As many of you are aware, Harley no longer has any frametraps. 2d3 string is dead, so is any hope of ever landing f2 on somebody who played Harley more than once and is actually a good player. But! No giving up yet. In fact, just right now, i found some very dirty things with f3 that might interest you or even end up as her real mixups.
Ok, here's the deal.
f3 is godlike.
Yes, i said it, a 39 frame normal is godlike. Hear me out.
When you hold 3, it delays. When it delays, you can dash cancel it. At maximum of f3's range dashing once makes you up close. From this you get these options:
- Option 1: The opp was standing blocking, waiting for your hammer to land. You get in, do a low(b22), COMBO!
- Option 2: He was blocking low, reacting to dash coming. Do a throw! Throw will end at the exact range of hammer and you can play that roulette again.
- Option 3: The opp was pressing a button, likely to punish the dash or throw escape. For that you don't dash cancel and just do MB F3 And again, COMBO.
- Option 4: The opp backdashes. Well, Grundy has to deal with that too and he is fine. You can shoot them on their way back for some damage and chase them into the corner.
- Option 5: The opp forward dashes with intention to make f3 whiff over themselves and punish it. What do you do? B3! What? MB B3 and MB F3 look really similar, and by the time the opp realises it isn't F3, he'll be flying away baseball-style. And while he is busy trying to respect and identify if it's B3 or F3, he is not forward dashing, allowing you to go for any of the prior 4 options.
- Option 6: Your opp is punishing the dash/f3 with multi-hit moves. You've trained them to do that on reaction. Very good, don't use F3 for a while. He will be expecting F3 and block for it, so you approach and do b22/throw. By the time he tries to anticipate that one, go back to F3.
And that is a whopping 6 options so far.
Using it requies proper spacing with your F3, and knowing what range it is at, because too close it whiffs. But you can also use all this on wake-up.
After an f1, 3 combo ender your opponent is in hard knockdown. Other enders mostly go in similar range, i say f1, 3 because that is the one i use. Your options from that are as follows:
- Low: bf3, TS1, you get the drill.
- Jump-in: forward dash, ji2, etc.
- Alt low, fake jump-in: forward dash, TS1, etc
- Zoning: bf2 cupcake. Get back and start zoning while he is hit/blocking.
- Vs wake-up attack: MB B3 or MB F3 with a delay to let their invincible frames die out.
- This tech: forward dash, F3, read above.
As you can see, you can squeeze this tech into your oki game as well, allowing for yet another six options, five of them leading into combo, and the last one leading to six more options.
Turns out, Harley is a very dirty girl with very dirty tech. Please post your questions, opinions, and additions. We may get out of this just yet.