.

One of the only "decent" Mileenas I've played so far.

That's pretty much all that was worth uploading. The rest is just Scorpion/Smoke scrubs getting blown up. :) I also fought against very good Kabal, CSZ, Quan Chi/Baraka and Johnny Cage players but couldn't record those fights. :(


Last Bastion of Arcades
I hate to say it but nothing there sold me on Stryker tech I'm missing. I mean you did well but honestly how many serious matches are you going to get such a stupid amount of punishes. Crap the Mileena was just rolling into block. The Ermac did mid screen x-ray for no reason and landed about 3 jump ins that didn't confirm to the stupid damage they should have. Not to mention not landing the lift after any uppercuts. Basically all I saw is that Stryker does okay when his opponents don't optimize, but that's not reliable in high level play.

I like you using cancels to crouch and jump but half the time you ate damage anyway. Especially from Noob. You land a lot of rolls and that's also where I get damage but against Lao and kabal and reptile that isn't an option.

I guess j was just hoping to see more stuff that might work at high level. But really all your opponents beat themselves.

Vulcan Hades

I wasn't showing off any new technology. That's why I posted them here instead of the other thread.

I just posted some matches because someone wanted me to.

dookieagain said:
I like you using cancels to crouch and jump but half the time you ate damage anyway. Especially from Noob. You land a lot of rolls and that's also where I get damage but against Lao and kabal and reptile that isn't an option.
Yeah that's true I ate a lot of clones. But that's really minor damage to me. Unfortunately when I did guess right I didn't full punish (I just went for an uppercut). Guess I should've dash blocked more instead of constantly going for D1. And also, after watching that Noob match again I realized I was doing way too many gun cancels and I kept jumping like an ass in anticipation of straight clones. He read that like a book.

Don't get me started on Kung Lao, Kabal and Reptile... They're a bitch to deal with for sure.

dookieagain said:
I guess j was just hoping to see more stuff that might work at high level. But really all your opponents beat themselves.
Well there's not much I can do about that lol. It's online. Hopefully next time I get to record matches vs better players.


Let's go green!!!!
pretty cool matches. Finally you posted some :) maybe I should post my old ones the same way you did. I willcomment on them later and I love the way you played that noob and mileena. the kano player was a flat out noob lol and the ermac you should have won it. I will comment on them later


Given that I suck at this matchup, I think you did a really good job in this one. You landed 90% if not all of your EN roll toss. And I don't blame you for jumping like krazy to avoid the clone spamming. Good punish on block teleport, good read on en roll toss. So overall well done. I would give you 8/10. 1 thing I want to point out, try to extend your combos a bit. After you landed the b2, f2 you went straight for the stdng 3. I think you could've maximize on that a bit by doing b2,f2..1xxgunshot..dash..stdng 3..then you can continue your mixups. Also, if you see your opponnent blocking your b1,2,2 string just cancel into roll toss to stay safe or a more risky option, baton sweep. Just do b1,2xxbaton sweep or roll toss.
SCORE: 8/10

WTH was that lol. First mistake that screams like krazy to me is the dash 2,3xxgun cancel after the standing 3. Well at least you noticed it as well, but I dont think this is the proper setup for it, even if you went for the b3,2 string instead. The main problem is the Stnd 3. I use that same setup but mainly after landing a 1,1xxgunshot. the animation from the gunshot gives you enough room to dash and follow up with the 2,3xx or B3,2 (that one you dont even have to dash ofr it since B3 as a good range). I know you did the gun cancel after 3 but I think it is way way too risky to do it so close. you should cancel into roll toss instead that way when they go for the uppercut you will get them instead. I dont think your oppoenent beat you because he was smart, pretty much you made way too many mistakes :-(
SCORE: 4/10


This guy probably was playing kano for the first time. He doesnt know any kombos and rely on special moves only :doh:
But at least I got to see what you are capable of when you get to play with no worries lol. I think that kano match is the equivalent to my smoke and jade matches lol. Anywho, great zoning by controlling the ground and the air. He got scared of the gunshot and tried to jump only jump into grenades. Well it's not your fault this guy ran into you hehe. Cant really tell how well you play aainst kano but your zoning approach is good

SCORE: N/A (c'mon the guy was a noob lol)

We got to see some of the new technology in this matchup. This video actually encourage to do the gunshot cancel into stance block. I must admit Ive never used it and now I see how important it is in this matchup. Mileena is always a PITA and it seems to be handling her well. Yes the opponent did random roll while you were blocking but it's not your fault for his bad reads lol. You showed good blocking reaction for the overhead kick, especially at 1:09. The day I can do this i will take stryker to a tournament. im not sure why you did the D1xxlow grenade. Maybe you tried to anticipate a cross jump but i dont think it is wise to do a grenade that close. i will give you 10/10 for the gun cancel into stance block bait. Overall, i think you played this matchup very well 9/10 and 7/10 for not punishing the way you should lol

SCORE: 8.5/10

If you would like me to point out specific things in the video, feel free to let me know and we can discuss it.


Let's go green!!!!
Hey guys, I like the way Vulcan posted his videos so i will post my old ones as well that way you dont have go to my channel to see them. The quality is not good...ok the quality is bad lol. i recorded them with my Droid 1 so bear with me. I play more of a rushdown stryker. We all know that is bad but maybe we can weed out the bad habits hehe. BTW This videos were taken a month ago. I had taken a week off and then started playing MK again. Im happy to say that base on the feedback that V some other have given me, my stryker got a lot smarter and better. I dont play like a krazy maniac anymore. I use gun cancel a lot more now to get in. I will try to record new ones in the coming day









STRYKER VS SMOKE - hey V this is the equivalent to your kano match lol

Again guys, when I recorded these matches I just ran into random ppl. I, myself dont even think that they are high level. I have face way harder oppenents than these. I just want to share some of the approach that I use in certain situation to pressure the opponent. Who knows, you might see some stuff that are useful


It Stinks!
Damn, that's a lot of vids. That Shang you played in the first video wasn't too bad, PB. I would have just waited to AA him, though. He did nothing but jump all day. Also "ahhhh, I hate Smoke." I completely agree. :)

I like the Stryker 3 resets against the Kano, Vulcan. Will definitely try some of that out.

Will check more videos later when I get some time.

Vulcan Hades

@Police Brutality: Thanks for the feedback. I'll watch your videos later and comment on them.

Police Brutalit said:
I think you could've maximize on that a bit by doing b2,f2..1xxgunshot..dash..stdng 3..then you can continue your mixups
I know but I don't like doing that. Reason is again frame advantage. By doing 1 xx gunshot you actually push your opponent further and make standing 3 less effective as a reset. Also, it makes any follow up very unsafe because the opponent will recover faster (your chances of eating a reversal are greater). So that's why I do shorter combos sometimes: to have longer stagger state and allow safer/more succesful mixups.

imo the best time to use standing 3 is right after a neutral jump punch. That gives you maximum stagger.

Police Brutality said:
First mistake that screams like krazy to me is the dash 2,3xxgun cancel after the standing 3
Yes I admit that was a dumb mistake. Only reason why I did that was because it has worked so many times before lol.

That was a really tough loss. Because I felt like I was playing pretty good and by the book (how the matchup is supposed to be played). But like you said I beat myself because of those dumb rushdown attempts with 2, 3 and 1, 1 into gun cancel. I think just a standing 4 is better to punish Ermac's push.

Police Brutality said:
He got scared of the gunshot and tried to jump only jump into grenades.
I know that Kano wasn't good, but honestly that happens to any skilled Kano players. When they jump it's because they want to try an air cannon ball which is the smart thing to do vs Stryker, that's why you need to show them you control the air with grenades. One thing he didn't do enough was crouching and dash blocking. Also he should've used EN Up Ball to beat Stryker's zoning.

Police Brutality said:
im not sure why you did the D1xxlow grenade
That was just a fuck up. That's bound to happen when you play on a shitty xbox pad lol. I think I was going for D1 xx gun cancel or roll toss but a grenade came out. I also dropped a lot of things like later on I did 1, 1 xx gun shot but the gun didn't came out. :(


Let's go green!!!!
@v you already commented on some of them :) i wish I had new vids. I've been using gun cancel a lot more lately and they actually paid off


Last Bastion of Arcades
Sorry abut being salty yesterday sometimes it's just hard to feel optimistic about our poor beat cop.

I played a long set with Error Macro last night and while I had some success Stryker still feels very much like most matches against an equal player are uphill. I tried several of the things in the vids you've posted but it just feels like they aren't effective. B2 and 2,3,2 both get ducked since anyone good is duck blocking Stryker since his only overhead is abysmal and in particular Error Macro could just win for free using his Quan Chi. Trance trades abysmally in his favor. If he builds three bars he gets 72% guaranteed with rune trap and a reset into likely 12% more. You can roll skulls on reaction but trance beats even en-roll cause it's out for days and he can catch you just like Ermac/Reptile. I would try to bait teleports using dash to crouch or stance cancel blocks but he'd often land them behind me which is a pretty harsh mindfuck.

Does anyone have experience with this matchup? I know it's a weird one.


Let's go green!!!!
Sorry abut being salty yesterday sometimes it's just hard to feel optimistic about our poor beat cop.

I played a long set with Error Macro last night and while I had some success Stryker still feels very much like most matches against an equal player are uphill. I tried several of the things in the vids you've posted but it just feels like they aren't effective. B2 and 2,3,2 both get ducked since anyone good is duck blocking Stryker since his only overhead is abysmal and in particular Error Macro could just win for free using his Quan Chi. Trance trades abysmally in his favor. If he builds three bars he gets 72% guaranteed with rune trap and a reset into likely 12% more. You can roll skulls on reaction but trance beats even en-roll cause it's out for days and he can catch you just like Ermac/Reptile. I would try to bait teleports using dash to crouch or stance cancel blocks but he'd often land them behind me which is a pretty harsh mindfuck.

Does anyone have experience with this matchup? I know it's a weird one.
The Quan chi matchup is still odd to me but when the opp teleports behind me I usually jump back kick. In my experience, Quan chi users usually go for a cross up jp or the low to overhead mixup. I am assuming that if they caught up to the jp back kick, they will try to trance to catch up before you land. At least that will force them to stay put after the back teleport and stop pressuring like krazy. Then you can go for a cross jump urself. Also, i've heard ppl mentioned that you can just back dash block and Quan chi will be open for punish. if you become successful at it, you will restrict the quan chi mixup by 1/3 in my opinion. you will only have to deal with his nasty close mixups. Always block low for sure and hopefully you will get enough experience to blocking both overhead moves....I just hate Quan chi lol

As far as back 2 goes, I started doing something that Tom brady mentioned in the podcast. After I condition the opponent to block the follow up overhead, I then stop it at back 2 and go for the throw. That will add a little variety in your mixup. But yeah I do feel the same that most matches are against him.

In the video I was experimenting with 1,1xgunshot followed by 2,3,2. The last 2 is painfully punishable on block so I strongly dont recommend it. end it instead will roll toss on block. I also want to point out that any follow up after the 1,1xxgunshot is not safe. The opponent can just jump and avoid the follow up pressure. it was really my attempt at locking an opponent down lol. but it does caught an opponent off guard for sure


Last Bastion of Arcades
Yeah I was doing jump back kick but he was actually doing uppercuts most of the time rather than going for pressure.
Hey guys, I've been following the stryker forum for a VERY long time and I wanted to share some experimentation i was doing with stryker:

B1, 2, 2, NJP, 3, ex-gunshot, 3(AGAIN) to baton sweep. i haven't tried it online yet(just tried it on practice mode 10 minutes ago) but i know the baton sweep doesn't allow wake-up. and if you don't want the baton sweep, you can always go for throw as a mixup option.

one other thing i find that a lot of players don't see is B2(whiffed on purpose) -> B4. I use this after i've knocked them down. So what I would do is as soon
as I knock them down, B2 over their downed body, and as soon as they get up, i've already hit them with a B4.

Most players I play against tend to expect a free hit after they see a whiffed B2 but the low B4 knocks them down. I'm not sure if that doesn't allow wake-up either but after i hit them with the B4, i instantly get them with the B3, 2, dash 1-rolltoss

any criticism for these moves?
gamertag: Buenny theBunny


I prefer using b+3,2 on OTG. It will launch on hit, the ender is safe on block, and it will even stuff some wakeups.

Vulcan Hades

Hey guys, I've been following the stryker forum for a VERY long time and I wanted to share some experimentation i was doing with stryker:

B1, 2, 2, NJP, 3, ex-gunshot, 3(AGAIN) to baton sweep. i haven't tried it online yet(just tried it on practice mode 10 minutes ago) but i know the baton sweep doesn't allow wake-up. and if you don't want the baton sweep, you can always go for throw as a mixup option.

one other thing i find that a lot of players don't see is B2(whiffed on purpose) -> B4. I use this after i've knocked them down. So what I would do is as soon
as I knock them down, B2 over their downed body, and as soon as they get up, i've already hit them with a B4.

Most players I play against tend to expect a free hit after they see a whiffed B2 but the low B4 knocks them down. I'm not sure if that doesn't allow wake-up either but after i hit them with the B4, i instantly get them with the B3, 2, dash 1-rolltoss

any criticism for these moves?
gamertag: Buenny theBunny
Instead of just sweeping, have you tried jumping over them or neutral jumping? I admit I haven't though about doing that myself. It's a shenanigan but an interesting one none the less.

I've done similar things though. Like purposely whiffing grenades/gun shot/roll toss during juggles to appear vulnerable. I might make a video about it later.

Another shenanigan I came up with by accident was standing 2 (hit or blocked) into a cross-over jump punch.

The beauty of standing 2:

-It forces stand
-opponents usually expect you to follow up with 3
-It LOOKS unsafe as hell but it is safer than people think (+3 on hit and -3 on block)

Doing 2 alone and jumping over them is something they rarely see coming. Because when they notice you're in recovery and didn't continue the string, their natural reaction is to try and punish you with a D1, a reversal or a combo. I can't tell you how many free 30% combos I got from doing this.
Instead of just sweeping, have you tried jumping over them or neutral jumping? I admit I haven't though about doing that myself. It's a shenanigan but an interesting one none the less.

I've done similar things though. Like purposely whiffing grenades/gun shot/roll toss during juggles to appear vulnerable. I might make a video about it later.

Another shenanigan I came up with by accident was standing 2 (hit or blocked) into a cross-over jump punch.

The beauty of standing 2:

-It forces stand
-opponents usually expect you to follow up with 3
-It LOOKS unsafe as hell but it is safer than people think (+3 on hit and -3 on block)

Doing 2 alone and jumping over them is something they rarely see coming. Because when they notice you're in recovery and didn't continue the string, their natural reaction is to try and punish you with a D1, a reversal or a combo. I can't tell you how many free 30% combos I got from doing this.
What does OTG mean?

Yes, I have tried jumping over them - I play strictly online(i live in NYC but i don't really have the balls to go out to valley stream or anywhere lol) so the jump right after my 2nd 3 is usually slow, resulting in usually a quick uppercut or any anti-air. I haven't tried neutral jump though, that sounds like it would actually work though!

Your videos are awesome, I've began to implement gun cancels - mostly jump cancels - and they work great. I just can't seem to dash as fast as you on an xbox controller, though. Whenever I get someone with a gun cancel, goddamn i feel good

Standing 2 definitely works, i've been the victim of messing up my B+1, 2, 2 a lot and only a standing 2 comes out. Then a crossover jump punch would surprisingly get them, I would recommend these a whole lot.

Vulcan Hades

OTG means off the ground.

A trick to help gun cancel into jump is to do this: gun hold, F, UF (or B, UB). So you don't even dash, you shortcut the dash input into the jump input so the game makes Stryker jump right away.

3 more matches vs better players this time:

You see me whiffing those 1s and jump kicking like an ass? That's me dropping gun shot/roll toss inputs like crazy. Not sure what's up with my controller but the left button on the d-pad seems busted. I really need to buy a fightpad. I won this but really I played like shit.

This guy knew what he was doing. He didn't even try one air canonball or one EN upball though which I found really surprising. Every time I went for a high grenade in anticipation of an airball I ate a knife.

Still haven't tested Stryker's best punish option vs Kano's upball. I'm guessing it's standing 4? I kept trying 1, 1 xx something but I always reacted a few frames too late. Offline I would've punished his upballs all the time I'm sure.

Discovery: sweep to avoid up balls. I like that. :)

Nightmare matchup. You can see how broken Kabal's projectiles are. When he's down and I got frame advantage, I pull my gun out and go for a meaty projectile but I still trade and get knocked down by a stupid ground saw. That's BS to me. Stryker can't even zone.

Don't know why I kept ending combos with D1. I should've went for 3 or baton sweep.

I should've seen that EN dash spin coming in the end. If I did a gun cancel into sweep or back jump I would've won that round. Or maybe an EN gun shot would've killed his armor. Not sure how many hits he can absorb on that move.

Discovery: B3, 2 stuffs regular dash spin. (also works on Sektor's teleport punch)


Let's go green!!!!
that's exactly the type of BS that rips my heart apart. Look how the last EN roll toss gets stuff by a freaking jump kick. Were is the armor on that crap. but i get it, you didnt have enough life left, but I wouldnt be surprise if it did. also, 0:48 in the kit match, I know you didnt have enough life too but that poke stuffs my roll toss almost ever time


It Stinks!
Yeah, I definitely think the Kitana match is in Stryker's favor. Not basing it off the video alone, but gunshot and roll toss completely shut down fans, and grenades completely halt her advance if she jumps or tries square wave(I think it's called?). Standing 4 is also beast, I'd say that's probably one of the best normals in the game. Great for offense, great for defense.

In terms of critic, you use EN roll toss a lot, Vulcan. Even when it's not necessary. You did it at least 2-3 times I believe versus Kano on wakeup when it wasn't needed and he wasn't even near(so gaining armor wasn't needed), and at one point when Kitana had match point you used a bar early on when you only had 2, risky stuff. A regular would have been sufficient in those cases, imo. No comment on Kabal. I wouldn't even know where to begin myself. I have yet to face a good one where I could reliably say what to do next; I do agree on his low saw being complete BS, though. You shot him out of the animation completely before it even started, yet it came out anyway. And the last/best critic of all. Get a new fight pad. :)

Also, apologies for not accepting the request last night, PB. I left my PS3 on. Lol.

Vulcan Hades

In terms of critic, you use EN roll toss a lot, Vulcan. Even when it's not necessary. You did it at least 2-3 times I believe versus Kano on wakeup when it wasn't needed and he wasn't even near(so gaining armor wasn't needed)
That's true man. It's a very bad habit that I need to stop doing.

Who knows how many games I could've won if I kept meter for breakers instead of trying a dumb EN roll toss that get stuffed or blocked 50% of the time anyway.

It works great vs Johnny Cage and Noob though.


Let's go green!!!!
Guys when it comes to zoning vs kitana, stryker shine like the sun. The real problem (at least for me is up close). That's where kitana shine in this matchup. I've lost quite a few matches to ermov last night just because I can't pressure her and getting her off me rrrrrgh. She has that slice fan move on wake up that also causes stagger. To make matters worse, that slice fan move also stuff EN roll toss. I ended up playing a completely different game. I had to heavily fall back on zoning throughout the matches and a little out of sweep distance that way when she tries to poke or use the slice move (which surprisingly is also a good AA), so I can sweep her to oblivion. It works for the most part but zoning and sweep alone is not enough. I so wish roll toss was similar to kenshi's shoulder charge in terms of "get the hell off me move". That way I don't have to fear that it might get stuffs and eat a 30-40%+ combo.

Don't worry RamenO we can play another time

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Vulcan Hades

Yeah it can be tough to get Kitana off you once she's in.

Sweep like you said is good to counter her pokes. Another thing I like to do is wait until she's around jump distance (you know that range where she can hit you but you can hit her, that's her favorite spot to attack), when Kitana is around there sometimes I just dash and jump over her and voila. You get a free gun shot or dash 4 and created good space again. Only do this sparingly though. If you always do that you'll get fan lifted into a 40% unbreakable combo.

If you're down and Kitana is pressuring you a simple trick that often works for me is to just stay on the ground and let her whiff her attacks.

Call me crazy, but I think Kitana is one of the only characters in the game I would actually save my meter for X-ray for. It's a parry with super armor (will never get stuffed) that deals nearly 40% damage.

Error Macro could just win for free using his Quan Chi. Trance trades abysmally in his favor. If he builds three bars he gets 72% guaranteed with rune trap and a reset into likely 12% more. You can roll skulls on reaction but trance beats even en-roll cause it's out for days and he can catch you just like Ermac/Reptile. I would try to bait teleports using dash to crouch or stance cancel blocks but he'd often land them behind me which is a pretty harsh mindfuck.

Does anyone have experience with this matchup? I know it's a weird one.
I admit I have very little experience vs good Quan Chi players.

One thing I noticed is that gun shot can stuff his normal teleport if you do it meaty enough. When they teleport behind, personally I either try jumping over them or simply go for a D1 or sweep. I think back dashing would be also wise. But if you really don't want to deal with his mind fucks, sometimes roll toss is a great way to avoid his teleports. Same vs Sheeva.